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Today I bring to you another dimension of evil I witnessed while I was at the Synagogue of TB Joshua. Remember I said I was one of the few privileged top leaders (Inner Caucus) that could see or listen to private conversations between TB Joshua and his visitors (customers); and I was also used to involve in many manipulations going on in the Synagogue at the call of TB Joshua to deceive many gullible visitors. You are free to like, comments and share my post with others to enlighten them.

I write this authoritatively because I was privy to how Drug Barons patronized T.B. Joshua while I was coordinating visitors; I knew some of them at the time I was in the Synagogue. I do see and overheard discussions between some visitors and T.B. Joshua whenever they visit him. Mostly on the evenings of their departure from Nigeria to wherever they are transporting drugs to, these people must see T.B. Joshua to receive his final ‘prayer/blessings’ arrangements for them to be able to pass through security check points at the International Airport without been caught.
There were different sets of men and women drug cartel that patronized T.B. Joshua when I was there. There was a particular man called Mr. VINCENT, who was caught at Heathrow Airport and was charged to court in London for transporting hard drugs into London. One day, Vincent called into the Synagogue to inform T.B. Joshua about the day he would be appearing in court so that T.B. Joshua could do what he normally do to overturn such cases to his advantage, but T.B. Joshua was not in the office at the time he called. At that particular time, I was the only person that was allowed to attend to international phone calls, and I do receive messages on behalf of T.B. Joshua before Mr. Jimoh joined the ‘disciples’ quarters.

Therefore, after receiving Mr. Vincent’s call, I assured him that I would pass the information to T.B. Joshua immediately he returns to the office. When T.B. Joshua came back, of course I had to deliver all the call messages I received in his absence, amongst others, as I made mentioned of Mr. Vincent, T.B. Joshua descended a very hot slap on my face that took me to another frequency, I was confused, I could not remember what I did wrong to deserve such unexpected reaction. Though we all knew T.B. Joshua to be erratic and eccentric; after his sudden breakout on you, and he might have calm down, he will call such person and give you almost his eyes to pacify you.
Anyway, as usual I took the pain the way it came as a ‘disciple’ that must not complain; but I wondered why he suddenly hated Mr. Vincent. I thought this was a man who had done so much for the Synagogue and T.B. Joshua. The first ever full colored Rank Xerox printing machine T.B. Joshua used in printing his first bulletin before he bought Heidelberg was delivered to the Synagogue by this same Mr. Vincent free of charge. In fact, I personally received the document of the machine from Mr. Vincent on behalf of T.B. Joshua on arrival. In addition to all that, anytime he returned from his numerous overseas trips, he used to return with expensive clothes, designer perfume, and other things, including huge sums of money for T.B. Joshua.

People eyes are beginning to open, read the experiences of people across the world in – Reasons You Should Not Visit The Synagogue ‘church’ Of All Nations
Anyway, Bose Black who also know most of the visitors was kind enough to explain to me later that the man (Vincent) has been nabbed and was in jail, and he could be under security surveillance; so T.B. Joshua does not want UK police to trace his call down to the Synagogue (but I did not know!), this is part of T.B. Joshua’s wickedness, he always like to cover his tracts. How did he know about the man’s arrest, if not that some of the drug cartel had informed him? After Mr. Vincent’ episode, many drug pushers were also arrested at the Nigeria Airport, and it dawn on them that T.B. Joshua had been deceiving them and collecting their money under false pretense and deceit that he was ‘praying’ for them.
Therefore, they fingered T.B. Joshua as part of their rackets to the Police. The Nigeria Drug Law Enforcement Agency swung into action, and arrested T.B. Joshua. When T.B. Joshua received information about his impending arrest, suddenly a private property of T.B. Joshua inside his marine mountain caught fire, in a place surrounded by massive body of water, 7story as it was called burnt to ashes. When the solders that were sent to search through his marine mountain that fateful morning found nothing to pin on him, they arrested him, but since they believed he was not dealing directly in drugs, but was only offering spiritual support to the couriers, he was eventually set free after been in detention for 9days. Inside the prison, he frantically sent messages around to those people in position of authority who had at one time or the other benefited from his spiritual arrangement to solicit for his bailout. An ordinary ‘disciple’ or member of the Synagogue may not know in detail the reason T.B. Joshua was arrested at that time. He always use people’ ignorance to appeal for sympathy. Mr. Vincent was sentenced to a jail term in London for trafficking hard drugs into UK. After he finished his jail term, they deported him back to Nigeria; he visited the Synagogue couple of time and later stopped, he died years later of HIV.
TB Joshua is a double-faced, what you see him doing on Emmanuel TV is completely different behind the scene. I Pray that the light in God’s Word will shine into the souls of people, so that they can follow God, and not men.