Honoring God… Loving humanity

To stand against injustice.

To speak for the downtrodden and the disadvantaged in the society.

To say NO to sexual abuse in religious places.

To preach the true Gospel of Jesus Christ to All Nations

To tell our stories so that our past would not become other person’ future.

We give free counselling and financial aid to the needy

We welcome you on-board to Bisola Johnson Foundation, the symbol of Freedom and Truth.

Here, we stand together to protect our Faith in Christ Jesus, and to give love and dignity to humankind.

This has become We, no longer I. There’s no more waiting, the world has been expecting our manifestations. Everyone needs to take their positions Now! We need media guru, Advertising agencies, Speakers and talkers, Team Leaders, Accountants, Bookkeepers, Graphics designers, Arrangers, Youth Leaders, Administrators, Captains of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, etc. We need recruiters. We need men and women of passion for humanity and of noble character. We need Lawyers, we need influencers, we need connection to right places for our voices to resonates in high places so that they can hear us loud and clear. Everyone here is a Leader.

We need you to bring great ideas to the Table and above all. we need prayer groups and leaders.

We need volunteers as Secretariat Assistants, Treasurer/Accountant. Transparency is our watchword..

We are here because God has chosen us for a time such as this to make a difference in our world and to fight the fight of faith the same way He choose the Apostles. I believe everyone here is a leader in each one’ capacity and God has inspired everyone with the Truth like He did with the Apostles of Jesus Christ. Now it is our turn to take up this mantle of responsibility to fulfill our calling and destiny.

Our first obligation as inspired is to share messages of Truth and invite members of our family and friends to know the Truth for themselves personally.

Secondly we must all organize ourselves to host conferences of the Truth in every location all around the world for the Truth to be known so that we can save the lost that are out there living under the plague of deception.

We are on ground To stand against injustice. To speak for the downtrodden and the disadvantaged in the society. To say NO to sexual abuse in religious places. To tell our stories so that our past will not become other people’s future. We give free counselling and help to the Abused.

Bisola Johnson Foundation is also available to render any assistance to the disadvantaged in the society whenever require. Our speakers will be available at any time to release more of God’s inspired Truth to all.

Anyone with capacity must stay in contact with us to discuss potential for arrangements of conferences in their locations.

It is said that evil people will not destroy the world, but the silence of good people who let them. This is a Movement, let us come together to outnumbered darkness and shine the Light of Christ in this end-time. If we do it right, we shall for many ages be on the lips of generations coming behind us.

May God help us All!
