


If you don’t open some scotch eggs, you may bite into rotten eggs. The packaging of a rotten egg covered inside mince meat, flour or bread crumbs doesn’t make it a nice snack. Be Warned!

Know that we are in the time of deception spoken of by the Lord Jesus and His Apostles; we are in a highly polluted world where deception thrives from the topmost echelon height to the grassadmins of the society. We are in a time when magicians do no longer parade themselves openly the way they used to be known. They do not have the known telltale as it was in the time of old. They don’t do body-art of decorating their bodies with shells and cowries, or rubbing local chalks on their faces to look fearful on the street or in the marketplaces like before. Everything is revolving in our present age and time.
Today, satanists, enchanters, necromancers, cultists, now dress in designer’s three-piece suits like you and me. They package themselves in expensive shoes, Giorgio Armani perfume and powerful eyeglasses to look tush. They even carry bigger Bibles these days so that you will not recognize them.

Our Lord Jesus Christ warned, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? 19Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20Therefore by their fruits you will know them. 21“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in Heaven. 22Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your Name, cast out demons in Your Name, and done many wonders in Your Name?’ 23And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!” MATTHEW 7:15-16, 19-23 NKJV.

KANU Nwankwo

One should ponder what is T.B. Joshua’ gain in deceiving, destroying, and killing people? The answer is simple ―as an agent of satan, T.B. Joshua need higher ranking in the dark world because their job is to kill, steal and destroy for their master to be relevant to him (John 10:10a).

This smart football star,

Glory Of A Nation

Kanu Nwankwo, cheated death by not given heed to the ungodly counsel of T.B. Joshua. Kanu’s younger brother visited the Synagogue ahead of him on one Sunday gathering; we believe he was sent to check how things were on that faithful day. Possibly they had watched the Synagogue fake TV programs, hence, they came; or T.B. Joshua might have sent his underdogs on mission to locate them when he heard in the news about the ailing Kanu, to score cheap points as usual. In any case, Mr. Nwankwo himself was in the Synagogue the following week, on a Tuesday if I can remember vividly. T.B. Joshua brought him into the studio where I worked as the Synagogue editor/voice over artist to perform enchantment on him. To impress Mr. Nwankwo, it took T.B. Joshua more than 2 hours of shaking his right hand, and leg, and widening his eyes on this field maestro to intimidate him, under the best two camera-men which the Synagogue could boast of at the time (KK and Segun).

A brand-new Panasonic HD Camera bought from London was brought out from the store for this occasion, supported by the regular Sony M3500 camera were used. T.B. Joshua desperately wanted Kanu to fall flat on his face as a sensational show. T.B. Joshua engaged the young footballer with all his enchanting antics out of his demonic arsenal, but the tall gangling striker stood his ground before him like the rock of Gibraltar with his eyes wide opened fixed on T.B. Joshua.

Fake healing stage-managed by Fatai alias T.B. Joshua

After so much effort, and the guy refused to fall down, T.B. Joshua declared Kanu free of his heart problem, but common sense or should I say– destiny guided Mr. Nwankwo to seek a heart specialist for a second opinion. When he did, Aghast! The former prognosis was confirmed. T.B. Joshua was at it again, he lied! Kanu was not healed in the Synagogue as T.B. Joshua declared. Kanu surrendered himself to a heart correctional surgery against the backdrop of T.B. Joshua’s opinion, who continued kicking vigorously against the surgery decision as they wheeled the striker to the Theater. T.B. Joshua placed numerous telephone calls to Kanu on his hospital bed, reaffirming to him that he, T.B. Joshua had healed him. I was there when T.B. Joshua gave up and said on a final note to him, “If that is your manager’s decision, ok, but the doctors would find nothing when they cut you open.” It was pathetic to hear that the doctors found serious issues inside Mr. Kanu’s heart when they opened him up, which they corrected medically.

Of course, God can heal, the scripture said so, and He still heals JEREMIAH 30:17; ISAIAH 53:5; EXODUS 15:26.God heals in His sovereign will, since He created our body fearfully and wonderfully according to GENESIS 1:27; PSALMS 1239:14.He also gave the medical doctors grace and knowledge to treat. The medical profession acknowledged this fact by their motto: GOD HEALS WE CARE. Now, we must be careful on how we go about faith healing, because there are people like T.B. Joshua who carry things to an extreme of showbiz, and God has never intended healing that way. The point I am trying to make here is that T.B. Joshua is not of God, he is a magician, a performer, a conjurer, forecaster, and a sorcerer who has nothing of Jesus Christ, the true healer in him.

Finally, Kanu recuperated from the hospital after his heart’s correctional surgery and returned to the career he loved so much. He never gave a thought for the Synagogue or T.B. Joshua who would have sent him to an early grave. He did more good for himself, his family and the Nation at large. What if he had listened to T.B. Joshua as Ruben Kruger and other gullible did?

“We are in a time when magicians do no longer parade themselves openly the way they used to be known. They do not have the known telltale as it was in the time of old.”

When T.B. Joshua realized how he had lost ample opportunity to be famous through riding on Kanu’s name and achievement; and the medical personnel had stolen his show; T.B. Joshua became frantically desperate to reclaim the lost ground. First, to fan his ego, T.B. Joshua invited some cheap and lay-about journalists who frequently eat crumbs under his table, and released the video tape of him presumably administer healing to Kanu to them (what he knows best to do), blowing tantrum by claiming to have been the one who healed Kanu, stupidity plus illiteracy blinded him so much that he forgot how millions of people all over the world had kept Kanu in their prayers while he was under surgical blade. To drive his point home, T.B. Joshua showed the journalists the photo frame of one funny jesus which he had presented to Kanu as a souvenir and begged the journalists to help him leak and circulate the news to the gullible public. The efforts of circulating the news had no positive impact on the populace. Sensible people knew how Kanu was operated upon to correct his heart malfunction. The soft sell journalists only wasted their time and journalistic intelligence on T.B. Joshua’s cheap destructive fame pursuits.

The TB Joshua I Knowbook
Get A Copy And Be Wiser!


Everything is revolving in our present age and time. Today, satanists, enchanters, necromancers, cultists, now dress in designer’s three-piece suits like you and me. They package themselves in expensive shoes, Giorgio Armani perfume and powerful eyeglasses to look tush. They even carry bigger Bibles these days so that you will not recognize them. Our Lord Jesus Christ warned, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing,


Christianity Endangered By Pimps

(Culled from the Book “THE T.B. JOSHUA I KNOW”)

The TB Joshua I Know
Deception Of The Age is Unmasked in this Book-THE TB JOSHUA I KNOW

In the first introduction of the Church, the Scripture made us to understand that The Lord Jesus Christ did not took stripes on His back, wore a Crown of Thorns on His head, got His side pierced and died on the Cross for what many professed Church goers are seeking for today; rather The Son of God died on the Cross to liberate man from the power of Sin.

ACTS 2:37-39 “When they heard this, they were stung in the heart and said to Peter and to the rest of the Apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” 38Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39For the promise is to you, and to your children, and to all who are far away, as many as the Lord our God will call.”

This simply means, Man’s problem is not about the expensive clothes he has or does not have in his closet, not the kind of car he drives or the house he lives in, man’s problem is Sin, and he need a Saviour and that Saviour is Jesus Christ. When there is no reaffirmation of the transaction Jesus Christ did on Calvary in our Churches, people will be shortchanged of the Truth and pimps will take over the platform. There are different pimps in our Churches today: Pimps of miracles, prophecies, prosperity, turning the house of God into house of merchandise; as they trades in water, oil, apron, etceteras. We don’t need anymore Pimps or snake oil salesmen leading the Church, it is purely Spiritual adulatory, we need genuine ministers who will stand behind the Pulpit and preach the undiluted Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Synagogue of T.B. Joshua in Ikotun-Egbe, Lagos, Nigeria is another hellish place where every genuine Christian must avoid altogether. The Synagogue is a house of Pimps, headed by T.B. Joshua. 



Another amazing deception I witnessed at the Synagogue was a 76-year-old Moses Marole, who came from Mmabatho, he travelled to Lagos from South Africa in the company of other 120 guests led by a regular group leader Mrs. Santa du Plessis, from Roodeport. Mrs. Santa du Plessis had become part of T.B. Joshua’s clique when money started flowing into her purse through this arrangement, she is a mother of one of T.B. Joshua’s in-house ‘disciples’ called Angelique Goosen. On April 21, Sunday afternoon, while the group took some time off from the long hour of Sunday service to have lunch, Moses Marole suddenly collapsed on the food table. Many people rallied around to help him: amongst them was a neurosurgeon, Dr. Johan Wilkinson from Bloemfontein; he performed a CPR on Moses to no avail. In no long time, message had reached T.B. Joshua in the service where he was still attending to people on the so-called ‘prayer line’. T.B. Joshua sent Benson, one of the junior prophet to ‘pray’ but without success as usual.

The elderly man was taken aside, and the Synagogue medical team who are always on standby during services engaged the fainted old man, and were able to bring him back to life with their medical skill.

Screenshot-7_27_2018-5_32_01-PM-300x169 CHRISTIANITY ENDANGERED BY PIMPS
Synagogue in-house Medical Team helping

The medical team discovered that the complications of heat (hot weather in Nigeria), triggered Marole’s health conditions, which were: diabetes, high blood pressure and stress of an old age. The medical team brought him back to life, not the junior prophet. When T.B. Joshua heard that the man had been resuscitated, he said we must keep the visitors in the dark on the new development; and keep telling them that the elderly man could not be resuscitated; even ‘disciples’ were lying to their fellow ‘disciples’ on the matter. Separate room was quickly made available to keep Moses away from the rest of his group members, and one of the medical team, a Nurse, Mrs. Igeodu who always work hand in hand with the ‘disciples’ of T.B. Joshua was called in but none of the ‘disciples’ knew T.B. Joshua’s intention until after the day’s service. After everyone had eaten and rested, at about 11pm, T.B. Joshua summoned selected members of the Studio: two cameramen, two video editors, and two visitors’ coordinators; those that are very loyal, with Mrs. Igeodu, the Nurse into his office. The short meeting was about the fainted man; and since every member of the foreign visitors still holds the belief that the man was already dead, this time was ripe opportunity for him (T.B. Joshua) to do what he had dreamt of doing a very long time, to raise the dead like Jesus Christ did, but the pattern he planned to use was that of Elisha in 2KINGS 4:33-34.

 Mrs. Igeodu administered sedative injection on the already fragile man in bad condition of health to keep him still on the bed, wool was inserted into his windpipes, and he was laid straight as a dead man on the bed. Everyone knew exactly what he or she must do after the short meeting with T.B. Joshua. Other ‘disciples’ who were not involved in the brief might be seeing your movement, but they cannot decode or understand what was going on except the smart ones who had been involved in a similar errand before. The Cameramen had set up their gadgets in the room where the aged man was laid, and T.B. Joshua was led into the room by a ‘disciple’ who pretended as if she was just passing the information to him. It was a drama.

NARRATION: –T.B. Joshua touched the man on the bed to see if he had slept off, of course, there can never be any response, thanks to Mrs. Igeodu’s sedative injection. So, T.B. Joshua raised his hand up in the air in front of cameras as if ‘praying’, there were lots of mistakes which was taken care of by Seun Abiola, one of the editors in the Studio. T.B. Joshua practices on the camera cassette were wiped off through reuse of the cassette by Sister Deola. Then T.B. Joshua laid flat on the man for some seconds and stood up; that was his own part.

Then, we have to be on standby until the man wakes up from the effect of the sedation. With the Voice of T.B. Joshua inserted, the real voice used was Brother Nkechi who shouted the man’s name severally before the man suddenly jacked out from his deep sleep, as he opened his eyes and mouth to answer the caller; that was the reaction the Editor needed to finalize the deceptive packaging, Shina and I were called upon to-do voice over to perfect all gaps of unnecessary noise on the tape.

 This video cassette was sold all over the world, and it went viral on YouTube to deceive the naive. The following morning, T.B. Joshua instructed us to play the edited video to the foreign visitors in their dining room. We assembled the entire guests in the dining room, they were looking gloomy as we told them the cock and bull story of the previous day event. It was basically about one of them who had gone to be with the ‘Lord’, they all answered affirmative. They were still in mourning mood; their breakfast was left untouched. We informed them how we prepared the man for the morgue, but message came from T.B. Joshua that the man’s death was to the ‘glory of T.B. Joshua’s fake god’ (always using biblical quotation to deceive people); that they should not bother to take his body to the morgue. The guests were a little confused and perplexed, asking why we should keep human remains

inside the hostel? The packaged video of lies, and deceit explained the rest as we played it for them. When they saw what happened with tight editing, they rejoiced and demanded to see the resurrected man, many of them started calling South Africa to testify lies. We told them that Moses would still need some rest. The sedative injection administered on him was still in his system, he could not yet coordinate himself. It took another day before we allowed Moses Marole to receive visitors from among his group members, and before then, he had been thoroughly brainwashed on the Synagogue version of what happened to him. If you watch the video, Moses had no testimony at all, he was just rambling, a pure patched interview. Some of the visitors knew that Moses case was not as bad as we presented it in the video, but they went back home pondering over the event in their mind. GOD IS WATCHING!

If T.B. Joshua truly has power to heal or raise the dead, what about many other visitors who died under his roof without been able to raise them to life? The incident of the first story I recounted in this Chapter took place at the adjacent room to where T.B. Joshua slept that fateful day in his bedroom; until I woke T.B. Joshua up from his sleep that morning, he was sleeping next room to a dead man. General Tumenta Martin died under Synagogue roof, a Botswana magistrate, Lorraine Makati-Lesang died inside the Synagogue on their so-called ‘prayer line’, if truly Moses Marole died and was raised to life by T.B. Joshua; what about Benson, his junior pastor who worked for him for more than 20 years and died in T.B. Joshua’s presence without been raised to life? Samson, who was a cousin to him died under his roof; and there were other unreported cases of death amongst the general workers inside the Synagogue. I witnessed on many occasions while T.B. Joshua was doing his so-called jingoism type of ‘prayer’ on the sick, and they died right before him. Tamara, a ‘disciple’ from Austria died in two days after she left the Synagogue, Lagos to Austria. T.B. Joshua could not heal or raise any of these people we mentioned from the dead. Ask yourself… what is the authenticity of the Synagogue blatant editing videos that went viral, what is the authenticity of anything you see on Emmanuel TV? Are they real? Forget about what you watch on television; T.B. Joshua manufactures and arranges miracles. Why is T.B. Joshua having pleasure deceiving people? It is for only one reason, to take your focus away from God’s presence, from holding and waiting upon the Lord ISAIAH 40:29-31. Now, the easy one, T.B. Joshua did not travel when the Synagogue collapsed upon him, what a good opportunity presented before him, and his junior prophets or wise men, to get busy by displaying their prowess of healing those that were wounded and raising the dead to life (sic). Even, two of his choir girls were badly wounded, and were hospitalized, one of them was on crutches for many months, while the other was flown out of the country for treatment; but T.B. Joshua would always present on Emmanuel TV to be healing cripple, healing those with cancer, healing the blind, and paralyzed, why does he allow his precious singer to be using walking aid? On top of it, he lied and dodged been prosecuted by the government. IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP people of God! Emmanuel TV propagates falsehood on daily basis. BE WARNED, BEWARE!

(Culled from the Book “THE T.B. JOSHUA I KNOW”)

Get A Copy to be Wiser!