The scripture says,
“God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets. In these last days, He has spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things. Through His Son, He also made the worlds. His Son is the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person. He upholds all things by the word of His power. After He by Himself purged our sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.” HEBREWS 1-1-3 NKJV
Shalom! it’s a blessing to meet with you here.
I personally welcome you to this Blessed webpage in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. The Name of the Lord be praised forever. He has counted me worthy of His Mercy and Grace to be here today. I am grateful to be a blessing to my generation.
l am Bisola HEPHZI-BAH Johnson.
You and I are both on a journey of faith through this life to Eternal life. Everyone here on earth has a purpose to fulfill on this planet. Our Crosses is differ. Only our Creator, who brought us here for His Glory and Pleasure, knows exactly why each and everyone is here. We must align ourselves with Him to know His purpose for our individual life.
Now, I can only speak for myself. My life has involved many challenges. It has also included life-changing lessons. I want to guide someone coming after me with my experiences. They can learn from my greatest discovery of who God really is. I also want to show them how to know Him more. I have overcome a series of life experiences. God has given me this platform to help the bruised and the wounded. He turned the mess of my life into a beautiful Message of Calvary. I believe this message can help anyone destiny brings my way.
The crux of my message for everyone is to depend solely on God. This is essential in a world full of deception and falsehood. The Book of DANIEL 11:32b says, “they that knows their God, shall be strong and do great exploit.”
Friends, whatever come your way, hold unto these 3 unfailing options, which I believe none can fail:
1. Hold unto God
2. Hold unto God
3. Hold unto God
You can never go wrong with any of the above options you have decided to chose, each is a win-win.
Today, I dedicate my life, time, and passion to calling lost souls back to the Kingdom of The Father. I enlighten the congregation of the saints on the “dangers of the end time.”
I believe it is time for THE TRUE CHURCH TO WAKE UP from slumber. The night has been far spent. Wolves in sheep clothing have crept into the fold. They intend to seduce and lure the true Children of God into a satanic web JUDE 1:4. I use God’s infallible Word to guide my messages. I also corroborate them with my personal experiences, particularly in the Synagogue ‘church’ of all nations, Ikotun Egbe, Lagos Nigeria. I sojourned there for over a decade under T.B. Joshua’s hypnotism, brainwashing, sexual abuse, manipulation, and bewitchment.
I do this so that others would/might learn, and not fall into the same kind of bewitching pit God in His infinite Mercy and Grace draw me out from.
Friends, I have learnt that No matter how hard the situation in life may be, The infallible Word of God is able to dissects and proffer solution not any man, not any prophet, and not any seer. It was only upon the Word; the foundation of the world was established. The pillars of faith and the Apostles of Jesus Christ had nothing to hold unto but The Word of the Lord; and as The Word worked for them, The Word shall not fail any of us who depend on the Word in Jesus’ mighty Name.
Born out of call to service, and compassion for the oppressed (spiritual, physical, emotional), this webpage is created to offer godly counselling services, free of charge to anyone who is in dire need to know what says the Word of God concerning any situation in life. I once fell into the hands of a church marauder (bandit) in my naivety, I pray for anyone not to go through such path. We proffer counselling and solutions on Bible-based and Christ-oriented approach for overcoming spiritual and physical problems of life, we absolutely imbibe in the teaching of Biblical principles for daily victorious living. The Book of HEBREWS 3:13 says, “But exhort one another daily, while it is called Today; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.”
This page will most specially benefit two sets of people:
- 1. Those who do not wish to be deceived by religious liars (hirelings) who uses the Name of Jesus to commit sacrilegious crime against humanity.
- 2. Those who had for one reason or other had fallen into some kind of religious game/trap and are wounded through quack and erroneous doctrines of these hirelings that are prevalent in the world today. The process of healing, recovery and restoration is through Christ Jesus’ Word and His Spirit, nothing more.
This platform is interactive for every Holy Spirit filled Child of God to engage in, as we reason together in line and in confines of God’s Word by the Holy Spirit’s guidance; we are sharpened and blessed. In this fora, we do not follow traditions of men which is mere religion, but we strictly soaks ourselves in The Word and the Spirit of Christ Jesus. We believe sorely, strongly, and purely in what the Word of God says, nothing more and nothing less; every other ground is a sinking ground. The Book of The Acts of the Apostles is not a mere history, but the pattern which Christ want His Church to be at Every time. We invite you to Come, partake, refreshed, be a blessing, and be blessed. God made everything, owns everything, and has gifted each of us with the talents that we bring to help one another. So, nobody should stand before another Child of God in an elevated or diminished position.
My hope is that this website will help to strengthen your faith in God and cause you to grow closer to Him.
At the end of all things here on the earth, may we hear Him say to us, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant, enter into the bliss of your Lord” in Jesus’ Name.
God Bless you!