Late TB Joshua Was A Criminal
During the lifetime of late TB Joshua, he did many terrible horrible things against humanity and using false humanitarian works to cover up to deceive many gullible, vulnerable and ignorant minds.
There was a time his building inside his compound collapsed on innocent people under his nose, leaving hundreds of people that could be identified and unidentified dead. In TB Joshua usual operandi, he tried to protect his prestige in the society, so he bribed many journalists and gave them hand-notes of what they should to report to the society. Feeding the populace with wrong information.
There were lots of time that false miracles were reported by late TB Joshua’s puppets of journalists who eats crumbs under his table. Thereby, misleading the public that miracles are happening in the Synagogue, whereas, contrary is the true situation.
Read one of the account of a foreign journalist, who was bold enough to enlighten the public of the happenings in the Synanogue
Please do not forget to check out Godwill Paul Agomoh new Book release titled: The Blueprint: Demystifying T. B. Joshua – Kindle edition by Paul, Godwill Agomoh. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @