The Cost Of Speaking Out – Aftermath Of BBC Documentary On Late TB Joshua

A year today, BBC Documentary shocked the world as they opened can of worms behind the scene in late TB Joshua’s The Synagogue, church Of all Nations.

Kindly join the broadcast at 6PM Nigeria time, 7PM South African time to listen to the cost of speaking out from some of the courageous people who took a dangerous path to speak their truth to open the eyes of millions deceived by the greatest FRAUD, CHARLATAN, AN IMPOSTOR, & A MAGICIAN of the 21st Century.

2025 Prophecy

2025 Prophecy: Embrace Faith Over False Predictions

Please check my website to get the Book of prophecy, kindly get your money ready. I know you will buy it; you always fall for their scam. I suggest you to stop buying junks this year.

Congratulations it’s another Year 2025! Always remember
that Yesterday is gone, Today is ours. Tomorrow is in the Able
Hands of the Almighty God.

We, (all humans including the so-called prophets) are all in this together. So, no man knows tomorrow, I don’t know tomorrow, your pastors, and prophets don’t know tomorrow. For example, as late TB Joshua saw everything, he didn’t see his church collapsing, who is deceiving who? You have seen how many of them failed in their forecasts many times while forecasting football matches, political elections, etc. No angels know tomorrow, No satan or demons knows tomorrow.
We follow God by faith (Heb. 11:6). We all have access to the presence of God equally. This is why we must not see prayer as a spare tire, but a steering wheel to hold tightly every moment. Pray as everything depend on God and work as if everything depend on you. If you and I know tomorrow, it means we don’t need God anymore.
Please, Stay in your lane, and let God be God. We must rest in God’ Word. The Word of God well understood and religiously obeyed is the shortest route to spiritual maturity.
You do not need anyone to forecast what tomorrow holds for you, you actually don’t need it. The Lord Jesus Christ says, let Today’s issues be enough for us to deal with (Matthew 6:34), if Tomorrow per
adventure comes, the Lord who Rules in the affairs of men (Daniel 5:21) is still on the Throne of Mercy to see us through (Ps. 23:5).

Shun forecasters.
Shun casinos pastors and Jehovah sharp sharp ministers.
Snub SANGOMAS and Babalawos / Mamalawos in the cloaks
of prophets/ prophetesses.
Stay away from Hand of Esau, voice of Jacob International
Reject magicians in the cloak of pastors.
Run away from representatives of witch of Endor churches
RUN away from star gazers in the name of prophets.
Ignore falsehood peddlers.
Let these people go and prophesy to their family members first. Do not allow yourself to be deceived, used as guinea pig, and make mockery of your life. They have caused enough confusion and disaffection amongst people’s family and friends. Christians should stop checking horoscope newspaper pages or waiting for what Papa prophecies would say to them. We have seen many of these prophets raped, stole, divorced, died, hide and managed sicknesses secretly.
Yes, Happy New Year 2025 all lovers and followers of Truth. Let us keep trying our best in following Christ, He that promised to hold our hands till very end will not fail.

Man is inquisitive by nature, and he wants to know what tomorrow holds for him, this is why most people are so fascinated by those who claims to know the future or possessed the gift of prophecy. Nevertheless, if we realize that Jesus is in our future and our Future is safe in God’s Hand; we shall have peace and rest in God (1Cor. 2:9).
He said in Jeremiah 29:11 that “I KNOW THE PLANS I HAVE FOR YOU.” Only God knows and only Him can bring us into the future.
Though our beginning may be small, Yet our latter end would increase abundantly (Job 8:7). Life is not a competition, or sprint. Life is a journey, allow God to lead you one day at a time.
Happy New Year 2025 all lovers and followers of Truth. Let us
keep trying our best in following Christ, He that promised to
hold our hands till the very end will not fail.

WORLD you will fall for it.

The Truth Of The Matter Of My Prophecy is for the wise:
To live in peace with God…Repent of your sins and live right (Mark 1:15).
To be delivered from any bondage… Go personally to God through Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:12-14; Act 4:12). There’s nothing called deliverance ministries, we all have right before our heavenly Father.
To enjoy good health… Exercise, eat balance diet, stop eating junks (3John 1:2; 1Tim. 4:8).
To live well… Go and work, stop waiting for destiny helpers in churches where you shout “I receive, I receive” and over the years, you have received nothing. I was once there (Deut. 28:12; 2Thess. 3:10).
To get Mercy, Be Merciful to others, what goes round
turns round (Matthew 5:7; Psalm 18:24-26).
If you are in need… Pray to God (Jeremiah 33:3; Matthew 7:7).
To be spiritually intelligent and balanced… Always read and meditate on the Word of God (Joshua 1:8).
If we are sick in the body…Pray (Jeremiah 30:17; Exodus 15:26); AND GO TO THE HOSPITAL.
Challenges come but we must rest in Him who can deliver us (John 16:33).
Always pray, read the Word of God, and learn something new that will improve your life positively.
PLAN … God loves people who plans.
PLANT good seeds because you will gain from it another
Love yourself, bless yourself, be happy with yourself always: You can’t give what you don’t have to others.
Be cautious… Don’t rush into things, carry God along.
STOP USING GOD AS RUBBER STAMP: we need His guidance always
Proverbs 3:5-6.
We must stop living a double-faced lifestyle of hypocrites
because of money. Let us be sincere with one another. Be a
blessing to people, don’t live for yourself alone.
For the Love of the Church of Jesus Christ.
Bisola Hephzi-bah Johnson



CHURCHES You Must Avoid Because They Are CULTS

Religion is said to be the “opium for the people” or “opiate of the masses.” I believe the contention behind this phrase is related to the prevalence of false information about God being circulated by wicked set of people who takes the advantage of feeble-minded people in our time. God is not interested in religion but in relationship with His creatures. So, falsehood deceptively gives people artificial, illusory happiness – like the opium does to drug addicted people. This goes further to say that false religion is for the weak-minded or the emotionally disturbed that need religion as crutches to get through life.

Religious cults are groups of people that organized themselves to control their followers’ minds and compels them to adhere to a strict belief system organize around a charismatic leader. Unlike a true church of Jesus Christ, a religious cult is destructive and uses fear and manipulation to command their membership. If you evaluate their doctrine, examine their practices, and take your time to look at the true church objectively, you can determine whether an organization is a legitimate church of Jesus Christ or a Cult.

CHURCHES You Must Avoid Because They Are CULTS:

  1. Churches that use and sell anointed (Holy) water and give out pastor’s pictures as protection.
  2. Churches that expects you to respect the Man of God over your parents and family
  3. Churches that only one single man that claims to be GO pray for the sick to claim relevance instead of allowing elders to pray according to the scripture.
  4. Churches that claim that the Pastor, apostle or prophet is always right and never wrong
  5. Churches that expect you to be in church 3-4 times a week and pray to the God of your man of God.
  6. Churches that don’t do altar call to pray for people’s Salvation.
  7. Churches that don’t preach about sinful lifestyle, Heaven and Hellfire.
  8. Churches that the Man of God always counsel and pray for women alone.
  9. Churches that force and manipulates you to give money for prayer, prophecy and conference.
  10. Churches that the Man of God is too important, exclusive and difficult to have a meeting with and kneel, stand or clap when he comes into church.
  11. Churches that the Man of God abuses his wife and doesn’t want to recognize his wife or be seen with her.
  12. Churches that members dream about their pastors/prophets praying or having sex with them.
  13. Churches that want you to allow your underaged female children to live with the pastor/prophet.
  14. Churches that use fear, to cage people’s minds.
  15. Churches that the leadership is a lying machine, using lies to cage people’s minds.
  16. Churches that turn their members to be morons/zombies.

Run, Run, Run for your life🏃🏃🏃🏃,

Let me read your comments and experiences if you have any at the comment section.

God bless!


Late TB Joshua Kept Me Under Duress As A Prisoner

Life in the Synagogue church of all Nations can be so deceptive to the outsider and traumatizing to the insider. The Emmanuel TV viewers sit at home watching lies, make belief, stage-managed miracles and a performer who called himself prophet, with his team of deluded actors and actresses called disciples. What A life! What a Shame!

Martina shared her story with me on “The Experience” Platform tonight and it was heartbreaking to hear what late TB Joshua did. Kindly like my videos, subscribe to my YouTube channel and feel free to share

Late TB Joshua – A Psychopath

The Dictionary explain the word PSYCHOPATH as




  1. a person affected by chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behaviour.SIMILAR:madman/madwomanmad personderanged personmaniac
    • INFORMALan unstable and aggressive person:

While in the Synagogue living with TB Joshua, we had series of experiences that bring us to this conclusion. Paul Agomoh is with me in the studio to share experiences.

In my Book, The TB Joshua I Know– “T.B. Joshua once raised an all-glass center-table up, and threw it at Jimoh, threatening to smash Mr. Jimoh’ head to the wall; thank God, Jimoh could run. Why? This happened because there was a man called Christian, who claimed to be a footballer, and needed T.B. Joshua’s help to travel overseas, he lived inside the Synagogue for some time. When Peter Rufai (Dodo Mayana), a top soccer goalkeeper visited the Synagogue, he faulted the guy as a footballer, but the calculations of the money which footballers usually earns had blinded T.B. Joshua to believe what Dodo Mayana said about the man. T.B. Joshua had already had his calculation that by the time he helped the guy to travel overseas to play International Club side, he would be sharing the money with him. When we reported to T.B. Joshua that they guy was a liar, T.B. Joshua became angry that we do not want him to enjoy the guy’s money, and so was it at last; the guy was busted. As T.B. Joshua deceives people, he is also being deceived. Most times, he would suddenly become highly irritated and wild, banging doors and pursuing people around in the ‘disciples’ quarters. Sometimes, he would refuse to go to the service, until the women in the service would sing, sing and sing in his name; or sometimes, he would suddenly become upset inside the service, and left all the people unattended. One day, he dressed like a mad man, he wore many clothes together inside out, and he pasted some things on his face, with a bowl over his head, and was dancing around ‘disciples’ quarters. Whenever these things happen to him, they would say, ‘Adaba’ is flying, meaning ‘Dove, interpretation that his holy spirit is not happy.’ Howbeit, the scripture testifies of Holy Spirit of God to be gentle and kind, not crazy like TB Joshua (GALATIANS 5:22-23; 1PETER 3:4). After some time, T.B. Joshua would calm down by himself after a while and starts to laugh; we lived with a sick man who is being tormented by devil. ‘Disciples’ were constantly under fear and panic, you cannot predict the next moment with T.B. Joshua. My work in the studio shielded me away from most of these attacks, except whenever he called for general meeting. T.B. Joshua cuts himself away from the people of his past; many of them surprisingly died mysteriously the moment they get in touch with him.”

The TB Joshua I Know
Deception Of The Age is Unmasked in this Book-THE TB JOSHUA I KNOW
false prophet

Congratulations To Late TB Joshua, He Made It To International List Of False Prophets

Congratulations To Late TB Joshua, He Made It To International List Of False Prophets

Get My Books

TB Joshua was an African televangelist who has spread a number of fake unverified healings, uncountable number of his victims left the Synagogue and return home to die, false teachings, deliverances and false prophecies over the past several years. His teachings have had a destructive impact on the lives of many people, and his false prophecies have led to a great deal of unnecessary suffering. I’m glad to see him listed on the International List of False Prophets, and I hope that this will help people stay away from his false teachings. Late TB Joshua fought tooth and nail to be known internationally, yes, he got known and famous, but he is known for who he truly is. TB Joshua’ dream was to be famous and globally known which he did well for himself through occultism, using young innocent virginity to step up his demonic powers he acquired over years. Today, TB Joshua is well known as a false prophet.

Unfortunately, before TB Joshua expired, he has polluted the earth through his baby snakes he hatched in different country. He never preached Jesus Christ to be known, but his demonic powers to initiate people into darkness. He sold strange water from his village source, he gave people hand beads, lanterns, his personal picture, handkerchiefs, and many strange objects. We must be very careful, it is by faith we follow God, not through elements.

#TheDeliverancePodcast #emmanueltv #scoan #scoanthessalonica #Blevoy TV #JohnchiMinistries #ChristopherOrjiMinistries #wisemandanielministries #qedtv #emmanueltv #Christian Outlet #saharatv

Jacque Pawu

Late TB Joshua Was A Criminal

During the lifetime of late TB Joshua, he did many terrible horrible things against humanity and using false humanitarian works to cover up to deceive many gullible, vulnerable and ignorant minds.

There was a time his building inside his compound collapsed on innocent people under his nose, leaving hundreds of people that could be identified and unidentified dead. In TB Joshua usual operandi, he tried to protect his prestige in the society, so he bribed many journalists and gave them hand-notes of what they should to report to the society. Feeding the populace with wrong information.

There were lots of time that false miracles were reported by late TB Joshua’s puppets of journalists who eats crumbs under his table. Thereby, misleading the public that miracles are happening in the Synagogue, whereas, contrary is the true situation.

Read one of the account of a foreign journalist, who was bold enough to enlighten the public of the happenings in the Synanogue

Please do not forget to check out Godwill Paul Agomoh new Book release titled: The Blueprint: Demystifying T. B. Joshua – Kindle edition by Paul, Godwill Agomoh. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @

How Ravi Zacharias Abused Hundreds Of Women During Massages, and a Rape Allegation

Many people choose the work of Pastor because they have gift of eloquence, so they called themselves into the trade. My take is that people should stop sticking out their necks for any leader. Know who you are and walk your salvation. Whenever we talk about this, people says you are attacking the church, they will curse and abuse you. We need to keep talking about it for 3 reasons:

  1. For these people to be exposed and repent of their evil.
  2. For the gullible, naive and the vulnerable to know the Truth and not fall into the traps of liars.
  3. It is better you are exposed and rebuked on Earth by brethren than to be ashamed on resurrection morning.

I am not an enemy of the Church, all I am saying is that innocent people are suffering spiritually, emotionally, psychologically, from many psychopath people who uses the church to cover their games.


As it is written: “God’s name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.” Romans 2:24

Many called themselves into the work of ministry because of economic recession. Please allow God to call you. In the ministry of Jesus Christ and His Apostles, there were many women that followed them, even converted prostitutes, yet, we do not hear about sexual misconduct amongst them. Does that mean their Gospel is different from the gospel we preach today? No, the difference is: they were sold out to what they believe, but we are not. We only enjoys fame, spotlight, and Mammon.

If you are a church leader and you are sick or you are psychopathic, kindly check yourself in a hospital or cry for help. It is wrong of you to destroy what people of God, the Apostles of Jesus Christ used their blood to pay for.

Whatever you do secretly will come in the open either in your lifetime or when you are long gone. You can destroyed yourself if that is your choice, it will be unforgiving when you destroyed others because of their ignorant of the Word of God, or because they are poor and need help you can offer freely.

Luke 8:17

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

May we all end well. May we not fall by the waysides. May we hear Him say to us, “Welcome, good and faithful servant, enter into the rest of your Lord.”

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world. But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you. To Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.
I Peter 5:8‭-‬11 NKJV

Read from the original source