The Dictionary explain the word PSYCHOPATH as
- a person affected by chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behaviour.SIMILAR:madman/madwomanmad personderanged personmaniac
- INFORMALan unstable and aggressive person:
While in the Synagogue living with TB Joshua, we had series of experiences that bring us to this conclusion. Paul Agomoh is with me in the studio to share experiences.
In my Book, The TB Joshua I Know– “T.B. Joshua once raised an all-glass center-table up, and threw it at Jimoh, threatening to smash Mr. Jimoh’ head to the wall; thank God, Jimoh could run. Why? This happened because there was a man called Christian, who claimed to be a footballer, and needed T.B. Joshua’s help to travel overseas, he lived inside the Synagogue for some time. When Peter Rufai (Dodo Mayana), a top soccer goalkeeper visited the Synagogue, he faulted the guy as a footballer, but the calculations of the money which footballers usually earns had blinded T.B. Joshua to believe what Dodo Mayana said about the man. T.B. Joshua had already had his calculation that by the time he helped the guy to travel overseas to play International Club side, he would be sharing the money with him. When we reported to T.B. Joshua that they guy was a liar, T.B. Joshua became angry that we do not want him to enjoy the guy’s money, and so was it at last; the guy was busted. As T.B. Joshua deceives people, he is also being deceived. Most times, he would suddenly become highly irritated and wild, banging doors and pursuing people around in the ‘disciples’ quarters. Sometimes, he would refuse to go to the service, until the women in the service would sing, sing and sing in his name; or sometimes, he would suddenly become upset inside the service, and left all the people unattended. One day, he dressed like a mad man, he wore many clothes together inside out, and he pasted some things on his face, with a bowl over his head, and was dancing around ‘disciples’ quarters. Whenever these things happen to him, they would say, ‘Adaba’ is flying, meaning ‘Dove, interpretation that his holy spirit is not happy.’ Howbeit, the scripture testifies of Holy Spirit of God to be gentle and kind, not crazy like TB Joshua (GALATIANS 5:22-23; 1PETER 3:4). After some time, T.B. Joshua would calm down by himself after a while and starts to laugh; we lived with a sick man who is being tormented by devil. ‘Disciples’ were constantly under fear and panic, you cannot predict the next moment with T.B. Joshua. My work in the studio shielded me away from most of these attacks, except whenever he called for general meeting. T.B. Joshua cuts himself away from the people of his past; many of them surprisingly died mysteriously the moment they get in touch with him.”