No Hiding Place For satan – SO HELP ME GOD

Today, as one of those that God pulled back from the brink of hellfire through His Mercy. I will not hold my peace nor fold my hands seeing others going on opposite direction of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and are led by the vicars of darkness, to be slaughtered in the abattoir of bewitching dark world through doctrines of falsehood; and I will become unconcerned about their souls.
I shall be unrelenting in my unapologetically raising proclamations against such evil acts even if I am a last man standing, I will intensify in exposing their activities.
So, help me God!

The TB Joshua I Know
Deception Of The Age is Unmasked in this Book-THE TB JOSHUA I KNOW

I am a recipient of His Marvelous Grace, my life is a testimony to the Truth that Jesus Christ is Real. My past was forgiven, my present is renew, and my future is guaranteed. What more can I ask for? If my intention in pursuing been a Christian, and in figment of my imagination of serving God during my years at the Synagogue was a full-time job; Now, that I have known Christ, The Truth, it is a lifetime Job for me.

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