You Don’t Need Permission – We Are Already Commissioned

In accordance to the great commission by the Lord Jesus Christ in:

Matthew 28:19
“19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost

On the 14th May, 2024. I took a trip to Benin Republic on Evangelism. I connected earlier with a humble Christian family that resides in Benin and they were happy to receive me into their home. It was wonderful bond by the Spirit of God. We quickly formed a foot solider team, traveling from one village to another village to propagate the message of Salvation and calling the lost souls into the Kingdom of the Father and reminding the backsliders to buckle their shoes to run the race of eternal life afresh. People received Christ, Bibles were shared, we also blessed the poor financially according to our ability.

I want to thank God for the grace of life, journey mercies and the opportunity. I appreciate my hosts.

I pray that the seeds of the Word we had sown into the hearts of men during that short period will be watered by the Holy Spirit and grow, and multiplied for greater harvest to the Kingdom of God.

There are more boundaries to be covered, this is not about frivolities, but about the souls of men. I pray that the Lord in His mercy will grants more opportunities in the nearest future to expand His Kingdom through us.

Thank you to all our supporters, yes, we may not be many, but I pray God will remember us all for good.

We need Bibles if you are led to give.


Jesus’ Parables Series – Parable Of The Sower

We are called to bear fruits

One of the many parables of Jesus while He walked on the earth with His Apostles is the Parable of the Sower that is in Matthew 13:1-17.

Lets read:

Matt 13:1-17
1 The same day went Jesus out of the house, and sat by the sea side.
2 And great multitudes were gathered together unto him, so that he went into a ship, and sat; and the whole multitude stood on the shore.
3 And he spake many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, a sower went forth to sow;
4 And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the fowls came and devoured them up:
5 Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth:
6 And when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away.
7 And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprung up, and choked them:
8 But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold.
9 Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.
10 And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables?
11 He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.
12 For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.
13 Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.
14 And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive:
15 For this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.
16 But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear.
17 For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.
We should not be amazed to see that what has been written down for many millennium years ago is still practicable and is a mirror to everyone of us today. It tells us that the Word of God is infinite

Let us remind ourselves on the lessons from the Parable of the Sower. Hebrews 3:13 “But exhort one another daily, while it is called Today; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.”

SCOAN Victims Seek Inquest & Police Intervention Against Threats

1. Conduct an immediate investigation into the allegations made by both local and foreign ex-disciples against T.B. Joshua and the Synagogue Church of All Nations.

2. Provide adequate protection and support for the individuals who have come forward, ensuring their safety and well-being.

3. Undertake a thorough review of existing laws and policies related to religious organizations to ensure they provide sufficient protection for the rights and safety of their members.

4. Collaborate with relevant authorities to address any criminal activities that may be uncovered during the investigation.

5. Issue a public statement condemning harassment, cyberbullying, and threats against individuals exercising their right to speak out against abuse.

The alleged victims also urged the police authorities to give due consideration to their plea and take appropriate actions to safeguard their rights and dignity.

The group is currently receiving support from rights group, Bisola Johnson Foundation/Freedom To The Captive Platform, as they navigate their ordeal.


How My Beloved Sister Died In SCOAN & James Obiorah Connection

By Christine

Dear Everyone,


This is how I lost my beloved sister to death through TB Joshua’ deception, and how late TB joshua stole from my family and also tried to sexually molest my 12year old daughter.
I’m the Swiss lady Christine she is talking about, and Mary is my beloved late sister, whom evil TB Joshua killed. Everything Ms. Theresa Johnson said is nothing but the truth. James Obiorah introduced us to this fake prophet. My beloved sister was just 24 years, was taking her medication and was in good health condition under the care of her European Doctors in Switzerland, until James Obiora came with some of TB Joshua’s miracle healing videos to our house, he pleaded with us to visit the prophet, whom he was calling his spiritual father, assuring us that our sister will be totally healed when we visit TB Joshua in Nigeria.

My daughter was not up to 14 years, she was 12years it a shame that this pedophile is not behind bars. What happened to my sister is beyond words and many innocent souls that I met in Synagogue that died around the same time my beloved sister past on. They were also asked and forced to stop taking their medication, I know several of them. I’m very disappointed and still very sad, in the manner that my beloved sister Mary was mishandled, hiring this testimony from THERESA BROUGHT BACK SAD MEMORY AND UNCONTROLLABLE TEARS, reliving this horror over again!

What Bisola did not mention is that they advised us to leave my sister Mary and one of our Swiss friends that also passed away behind, the reason was that it was just 5 day’s left for the miracle water that was done every month, we were told that once my sister bath with that water she will be permanently healed. That is the only reason we left her behind and fly back to Switzerland because we had to go back to work. She was in very good health when we left her and happy, she even escorted us to the car as we were heading to the airport, I can’t forget her beautiful smile as she was waving bye to me, little did I know that this was going to be her last smile. I tried to call her over 10 times every day when I got back to Switzerland but never had the chance to talk to her again.

Bisola and many other disciples that picked the phone kept on giving me excuses one after another, either she was sleeping or away in the crowd. A few days later, I received a very short phone call from Theressa instructing me to go to Zurich airport just a few hours before the flight landed at Zurich airport to pick up my sister, was very happy to hear that my sister was finally coming back home, but the joy did not last long! When I got to the airport, I almost passed out when I saw my beloved sister……She was in a very bad condition, it was the most horrifying and very painful experience in my life, that I will never forget, my sister was speechless and was in a coma lying half dead.

Bisola never told me the condition my sister was in when she called me, and when I called her to ask what happened she refused to pick up our calls, she only picked my phone one time very short when my sister died, and when I told her my sister died, we were blamed for her death, we were told that it was either our fault or my late sister’s fault, that she was healed but probably she had some sins she did not confess, I called TB Joshua, but he never picked our calls. They were so hurtless and cold-blooded, absolutely no sympathy or any kind words of consolation. The Swiss doctors almost sued us for allowing this fake prophet to stop my sister from taking her medication including the Swiss guy we brought to synagogue who also passed away later on.

A lady nurse from England that we met in synagogue also died shortly after going back to England, she was taken out of her medication too. I found it very difficult to forgive myself for ever taking my beloved sister to the Synagogue and letting her remain behind in the hands of those evil creatures. To be honest, when Bisola contacts me through Facebook, I was not happy and did not take it easy with her at all, after years of going through all the pains and the sorrows, not knowing what happened to our sister, and the most painful thing is her videos of testimony was all over on TV, even though they knew she was dead, they still used her videos of her planned fake testimonies that she was healed.

After the burial, I even flew back to the synagogue to find out what actually happened since they refused to pick my calls, but Bisola and all other disciples were not amazed to see me, TB Joshua hide from me, every one of them totally ignored me and was warned not to tell anyone that my sister Mary died. TB Joshua assigned few of his disciples to watch my every move and whom I was talking to as I was trying to investigate the course of the sudden death of my sister during those two days I spent there, I left to go back without any answer. I trusted Theresa so much and I took her as a sister, she begged me to bring my daughter with me the second time of our visit to meet TB Joshua, that he wanted to pray for her, knowing that this man was a pedophile and she even told me that TB Joshua wanted me to leave my daughter at the Synagogue church, when we said NO,

TB Joshua himself pleaded with us to let our daughter remain there, and we said NO. And for me to hear this to on this YouTube today that his intention was to destroy my innocent daughter live too is still very disturbing to me, and I’m glad we did not let that happen. It took me some time to forgive Theresa as she remorseful begged for forgiveness if took God to touch my heart to be able to forgive her. I felt her sincerity and guilt. I’m glad she was able to get out of that dark hole, I’m glad and admire her boldness to expose this evil practice in that Synagogue of Satan. I know Kanu, Amokachi and James Obiora, I also met some Nigerian actors and actress in the synagogue two of them died too. Since my beloved sister tragic incident. I have learnt the hard way, never to ever trust any of the so-called prophets or men of God. TB Joshua used us, we were like his Swiss bank, thinking about it want to make me throw out. Bisola called me several times and gave me a list of the things TB Joshua needed; you can be sure they were not cheap. Was in Synagogue more than 3 times, when I look back during those days, I always ask myself how blind was I……!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I Confirm that every word that Bisola saying about TB Joshua is nothing but the truth… I’m glad she is standing up for the truth. I’m so surprised to hear my own story and my name on this YouTube. People that are calling Bisola a liar are ignorant and most of them are totally brainwashed. Maybe because they have not experienced a loss of a loved one in such a brutal manner. TB Joshua killed my sister Mary……And many others that I personally met there, we exchanged the phone numbers, and that’s how I found out about their death. Visiting SCOAN was a curse for me, after Mary died, I lost 5 members of my family back to back.

Posthumous Trials For Late TB Joshua

By Samson Folarin
Contributor : Bisola Hephzi-bah Johnson

posthumous trial or post-mortem trial is a trial held after the defendant‘s death. Posthumous trials can be held for a variety of reasons, including the legal declaration that the defendant was the one who committed the crime, to provide justice for society or family members of the victims, or to exonerate a wrongfully convicted person after their death. Due to the heavy cost, they are usually held only under extraordinary circumstances.

In 897, the body of Pope Formosus was exhumed and taken to trial in what became known as the Cadaver Synod. Formosus died seven months earlier and was accused of perjury by John III. His corpse was taken to court, clad in papal vestment and propped on a throne. Witnesses came forward to testify against him. Formosus, after all evidence, was pronounced guilty. Upon conviction, his clothes were torn as his pontificate and decisions were revoked. The fingers he used in blessing the congregation were cut off. Then he was re-buried.

This macabre trial, which I came across recently, ran through my mind as I watched with horror the disturbing revelations from the BBC documentary on Prophet TB Joshua of the Synagogue Church of All Nations. I wondered if TB could face posthumous prosecution for the allegations of rapes, abortions, assaults, occultism, slavery, and manipulation levelled against him by his former disciples and members, including five Britons. A South African woman even claimed she aborted three times for TB Joshua! I felt sad and angry at the same time.

Truth is, most of these heart-rending tales of abuse are not new. Late investigative journalist Kolawole Olawuyi unraveled this mess more than two decades ago. As a reporter on the Metro desk those days, I wrote several stories on this man, particularly the mysterious deaths and curious cover-ups in his church with the connivance of his indoctrinated disciples. Some of his former members also made videos and wrote books, desperately calling attention to the alleged atrocities of TB Joshua. Many of these stories were discredited and described as rantings of aggrieved and envious haters because late TB Joshua paid heavily on his hired Media PR who helped him to create a personality/character that doesn’t exit. Image launderer, dirty cleaner journalists who helped him to do the needful each time he was in trouble. Amongst them were: Dayo Thomas, Dele Momodu, Idika Kalu, Jide Osikoya, Bolaji Tunji, Sonny Irabor, Ogundipe, Femi Oyewale, John Edwards, Olabanji, and many others.

Instead, heads of governments and world leaders flocked to TB’s church at Ikotun Egbe, a backwater community in Lagos, to endorse his unconventional methods that made him a pariah in Nigerian Christian circles. But now that the BBC has made this film with graphic details and testimonies, maybe there will be a push for some retribution on his estate.

I, however, have two concerns with regards to the sexual allegations. First, there are many more TB Joshuas in Africa, keeping thousands of gullible ladies in religious bondage. These are felons with specialties in sophistry and sophisticated nonsense, who have perfected a system of keeping young innocent girls in sexual servitude. In Nigeria, a few of them have been exposed. Some of their victims have spoken to local media, revealing the dirty things done behind closed curtains, far from the klieg lights of public performance. But the justice system has failed them. Their cries of pain have been drowned by the hosannah screams of followers of these powerful and untouchable pastor-preneurs, who are being protected by a complicit, enabling society that shields them from accountability and responsibility.

In 1988, Jimmy Swaggart, a popular televangelist, was accused of consorting with a sex worker at a time the church in America was rocked with different sex scandals involving top pastors. Swaggart had exposed a few. With no hiding place, he sobbed in front of his 7,000 congregation, confessing to his “moral failure” as he resigned his position. I am not sure anything like this has happened in Nigeria, the most religious country in the world. And yet, we have an unenviable record of sexual exploitation through the pulpit. In a series of investigations I conducted last year on a particular prominent pastor accused of raping at least three of his female members, I discovered these pastors blackmail and harass their victims with compromised security agents. Attempts were made to bribe me as well, but I refused. Now, the accused is facing prosecution as his naïve members and followers are made to believe their ‘papa’ is only a victim of political persecution. There are more of his ilk. The unfortunate thing is that we may never know how much havoc they have caused until they die like several pastors whose licentious relationships only came to light after their demise. For TB, it was apparent in his lifetime, but he somehow evaded justice.

My second worry is that the BBC film has a lot of ramifications and implications. But the greatest for me is the toll it could take on Nigerians and the Christian faith. TB Joshua, in his lifetime, was one of the biggest exports of Nigeria. While the country struggled to attract tourists, the SCOAN effortlessly drew thousands of worshippers from different parts of the world. At a time, eight out of 10 tourists arriving in Nigeria were said to be going to TB’s church. Many converted to Christianity because of him. But now that the lid has been blown on Pandora’s box, the Nigerian Christian community will take a major hit. Many will turn sceptics. Some will backslide. A few might even want to stop going to church. With Nigeria’s bad reputation, true Christian leaders will face increased scrutiny when they go to other countries.

But whatever happens, I am strongly convinced that miracles, as supernatural acts of God, are real. There are also true ministers of God in Nigeria and Africa. Without making excuses for monstrous rapists, a few undisciplined preachers may have fallen into sexual sins because they could not handle the attention that comes with increased fame. Pastors are not the only ones guilty of this. There are artists who sleep recklessly with fawning female fans, lecturers who abuse their position as loco parentis to rape students, and managers who sleep with recruits and younger colleagues as condition for favour and promotion. A common thread runs through them all: abuse of power and indiscipline! The only difference is that spiritual leaders are expected to be beacons of integrity and chastity. When they fail, the mess is almost unforgivable.

I commend all the courageous men and women, particularly the former disciples, who spoke to the BBC after going through such horrendous and traumatizing ordeals at the hands of a man they trusted. To be a victim of sexual abuse and talk about it openly can be very difficult. Now their stories have a global audience. I understand that the plan was to confront TB Joshua with these allegations, but he died while interviews were running for the two-year investigations. I urge young girls facing sexual exploitation and enslavement whether in religious or secular circles to enlist the support of reputable rights groups and journalists. Don’t suffer in silence. Confront that fake prophet like Ajoke, TB Joshua’s daughter, did on behalf of those women, despite being ostracized by her father. The government and the church failed in the handling of the grievous allegations against TB Joshua, even after his guest house killed 116 people. There must be proper accountability for these crimes. I demand apologies from those who failed to defend the victims in spite of their outcry.

Notable posthumous trials

And I am still wondering, can late TB Joshua face trial like Formosus or we should allow God judge him, as Nigerians would say?