Friends, this message is to amplifies the suppressed voices of victims of our modern-day slaves, camped and caged by enterprise of hell in the garb of religion through deception. “If I should denied the world this truth, I became a partaker of evil and Hellfire would have been my eternal abode. I am under obligation and indebted to share; I cannot keep it to myself; it burns in my bones. I will also like to use this as a means of restoring the souls of those who have fallen away due to this global deception of T.B. Joshua.” This is to stand as a guide to the blind, as a warning to the gullible, and as a light to the simple; because, what comes upon people that causes them to be panicking, and afterwards running helter skelter in search of an intermediary between themselves and their Creator whenever they have life’s issues is still prevalent in our world, such as― sickness, affliction, confusion, trouble of all kinds, disease, barrenness, joblessness, etcetera.
The situation of life that drives the gullible to run from one prophet to another prophetess, both false and genuine, who can cause them to eventually fall into error is still at large.
Those things in life that daily pressurizes people and can cause the naive and the vulnerable to be knocking on the doors of prayer contractors and spiritual arrangers, intending to cut deals with ‘God’ if possible; rather than to go on their knees to call upon their Creator for Mercy and restoration, are still thriving in our world today. Evil seems to run rampant everywhere, but only God is the solution to all fundamental issues of life, not any man because there is nothing God created that He cannot control. The psalmist says, “I will lift up my eyes to the hills— from whence comes my help? 2My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth” PSALMS 121:1-2 NKJV. Now, I ask you, where do you look for help? The place where you look to, determines where your faith and your life are tied to, it is in a belief system.
RUBEN Kruger

Ruben Kruger was a South African Springbok Legend. I coordinated him directly when he visited Synagogue with the problem of brain tumor (Cancer). He stayed in the Synagogue for almost 2 weeks, spending his hard earn Rands (South Africa tender currency) to buy lies. Ruben first visited the Synagogue along with a group of people which Tinny de Jagger led to the Synagogue; and after the Synagogue’s so-called ‘prayers’ on him by T.B. Joshua, T.B Joshua declared Kruger to be healed of Brain Tumor, and further told Kruger to discontinue his medications because he had healed him. One of the reasons why T.B. Joshua enforces immediate testimony on people who attend his emergency line is because T.B. Joshua loves the pseudo miracles to be relayed on the TV, to use the show to drag more victims into the Synagogue. Kruger visited the Synagogue once again to complain of no improvement on his health, and said his personal doctor was concerned that he had stopped his medication. T.B. Joshua doused Ruben’s fear by instructing him to give testimony to sustain the none-existing miracle once again. The time happened to be the beginning of foreign visitors’ invasion into the Synagogue. So, T.B. Joshua said to impress them and the viewers, we should organize several testimonial fora for Kruger– private interviews, public testimonies, and they were highly publicized on local, International and terrestrial Televisions. It gained cheap popularity for T.B. Joshua amongst South Africans and in Nigeria, but unfortunately for Kruger; he suffered and died of the same Brain Cancer. Ruben Kruger was never healed in the Synagogue as T.B. Joshua claimed to have healed him, satan is wicked! T.B. Joshua would instruct people to stop using their sustaining medication after his fake ‘prayers’ on the people, but he cannot proffer solution to their problems; he is only using them to gain popularity. Immediately the news that Kruger died filtered into the Synagogue, T.B. Joshua instructed that all his video appearance in the Synagogue archive should be wiped off.
T.B. Joshua, a ravenous tick that feasts on the blood of the ignorant, gullible, vulnerable, and desperadoes; unfortunately, Kruger became another victim.
Ruben Kruger – › wiki › Ruben_Kruger
Ruben Jacobus Kruger (30 March 1970 – 27 January 2010) was a South African rugby union player. He played as a flanker.Date of death: 27 January 2010Born: 30 March 1970
Place of death: Pretoria
Cause of death: Brain tumor
(Extracted from THE T.B. Joshua I Know)
Get more details in the Book: THE T.B. JOSHUA I KNOW

This is a compilation of a true-life accounts which took place in a Cult Community called The Synagogue, “church” of all Nations, Ikotun-Egbe, Lagos, Nigeria; where the author was trapped through hypnotism, and brainwashing for over a decade with other devotees. She documented her journey into this community who use religious garb to cover their nefarious operation in other to lure the naïve, vulnerable, gullible, and the innocent into occultism. She narrates how they lived, how they were systemic initiated into the dark world by deceit, and were terrorized to swear allegiance to secrecy. They also became instruments of deception in the hands of T. B. Joshua to deceive visitors to the Synagogue. Finally, her escape was a grand style of Jehovah where others lost their lives. This is purely to EDUCATE people and to give ALL THE GLORY back to God, for His Amazing Saving Grace, His constant Love and His abiding Presence. She said, “If I should denied the world this truth, I became a partaker of evil and Hellfire would have been my eternal abode. I am under obligation and indebted to share; I cannot keep it to myself; it burns in my bones. I will also like to use this as a means of restoring the souls of those who have fallen away due to this global deception of T.B. Joshua.” This Book is a societal mirror for everyday people, it is saying that, each one of us has the ability to enter into relationship with God individually without depending on another man as a connector. Jesus Christ has made the way. This is to stand as a guide to the blind, as a warning to the gullible, and as a light to the simple; because what causes people to panic, and run helter skelter in search of an intermediary between them and their Creator is still prevalent in the world, such as sickness, affliction, trouble, confusion, disease, barrenness, joblessness, etcetera. What drives people to run from one prophet to another prophetess both false and genuine, which can cause them to eventually fall into error is still at large. Those things that pressurizes people daily, and can cause them to be knocking on the doors of prayer contractors and spiritual arrangers, intending to cut deals with ‘God’ if possible; rather than to go on their knees and be calling upon their Creator for Mercy and a turnaround is still thriving in the world today. Evil seems to run rampant everywhere. What we need is Peace in God and holding unto His Word. These agents of satan are only having breakthrough at your breakdown. Beware of miracle peddlers, Beware of false prophets, and Beware of false teachers, Jesus warned. This is their time, Run for your life!
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