You Don’t Need Permission – We Are Already Commissioned

In accordance to the great commission by the Lord Jesus Christ in:

Matthew 28:19
“19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost

On the 14th May, 2024. I took a trip to Benin Republic on Evangelism. I connected earlier with a humble Christian family that resides in Benin and they were happy to receive me into their home. It was wonderful bond by the Spirit of God. We quickly formed a foot solider team, traveling from one village to another village to propagate the message of Salvation and calling the lost souls into the Kingdom of the Father and reminding the backsliders to buckle their shoes to run the race of eternal life afresh. People received Christ, Bibles were shared, we also blessed the poor financially according to our ability.

I want to thank God for the grace of life, journey mercies and the opportunity. I appreciate my hosts.

I pray that the seeds of the Word we had sown into the hearts of men during that short period will be watered by the Holy Spirit and grow, and multiplied for greater harvest to the Kingdom of God.

There are more boundaries to be covered, this is not about frivolities, but about the souls of men. I pray that the Lord in His mercy will grants more opportunities in the nearest future to expand His Kingdom through us.

Thank you to all our supporters, yes, we may not be many, but I pray God will remember us all for good.

We need Bibles if you are led to give.



I am a recipient of His Marvelous Grace, my life is a testimony to the Truth that Jesus Christ is Real. My past was forgiven, my present is renew, and my future is guaranteed. What more can I ask for? If my intention in pursuing been a Christian, and in figment of my imagination of serving God during my years at the Synagogue was a full-time job; Now, that I have known Christ, The Truth, it is a lifetime Job for me.

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