Ex-U17 Golden Ball winner, Sani Emmanuel, has revealed his reasons for quitting football after emerging as one of the brightest stars when Nigeria hosted and reached the final of the 2009 FIFA U-17 World Cup- but lost to Switzerland by a lone goal. Many had expected the Former My People FC kid wonder to become a superstar after coming from the bench to score five goals and won the Golden Ball award in 2009- but while many of the other youngsters, including Nigeria’s Kenneth Omeruo, have gone on to stardom, the tournament’s highest goal scorer has disappeared into obscurity.The former Beitar Jerusalem forward has now explained the circumstances which forced him to quit football at the time when Chelsea wanted to sign him. “I had problems with my feet, even during the tournament in 2009. If you remember, I often played in the second half because the pain was unbearable. “After the World Cup, I could not play at all because I had pulled too much on the hamstring playing with pain. Then I had to stop my career. Even today, it still hurts on the front of the foot. “I tried to contact a lot of Nigerian international players, but I never got an answer and it was very difficult to cash,” Sani Emmanuel told Leero Sports News. Read more:


With SCOAN (the Synagogue) microphone, the world never know the truth until now

This story of Sani is very emotional for me because I remember this young man vividly during the time I lived in the Synagogue, he was amongst the young boys I used to coordinate alongside Kemi, until later in years when Lawal took over from us because I initiated buying Sports Jersey for the young footballers when I traveled to Togo to see Sarah at School (TB Joshua’ daughter). So, for that singular reason to be audacious, TB Joshua as usual felt bitter and sidelined because he believe the boys’ body, soul and spirit belongs to him. Anyone who tries to show more concern for them will be seen by TB Joshua as an enemy who plan to hijack his property from him. It wasn’t that TB Joshua cared so much about them in terms of well-being, but the boys were just contented for having an open space to practice the game they love often.
Anyway, as time passed, Sani struggled his way into the Nigeria National Youth Football Team called Golden Eaglets’ camp, I believe through his doggedness and resilient mind his talent caught the attention of the people that matter and the rest was history as he was included in the National Team contingent that represented the country in 2009 World cup, which the young man did his family and the Nation proud. Shortly after the news infiltrated into TB Joshua office, of course through his machineries/informants (�?disciples’) that the tournament could project Sani into the limelight the way things was heading, this was the time TB Joshua and his cohorts, the drama group (�?disciples’) began to strategize and show more interest in this young National star for the Synagogue to be included, no, not included; but to take all glory for what God was preparing to do for Sani.
So, as the norm in the Synagogue, TB Joshua manipulated Sani to act in the drama of (before and the after film) how Sani visited the Synagogue for the first time to ask for spiritual help (Lawal can bear witness); before this period, Sani had been one of the boys playing around in the Synagogue for so many years unnoticed to TB Joshua, but when fame started smiling on him, TB Joshua hijacked the show. Sani was coached on how he should cry for help under the camera while trying to gain the attention of the fraudster TB Joshua (It was all scam, drama) because the Synagogue must package a false video for the public that will back-up their claim showing how TB Joshua has been the maestro that groomed and prayed the young boy to stardom. This is to deceive the Nation, youths and will also use it as a dragnet to catch many vulnerable important personality in the society into the Synagogue. Many youths that were deceived into the Synagogue at that time through Sani’s documentary on Emmanuel TV became errand boys in the Synagogue, waiting for their time to become star like Sani, but it will shock you to know that many of them died unaccounted for, as unknown solders, inside the Synagogue collapsed building. It was only the foreigners that were documented, all the Nigerian youths that worked as labor force in the place became forgotten conclusion. Anyway, to brand Sani for the Synagogue’ glory, Sani’ birth name was changed to Emmanuel, the same was I narrated how my name was changed to Theresa by TB Joshua.
As usual, TB Joshua’s errand boys in the media houses helped him to circulate the fake news of being Sani’ mentor in exchange for money and of course many people bought into it.


Bedridden Sani
This young man does not belong here, he need help from all Nigerians. He had suffered too much for many years under TB Joshua. He is crying out because he cannot bear it anymore

Time is the enemy of lies. Lies cannot be hidden forever. Today, we are seeing that even from the time the Synagogue has been packaging lies for the gullible to buy into, till recent time, the young man Sani, has been suffering in silence. The good question that Sani need to answer truthfully is: “at what point did he started suffering this leg disaster?” how did he came about leg cancer that stopped his advancement in life? Now he cries out: “Please, guys I need your support. I have done one leg surgery and it was successful, 1 leg to go.” “After the World Cup, I could not play at all because I had pulled too much on the hamstring playing with pain. Then I had to stop my career. Even today, it still hurts on the front of the foot.”
“I tried to contact a lot of Nigerian international players, but I never got an answer and it was very difficult to cash.
“I returned to anonymity, without work, without anything. I wanted to set up an academy, but I never managed to get help and I’m still looking for it.
“I tried to contact them (the Nigeria Football Federation, NFF) so many times, but they told me to come home and get by on my own. They had other projects.”
On Wednesday 20/11/2019, Emmanuel, called for support from Nigerians, adding that he had done one surgery with one to go.
This means this poor boy had suffered for more than 10 years with leg ulcer/cancer only God knows. The unanswered question of how he sustained the injury remain a mystery. This is distressing, heart wrenching, disheartening and painful. I am calling on well-meaning Nigerians to rise up to the occasion to help this National talent. The name Emmanuel must be removed from his name immediately because it is a curse to his career.
If TB Joshua is truly who he claims to be, why is the star boy suffering for so many years without healing and why the cover-up? Let me unravel that. TB Joshua is a glory hijacker, he loves catching glorious children so that he can be exchanging their greatness to himself while interacting with them. In as much as those people are collecting money, food from him and he is having sex with them, they will be reducing spiritually while TB Joshua will be becoming what they ought to be. It is an exchange. This is why we are telling our people not to eat their tomorrow today.
Remember the stories of many sports personalities I featured in my first book “THE T.B. JOSHUA I KNOW” where some of them died, some of them lost track with destiny because they trusted in TB Joshua, and for the mercy of God for some of them that escaped him. People like Daniel Amokachi, and Kanu Nwankwo would have wasted in life if they did not listened to their inner intuition.

I decided to featured this here, even-though part of the story is already in the public domain, but many people do not know the behind the scene inside the Synagogue story. My last take is for every seeker of abundant life is to hold unto God and stop running after false demonic prophets. The Synagogue is not what you see it to be. Watching Emmanuel TV is luring yourself into trap of satan through his representative on earth. Our government also need to do more for the youths in the land so that false prophets like TB Joshua will not be killing the Nation softly through killing of its seeds. While TB Joshua is cruising his private jet around the world, those he had used mentally, spiritually and dump are bearing the brunt.


Why Is TB Joshua Afraid?


Fear has power to cripple man and to cause him to keep running even from his own shadow while no one pursues him. This is quite obvious about TB Joshua, as we see him in desperation looking in the silliest places for lifeline that will keep him afloat. He keeps telling embarrassing lies anyone would not expect from a sane person to cover his tracts in order to feel safe. Can anyone be secured in a house built on lies? It is just a matter of time. In my book “THE T.B. JOSHUA I KNOW” I elaborated on how the Synagogue’ ‘disciples’ quarters is run, we read how TB Joshua uses divide to rule to turn his moron ‘disciples’ into remote control, and causing them to snitch on each other to satisfy his sickening satisfaction.
TB Joshua is afraid of his shadows
TB Joshua is afraid of his future (forget about his loot)
TB Joshua is afraid his present
TB Joshua is afraid of his many lies he had told coming to the open
TB Joshua is afraid of his past
TB Joshua is afraid of the many evil he had done
TB Joshua is at it again. The child molester who has history of being an unrepentant liar/deceiver/false claims of miracles/deliverance/prophecies; he has been in the business of bewitching the unguarded gullible people over the years. Many enlightened people knows how TB Joshua attracts the GULLIBLE and the vulnerable with magic and fake miracles to his Synagogue of darkness over the years. Joshua, the man in the Synagogue is well known worldwide to be a fake and a prophet of doom, (Get a copy of my new Book “REASONS YOU SHOULD NOT VISIT THE SYNAGOGUE “CHURCH” OF ALL NATIONS or you can read it free on and in TREM BOOKSHOP nearer to you.


Amongst the uncountable exposé on this CHARLATAN was his numerous failed forecasts and his failure to predict the collapse of his Synagogue’s building in September 2014 while he busy bodies around telling-on people of other nations far and near. TB Joshua, being a manipulator and a deceiver has in many occasion secretly remove his failed forecasts from the Synagogue’ social platform handlers each time his forecast do not fits in, tallied or add up. The unstable pattern of this double-faced double-mouthed impostor had let people know that he is a compulsive and pathological liar who cannot be trusted but can go to any length to prove himself to be true. Joshua is the brain behind every evil machinations that is used to package grade-A Deception called the Synagogue for the innocent to buy into.
Many people who gives their attention to watch TB Joshua and his Synagogue of satan on Emmanuel TV may not understand why and how people are receiving vain promises of spiritual help, except those who had once lived and those that are still living inside the Synagogue can unravel this mystery. I believe Sani Shehu’s present predicament is one of the many ways TB Joshua and his Synagogue of satan is being exposed daily to the world, so that people can know the Truth and begin to follow the true God.
TB Joshua’ alleged spiritual power failed to produce solution in the life of Sani Shehu who TB Joshua hijacked in the days of his glory without inputs, and if Joshua cannot use his magic as usual to fake healing for Sani Shehu, I wonder why he would wickedly ignored to pay for the surgery that can return Sani to his active football for 10 solid years. How do TB Joshua sleeps at night leaving this young man that the Synagogue used in his glorious days in Golden Eaglet to make money, fame, and used as bait to drag many gullible people into the Synagogue. Onazi is doing well in his chosen career because he separated himself from the Synagogue and TB Joshua.
Anyway, for the love of humanity, BISOLA JOHNSON FOUNDATION began to work assiduously round the clock to seek financial aids for Sani Shehu, one of the Nigeria brilliant and brightest football stars to make it possible for his injured leg to be fixed under surgical blade like Kanu Nwankwo and return to the football games he loves, since after 10 years of his father and son lovey dovy relationship with TB Joshua of the Synagogue “church” of satan has not bring any glory to the young man, but retrogression in his life, falling and failing to march up with his peers, but highly favored TB Joshua. To show how much Sani was close to the Synagogue and TB Joshua, it will be recalled in an article written by Evangelist Bisola Hephzi-bah Johnson on 23rd of November, 2019 (, you will learn how Sani Shehu’s name was changed to Emmanuel by TB Joshua when the later realized the boy Sani was about going places immediately he was invited into the Nigeria Under 17 (Golden Eaglet)’ camp shortly before the World Cup that was played in 2009 in Nigeria.
Sani who was supposed to break into the first team squad of any top team in the world due to the talent he displayed at the World Cup if he had imitated his friend and ex Golden Eaglets teammate Eddy Onazi; but Sani’ career stalled and nosedive due to long-term Achilles tendonitis problems (TB Joshua how market). While Onazi progressed through the youth rank, Sani’s injury and a nomadic career path took him from the height to the lowest.
Every reasonable person would believe that Sani should not be left in this darkest hour by TB Joshua but alas. So, when the good people of Nigeria began to show the love of God to Sani Shehu alias Emmanuel, the spoiler of destiny came knocking again on Sani Shehu’ door. In one of the days the young man visited Lagos from Abuja, TB Joshua cornered Sani and dragged him to the Synagogue to be manipulated and bewitched and used to be writing what will not put his name in the records of life champions. Onazi is making waves in life, Sani Shehu (Emmanuel) is begging ‘Daddy’ to return home (the Synagogue), what a shame, when a man is bewitched, he sees his friends as enemies and see enemy as a friend.
Any intelligent and humane person knows the important thing Sani Shehu needs at this time is not shenanigans against anyone, because at 26 years old after wasting 10years in the camp of a time waster, talents destroyer, life waster, who claims on Emmanuel TV to be a healer and a giver to disadvantaged people in the society (claims but not in practice), but his claims do not rub on/show or have credible meaning in the lives of the people that go close to him, a man who bought himself 60 million dollar private jet could not spare enough to help a motherless, and disadvantaged Sani Shehu (Emmanuel)’ surgery, rather, TB Joshua used fear/threat to ridicule/debase the quality of Sani Shehu’ life to the point that Sani Shehu will sprawl on the floor to beg for TB Joshua’s peanut which is evident in the eulogy he wrote about TB Joshua to tickle his fancy on Sani Shehu’s page. Only fools will not see the tone behind this writes up, we know Sani is under threat in the Synagogue; we are praying for him.
I know beyond reasonable doubt that TB Joshua is stupid in reasoning but my worries is about those journalists who paid their school fees to be more intelligent and enlightened yet pushing out myopic news for TB Joshua in exchange for dirty money.
My Dear Sani Shehu (Emmanuel), You underrated me, next time TB Joshua send you on errand to snitch on people, try look face oo, nevertheless, you do not need this at this time of you life, but I understand your predicament under TB Joshua’ demonic influence over you, I used to be in that debased state you are right now. We have not stopped praying for you. At your young age, what you needed most in life is to fulfilled destiny, not the curses of those who gave you money through our NGO, I have tried my best to reach out to them to keep you in their prayers, and your action will not stop us from giving right hand of giving and fellowship to those who need help. We are called to make a difference in the world. Remember you told me how spirit of fornication entered into your life through sex dreams inside the Synagogue and you feel you are living another person’s life as you entered into the Synagogue. I never offered you money in exchange of speaking against nobody. I have mouth to tell my stories and no men of God want to use you against satanist, you are only myopic in thinking for saying that. The full text of our conversation will be uploaded to set the record straight. You should know better that I will not be stupid to fall cheaply into your hand because I am not gullible. I only look out for your best in life. I wish you all the best in life but I wish you have done it the other way round. Our WhatsApp chats never show what you said about me. TB Joshua who used you is paranoid. There is no-where I cajole, deceive, compelled Sani Shehu into talking about irrelevant TB Joshua, rather we look out for his better future.