At the end of all things here on the earth, may we hear Him say to us, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant, enter into the bliss of your Lord” in Jesus’ Name.
A year today, BBC Documentary shocked the world as they opened can of worms behind the scene in late TB Joshua’s The Synagogue, church Of all Nations.
Kindly join the broadcast at 6PM Nigeria time, 7PM South African time to listen to the cost of speaking out from some of the courageous people who took a dangerous path to speak their truth to open the eyes of millions deceived by the greatest FRAUD, CHARLATAN, AN IMPOSTOR, & A MAGICIAN of the 21st Century.
2025 GLOBAL PROPHECY – PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SHARE. Please check my website to get the Book of prophecy, kindly get your money ready. I know you will buy it; you always fall for their scam. I suggest you to stop buying junks this year.
Congratulations it’s another Year 2025! Always remember that Yesterday is gone, Today is ours. Tomorrow is in the Able Hands of the Almighty God. take note: THIS IS WHAT CASINOS PASTORS AND CHARLATANS WILL NOT TELL YOU: We, (all humans including the so-called prophets) are all in this together. So, no man knows tomorrow, I don’t know tomorrow, your pastors, and prophets don’t know tomorrow. For example, as late TB Joshua saw everything, he didn’t see his church collapsing, who is deceiving who? You have seen how many of them failed in their forecasts many times while forecasting football matches, political elections, etc. No angels know tomorrow, No satan or demons knows tomorrow. We follow God by faith (Heb. 11:6). We all have access to the presence of God equally. This is why we must not see prayer as a spare tire, but a steering wheel to hold tightly every moment. Pray as everything depend on God and work as if everything depend on you. If you and I know tomorrow, it means we don’t need God anymore. Please, Stay in your lane, and let God be God. We must rest in God’ Word. The Word of God well understood and religiously obeyed is the shortest route to spiritual maturity. You do not need anyone to forecast what tomorrow holds for you, you actually don’t need it. The Lord Jesus Christ says, let Today’s issues be enough for us to deal with (Matthew 6:34), if Tomorrow per adventure comes, the Lord who Rules in the affairs of men (Daniel 5:21) is still on the Throne of Mercy to see us through (Ps. 23:5).
Shun forecasters. Shun casinos pastors and Jehovah sharp sharp ministers. Snub SANGOMAS and Babalawos / Mamalawos in the cloaks of prophets/ prophetesses. Stay away from Hand of Esau, voice of Jacob International ministries. Reject magicians in the cloak of pastors. Run away from representatives of witch of Endor churches RUN away from star gazers in the name of prophets. Ignore falsehood peddlers. Let these people go and prophesy to their family members first. Do not allow yourself to be deceived, used as guinea pig, and make mockery of your life. They have caused enough confusion and disaffection amongst people’s family and friends. Christians should stop checking horoscope newspaper pages or waiting for what Papa prophecies would say to them. We have seen many of these prophets raped, stole, divorced, died, hide and managed sicknesses secretly. Yes, Happy New Year 2025 all lovers and followers of Truth. Let us keep trying our best in following Christ, He that promised to hold our hands till very end will not fail.
Man is inquisitive by nature, and he wants to know what tomorrow holds for him, this is why most people are so fascinated by those who claims to know the future or possessed the gift of prophecy. Nevertheless, if we realize that Jesus is in our future and our Future is safe in God’s Hand; we shall have peace and rest in God (1Cor. 2:9). He said in Jeremiah 29:11 that “I KNOW THE PLANS I HAVE FOR YOU.” Only God knows and only Him can bring us into the future. Though our beginning may be small, Yet our latter end would increase abundantly (Job 8:7). Life is not a competition, or sprint. Life is a journey, allow God to lead you one day at a time. Happy New Year 2025 all lovers and followers of Truth. Let us keep trying our best in following Christ, He that promised to hold our hands till the very end will not fail. IF I TELL YOU THAT I AM JUST RETURNING FROM THE MOUNTAIN AFTER 100 days of PRAYERS AND FASTING, SO I AM RELEASING MY PROPHECY FOR 2025 FOR THE WHOLE WORLD you will fall for it.
The Truth Of The Matter Of My Prophecy is for the wise: To live in peace with God…Repent of your sins and live right (Mark 1:15). To be delivered from any bondage… Go personally to God through Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:12-14; Act 4:12). There’s nothing called deliverance ministries, we all have right before our heavenly Father. To enjoy good health… Exercise, eat balance diet, stop eating junks (3John 1:2; 1Tim. 4:8). To live well… Go and work, stop waiting for destiny helpers in churches where you shout “I receive, I receive” and over the years, you have received nothing. I was once there (Deut. 28:12; 2Thess. 3:10). To get Mercy, Be Merciful to others, what goes round turns round (Matthew 5:7; Psalm 18:24-26). If you are in need… Pray to God (Jeremiah 33:3; Matthew 7:7). To be spiritually intelligent and balanced… Always read and meditate on the Word of God (Joshua 1:8). If we are sick in the body…Pray (Jeremiah 30:17; Exodus 15:26); AND GO TO THE HOSPITAL. Challenges come but we must rest in Him who can deliver us (John 16:33). Always pray, read the Word of God, and learn something new that will improve your life positively. PLAN … God loves people who plans. PLANT good seeds because you will gain from it another time. Love yourself, bless yourself, be happy with yourself always: You can’t give what you don’t have to others. Be cautious… Don’t rush into things, carry God along. STOP USING GOD AS RUBBER STAMP: we need His guidance always Proverbs 3:5-6. We must stop living a double-faced lifestyle of hypocrites because of money. Let us be sincere with one another. Be a blessing to people, don’t live for yourself alone. PEACE OF GOD ON US ALL. For the Love of the Church of Jesus Christ. Bisola Hephzi-bah Johnson @highlights
In accordance to the great commission by the Lord Jesus Christ in:
Matthew 28:19 “19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost“
On the 14th May, 2024. I took a trip to Benin Republic on Evangelism. I connected earlier with a humble Christian family that resides in Benin and they were happy to receive me into their home. It was wonderful bond by the Spirit of God. We quickly formed a foot solider team, traveling from one village to another village to propagate the message of Salvation and calling the lost souls into the Kingdom of the Father and reminding the backsliders to buckle their shoes to run the race of eternal life afresh. People received Christ, Bibles were shared, we also blessed the poor financially according to our ability.
I want to thank God for the grace of life, journey mercies and the opportunity. I appreciate my hosts.
I pray that the seeds of the Word we had sown into the hearts of men during that short period will be watered by the Holy Spirit and grow, and multiplied for greater harvest to the Kingdom of God.
There are more boundaries to be covered, this is not about frivolities, but about the souls of men. I pray that the Lord in His mercy will grants more opportunities in the nearest future to expand His Kingdom through us.
Thank you to all our supporters, yes, we may not be many, but I pray God will remember us all for good.
Nigeria and Nigerians are going through the worse in history. Crying and being killed daily for asking for their rights. Church Pastors, Politicians, Government officials gang up to destroy the citizens of this great Nation. In our episode tonight, we look into the activities of one Apostle Johnson Suleman, a charlatan, who is famous for deception, and performing fake miracle money. This Apostle Johnson Suleman at one time connive with another charlatan from Zimbabwe called Uebert Angel to organize another fake miracle money in Nigeria. They showed many actors and actresses they sponsored to displayed fake Bank alerts to deceive the public. Now, that Nigerians are suffering because of bad monetary policy of CBN and Banks, we are calling on these charlatans to come out of their hideout to help Nigerians out of this menace if truly they can perform miracle money. There is no better time opportunity has presented itself to these pulpit bandits, casino pastors to do their usual razzmatazz to alleviate the suffering of the common men who stupidly had in the past made these false pastors to be rich, famous and deviant in the society. Watch the below video and let me know what you think in the comment section below.
In the latest development, after Evelyn Joshua forcefully ejected some TB Joshua loyalist disciples out of the Synagogue over leadership tussle. She had gotten a backdoor judgement to be part of the Synagogue “church” of all Nations’ Trustees.
Remember few weeks ago a Thailand citizen died inside the Synagogue and his body was hidden for many days before it was discovered.
Immediately TB Joshua died, there has been looting amongst the workers who fear for their future.
These are the things I have foresee and highlighted in my Book “The TB Joshua I Know” please get a copy
Deception Of The Age is Unmasked in this Book-THE TB JOSHUA I KNOW
After her maiden speech, some members of the Synagogue have come out strongly against her saying “You Are Not My Pastor”
This write-up is a Guardian “Long Read” article examining TB Joshua and his demonic ministry’ global following devastating impact had on many families. Follow the link to read the full piece.
Many people choose the work of Pastor because they have gift of eloquence, so they called themselves into the trade. My take is that people should stop sticking out their necks for any leader. Know who you are and walk your salvation. Whenever we talk about this, people says you are attacking the church, they will curse and abuse you. We need to keep talking about it for 3 reasons:
For these people to be exposed and repent of their evil.
For the gullible, naive and the vulnerable to know the Truth and not fall into the traps of liars.
It is better you are exposed and rebuked on Earth by brethren than to be ashamed on resurrection morning.
I am not an enemy of the Church, all I am saying is that innocent people are suffering spiritually, emotionally, psychologically, from many psychopath people who uses the church to cover their games.
As it is written: “God’s name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.” Romans 2:24
Many called themselves into the work of ministry because of economic recession. Please allow God to call you. In the ministry of Jesus Christ and His Apostles, there were many women that followed them, even converted prostitutes, yet, we do not hear about sexual misconduct amongst them. Does that mean their Gospel is different from the gospel we preach today? No, the difference is: they were sold out to what they believe, but we are not. We only enjoys fame, spotlight, and Mammon.
If you are a church leader and you are sick or you are psychopathic, kindly check yourself in a hospital or cry for help. It is wrong of you to destroy what people of God, the Apostles of Jesus Christ used their blood to pay for.
Whatever you do secretly will come in the open either in your lifetime or when you are long gone. You can destroyed yourself if that is your choice, it will be unforgiving when you destroyed others because of their ignorant of the Word of God, or because they are poor and need help you can offer freely.
Luke 8:17
For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
May we all end well. May we not fall by the waysides. May we hear Him say to us, “Welcome, good and faithful servant, enter into the rest of your Lord.”
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world. But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you. To Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen. I Peter 5:8-11 NKJV
It was on a Friday night, most worship centres sets aside for vigil; I guess it is mainly to capitalize that it falls on weekend most people don’t work on Saturdays which is quite reasonable. I obliged to a neighbor’s invitation to their church for Vigil, I will not mention the name of the center but if you can identify with the pattern of what I will describe, I beg you, REPENT AND BELIEVE THE GOSPEL. What is the Gospel of prayers?
Matt.6:7, it says, “And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words.”
On that day, we (myself and my neighbor) came into church service right in the middle of praising which I did justice to, with my maracas and heart full of praise and thanksgiving to the Lord, I danced my sweat out of my body. I guess they had worshiped before we got there. Afterwards, prayers segment started, and it was like… Oh my God, what is going on? Seriously speaking I believe it is time we put a stop to human craftiness embedded into church organization (organized religion), what I witnessed that night was totally out of the scriptures and I refused to partake with them. If the event had fallen on a daytime, I would have quietly took my leave, but the darkness outside the building made me stuck with them.
The questions going through my mind were unlimited: why are we reading the Bible? Why did Jesus Christ took time to teach His disciples (us) how to pray? Do we choose to be one of the women in the book of Is.4:1, these women (churches) only needed the Name of Christ to put away their shame but their doctrines (what they would wear and eat) are their responsibilities. They don’t need Christ’ commandments or righteousness but the Bible says, a Man (Christ) as the head of home (Church) must provides food, shelter, love, comfort for his family (1Tim.5:8). Are we not supposed to be imitators of God? Eph.5:1-2 Anyway, in this gathering I found myself, they placed demand on everyone to shout or scream very loud and louder than the person sitting beside you, so that God could hear them… Haba! I thought within myself if God was far from them or hard of hearing.
Well, there’s nothing wrong in shouting if the person you are calling out to is far from you like Bartimeaus calling to Jesus Christ who was in the midst of a large crowd (Mark 10:46-52). or if you think the person you are calling has hearing problem like the gods of Baal (1Kings18:27-29) but the Scriptures says in Ps. 94:8-11, The one that created the ears, is able to hear us even from the beatings of our heart if we are sincere.
Let me say this here, you may shout like Blind Bartimeus or speak silently like Hannah in Shiloh, if the Holy Spirit does not affect your prayers, it will be a waste of ventilation. So that night, as we came to the part of prayer rhythms, I will give you a graphic example: The leader of the prayer said, let us read from the book of Leviticus 6:13, which says, “A fire shall always be burning on the altar; it shall never go out.” (I actually do not have problem with that).
NOW The PRAYER POINT started: the leader asked everyone to shout by saying: Father, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, (they will command the people to call on the name of Jesus Christ 7 or 21 times, (depending on his mood I guess) and asked us to call Holy Spirit 15 times) and instructed us to say: let the fire of God possess me…. (now the rhythm would begin): posses me, posses me, posses me, posses me, posses me, posses me, posses me, posses me, posses me, posses me (for the sakes of my page space, I have to cut it short here) With drums and clapping and shaking of heads like the Agama lizard. Can anyone give me a verse and chapter from the bible to this regard? Where can we find where our Lord Jesus Christ or His Apostles did this kind of enchanting and prayer gymnastics? Not even in the olden Testament have we come across this or possibly are we writing our own Bible for the next generations ni? I thought what we have now is the beginning and the ending of God’ Revelation to man?
Another Example that I witnessed and I will like to use here for people to learn is: They will say let the enemies of my destiny die, and the music begin: die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die……..
Let me tell you the GOSPEL TRUTH, the enemy which is satan is a spirit, and spirit cannot die and he must not die because:
1. Your day of showing (manifestations) is coming shortly which is important for the enemy to witness; if the enemies do not witnessed it, they may count themselves to be something of importance which they are not. The brothers of Joseph lived to witness the day of his advancement, after selling him off into slavery with intention to thwart the purpose of God upon his life but God always have the final say in every situation. This is why Joseph said in Gen. 50:20, “But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.”
The relations of Jephthah came back to beg him to rule over them when the time of adversity reared it’s ugly head against them (Judges 11:1-11). If they had died, who would call him.
Jabez became more honorable than his brothers who had written him off, (1Chr.4:9-10).
The people that dropped time-bomb in the home of Obed-Edom including King David later saw God’s hand of blessings upon his household and helped him carry the story of blessings all around the cities of Israel (2Sam.6:1-12).
The enemies must not die, My enemies should not die because they need to witness my days of glory. Please don’t pass death sentence on the enemy, there is always PART 2 to every matter that concerns the children of God, in other to prove that it is only the counsel of Jehovah that shall stand (Is.46:10, Ps.33:11). The Psalmist, King David that we all know with dangerous prayers because of his adversaries testifies how God laid table before him in the presence of my numerous household enemies (Ps. 23:5] King Solomon learn quickly from his father when he said in Pro.26:1-2 that “The curse causeless shall not come because Christ has taken the bitter pill of the curse.”
Friends, Let the enemy use their mouth to say evil words, the efficacy infallible Word of God says something in Gen.12:3, and culminate it for every believer in Christ Jesus in Gal.3:13-14. He who Jah blessed, no man can curse.
It is documented how Mr. Ahithophel’s evil plan boomeranged on himself, did King David sentenced him to death? NO, He only prayed for the evil plans to be confounded and it was so but Ahithophel choosed his own destiny 2Sam. 17:23. The enemies knows exactly what to do with themselves when God Arise on your behalf because Ahithophel did the needful. I don’t want to take you too far to Haman, the enemy of the Jews in the book of Esther. Ask yourself where satan was when The Lord of Glory Arose from the dead in resurrection by the Power of the Holy Spirit? Haaahaaahaa!!!! Hallelujah! I just laughed in Spanish. Stop praying amiss, search the scriptures, in the Scripture you have life, the book of Pro.4:22 says, “they are life to those who found it, health to their flesh.”
Many of us are getting prayers wrongly and leadership in churches are not helping but complicating matters, you are praying right? yet, your heart is still filled with unforgiveness, hatred, malice, etceteras. Let your ways pleased the Lord and see how God will deal with every situation for you. Stop chanting like the enchanters Stop repetition, Your Father has ears, He is not deaf like the gods of the Amorites. Stop concocting like the heathens Speak the Engrafted Word of God that liveth and abideth forever and which is able to save your soul. When our Lord was tempted, He only spoke the Word and satan understood clearly Stop wasting time on fruitless effort and meaningless activities.
Rev.12:11 says, And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.” There are two part here, Christ part that provided platform, chance, opportunity, way for us to overcome and our part is to keep testifying. What is your testimony today? I am more than conqueror through Him that loved me Abraham blessing are mine I shall not die but live, to testify His goodness I am healed I am blessed beyond my progenitors He is Alive in me Greater is He that lives in me than he that is in the world I have Peace like a river I am god under God not a mere men, of course; the scriptures can’t be broken I am a channel of Light, Peace, Love I am full of Grace They are all in the scriptures, written for us that we may be Complete and perfect. These are our inheritance and we must speak it, live it, claim it rather than jiggling and ventilating, muttering unreasonable and unprofitable human ideology. Av a blessed time Evangelist Bisola Hephzi-bah Johnson. Send your questions as you follow me on: facebook, youtube, twitter, We are in the endtime, No matter how hard, please I beg you; Do not take the mark of the beast. We are all in this together.
Ex-U17 Golden Ball winner, Sani Emmanuel, has revealed his reasons for quitting football after emerging as one of the brightest stars when Nigeria hosted and reached the final of the 2009 FIFA U-17 World Cup- but lost to Switzerland by a lone goal. Many had expected the Former My People FC kid wonder to become a superstar after coming from the bench to score five goals and won the Golden Ball award in 2009- but while many of the other youngsters, including Nigeria’s Kenneth Omeruo, have gone on to stardom, the tournament’s highest goal scorer has disappeared into obscurity.The former Beitar Jerusalem forward has now explained the circumstances which forced him to quit football at the time when Chelsea wanted to sign him. “I had problems with my feet, even during the tournament in 2009. If you remember, I often played in the second half because the pain was unbearable. “After the World Cup, I could not play at all because I had pulled too much on the hamstring playing with pain. Then I had to stop my career. Even today, it still hurts on the front of the foot. “I tried to contact a lot of Nigerian international players, but I never got an answer and it was very difficult to cash,” Sani Emmanuel told Leero Sports News. Read more:
With SCOAN (the Synagogue) microphone, the world never know the truth until now
This story of Sani is very emotional for me because I remember this young man vividly during the time I lived in the Synagogue, he was amongst the young boys I used to coordinate alongside Kemi, until later in years when Lawal took over from us because I initiated buying Sports Jersey for the young footballers when I traveled to Togo to see Sarah at School (TB Joshua’ daughter). So, for that singular reason to be audacious, TB Joshua as usual felt bitter and sidelined because he believe the boys’ body, soul and spirit belongs to him. Anyone who tries to show more concern for them will be seen by TB Joshua as an enemy who plan to hijack his property from him. It wasn’t that TB Joshua cared so much about them in terms of well-being, but the boys were just contented for having an open space to practice the game they love often. Anyway, as time passed, Sani struggled his way into the Nigeria National Youth Football Team called Golden Eaglets’ camp, I believe through his doggedness and resilient mind his talent caught the attention of the people that matter and the rest was history as he was included in the National Team contingent that represented the country in 2009 World cup, which the young man did his family and the Nation proud. Shortly after the news infiltrated into TB Joshua office, of course through his machineries/informants (�?disciples’) that the tournament could project Sani into the limelight the way things was heading, this was the time TB Joshua and his cohorts, the drama group (�?disciples’) began to strategize and show more interest in this young National star for the Synagogue to be included, no, not included; but to take all glory for what God was preparing to do for Sani. So, as the norm in the Synagogue, TB Joshua manipulated Sani to act in the drama of (before and the after film) how Sani visited the Synagogue for the first time to ask for spiritual help (Lawal can bear witness); before this period, Sani had been one of the boys playing around in the Synagogue for so many years unnoticed to TB Joshua, but when fame started smiling on him, TB Joshua hijacked the show. Sani was coached on how he should cry for help under the camera while trying to gain the attention of the fraudster TB Joshua (It was all scam, drama) because the Synagogue must package a false video for the public that will back-up their claim showing how TB Joshua has been the maestro that groomed and prayed the young boy to stardom. This is to deceive the Nation, youths and will also use it as a dragnet to catch many vulnerable important personality in the society into the Synagogue. Many youths that were deceived into the Synagogue at that time through Sani’s documentary on Emmanuel TV became errand boys in the Synagogue, waiting for their time to become star like Sani, but it will shock you to know that many of them died unaccounted for, as unknown solders, inside the Synagogue collapsed building. It was only the foreigners that were documented, all the Nigerian youths that worked as labor force in the place became forgotten conclusion. Anyway, to brand Sani for the Synagogue’ glory, Sani’ birth name was changed to Emmanuel, the same was I narrated how my name was changed to Theresa by TB Joshua. As usual, TB Joshua’s errand boys in the media houses helped him to circulate the fake news of being Sani’ mentor in exchange for money and of course many people bought into it.
This young man does not belong here, he need help from all Nigerians. He had suffered too much for many years under TB Joshua. He is crying out because he cannot bear it anymore
Time is the enemy of lies. Lies cannot be hidden forever. Today, we are seeing that even from the time the Synagogue has been packaging lies for the gullible to buy into, till recent time, the young man Sani, has been suffering in silence. The good question that Sani need to answer truthfully is: “at what point did he started suffering this leg disaster?” how did he came about leg cancer that stopped his advancement in life? Now he cries out: “Please, guys I need your support. I have done one leg surgery and it was successful, 1 leg to go.” “After the World Cup, I could not play at all because I had pulled too much on the hamstring playing with pain. Then I had to stop my career. Even today, it still hurts on the front of the foot.” “I tried to contact a lot of Nigerian international players, but I never got an answer and it was very difficult to cash. “I returned to anonymity, without work, without anything. I wanted to set up an academy, but I never managed to get help and I’m still looking for it. “I tried to contact them (the Nigeria Football Federation, NFF) so many times, but they told me to come home and get by on my own. They had other projects.” On Wednesday 20/11/2019, Emmanuel, called for support from Nigerians, adding that he had done one surgery with one to go. This means this poor boy had suffered for more than 10 years with leg ulcer/cancer only God knows. The unanswered question of how he sustained the injury remain a mystery. This is distressing, heart wrenching, disheartening and painful. I am calling on well-meaning Nigerians to rise up to the occasion to help this National talent. The name Emmanuel must be removed from his name immediately because it is a curse to his career. If TB Joshua is truly who he claims to be, why is the star boy suffering for so many years without healing and why the cover-up? Let me unravel that. TB Joshua is a glory hijacker, he loves catching glorious children so that he can be exchanging their greatness to himself while interacting with them. In as much as those people are collecting money, food from him and he is having sex with them, they will be reducing spiritually while TB Joshua will be becoming what they ought to be. It is an exchange. This is why we are telling our people not to eat their tomorrow today. Remember the stories of many sports personalities I featured in my first book “THE T.B. JOSHUA I KNOW” where some of them died, some of them lost track with destiny because they trusted in TB Joshua, and for the mercy of God for some of them that escaped him. People like Daniel Amokachi, and Kanu Nwankwo would have wasted in life if they did not listened to their inner intuition.
I decided to featured this here, even-though part of the story is already in the public domain, but many people do not know the behind the scene inside the Synagogue story. My last take is for every seeker of abundant life is to hold unto God and stop running after false demonic prophets. The Synagogue is not what you see it to be. Watching Emmanuel TV is luring yourself into trap of satan through his representative on earth. Our government also need to do more for the youths in the land so that false prophets like TB Joshua will not be killing the Nation softly through killing of its seeds. While TB Joshua is cruising his private jet around the world, those he had used mentally, spiritually and dump are bearing the brunt. Blessings!