The moment I delve into writing this memoir, I sweetly remember one of the greatest gospel songs of all time written by Ron Kenoly that goes this way:- Winna, Mon
It is such fun to see
Such fun to see
satan lose
It is such fun to see
Such fun to see
satan lose
Jesus is the Winna mon
The Winna mon
The winna mon
Jesus is the Winna mon
The Winna mon all the time
Jesus is the Winna mon
The Winna mon
The winna mon
Jesus is the Winna mon
The Winna mon all the time
It is such fun to see
Such fun to see
satan lose
It is such fun to see
Such fun to see
satan lose
Jesus is the Winna mon
The Winna mon
The winna mon
Jesus is the Winna mon
The Winna mon all the time
I am on the winning side
I am on the winning side
The winning side
The winning side
I am on the winning side
The winning side all the time
In Matthew chapter two Satan lose
When Jesus was born in a manger
And in the wilderness
satan lose again
At the Mount of Transfiguration Yeah!
It is such fun to see
Such fun to see
satan lose
It is such fun to see
Such fun to see
satan lose
Jesus is the Winna mon
The Winna mon
The winna mon
Jesus is the Winna mon
The Winna mon all the time
At the crucifixion satan lose again
When Jesus rose triumphantly From the grave
And at the ascension satan lose
Once more When I was born again Yeah!
It is such fun to see
Such fun to see
satan lose
It is such fun to see
Such fun to see
satan lose
Jesus is the Winna mon
The Winna mon
The winna mon
Jesus is the Winna mon
The Winna mon all the time
Winna mon
Jesus is the Winna mon
The Winna mon all the time
Winna mon
Jesus is the Winna mon
The Winna mon all the time
He’s the Winna
The Winna The Winna
Jesus is the Winna mon
The Winna mon all the time
He’s the Winna
The Winna The Winna
Winna mon
Jesus is the Winna mon
The Winna mon all the time
It is such fun to see
Such fun to see
satan lose
It is such fun to see
Such fun to see
satan lose
As indicated in the topic: July 2024 would continue to be a memorable time in my life. It is a period to appreciate God for His constant love. I will always acknowledge His faithfulness and His abiding presence.
July 2024 was a remarkable month in my life. It will surely be remembered for its significant negative events God showed His awesomeness. Those events seemed orchestrated against me, as if stage-managed from the pit of hell. This experience confirmed in me that the government of God is too committed and responsible to His own. God will not allow His children to be overrun by the power of darkness.
Yes indeed! God is Enough for Us
Philippians 2:13 says, “For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.”
Dear Heavenly Father,
I want to thank You for being faithfully committed to me. You are responsibly dedicated to me at all times. This is according to Your unending unwavering love. Thank You for making a way for me in the middle of nowhere in this wicked world. Thank You for cooling the thirst of my soul. Thank You for being there when others left. Thank You for Your strength that upholds me when the world demoralizes me. Thank You for leading me to the Rock (Jesus the Christ) that is higher than I (Psalms 61:2). I have no power of my own.
Thank You for making a way for me to know You. You are enough for me, and You make me enough. I totally and humbly surrender myself to You. I give my allegiance to You alone. I choose to patiently wait on You. I know that You will finish the work You started in me. In Jesus’ Mighty Name I have prayed and received answers. Amen.
You ooh Lord that You have seen the end from the beginning. “You know my ways and my days, You crafted me in love, knowing me ahead before I arrived here on earth (Jeremiah 1:5).” Only You do this for Your beloved.
So, for Who You Are – You alone deserve All Glory, Honor, Adoration and Worship. Thank You for the journey so far. I commit the rest of the journey ahead into Your Able Mighty Hands. Your Kingdom is too responsible to allow darkness to overrun Your own.
July 2024 to remember How Death missed me couple of times:
First, I was in a ghastly accident, which caused the car airbag to blow on my face. And the second car involved almost somersaulted.
Secondly, I fell headlong into a manhole in the middle of a road, almost hitting my head on the curb. Though I sustained multiple cuts on my body. Thank God the hole was water-less, it would have dragged me along.
Thirdly, I left the cooking gas in my house on for hours. It blew in my face when I tried to use it cook later in the evening. satan tried to put icing on his cake, a car boot accidentally slide down and hit my eyeball. Instantly, I thought I had lost my sight.
Again, another impending death trap was ticking in my apartment unknowingly. Haba! Death! Wetin I do you now for just one month? .
Nevertheless, Our time is in God’s hands.
How it all started
July 2024 began wonderfully well. While I was still basking in the euphoria of my month of June missionary trip across countries beyond Nigeria. One morning I woke up to visit the largest Bible market far from where I live. At the end of my shopping, I got almost 350 Bibles in the trunk of my car. I was looking ahead to embark on another evangelical trip to another country, come August. I wanted to share as many Bibles to many people who would surrender their hearts to Christ. Thanks to all financial supporters of Bisola Johnson Foundation – Outreach wing.
On my way home from Bible shopping that fateful day. I was just halfway home when I negotiated a bend. Unfortunately, another irrational car driver threw the opposite coming vehicle off balance. The driver rammed into me as I waited at the bend. In a split millisecond, I didn’t know where I was, all I heard was a loud blast. I couldn’t remember clearly where I was. Until I return to a smell of burning stuff in the car. Then, I realized it was the car airbag that popped out.
At the same time, my thumb and wrist where I had gotten burnt sent heat waves to my brain. The other vehicle that hit me almost skidded across the other side of the road. Thank God for a high road demarcation. The sudden hard impact of the accident took away my car’s front bumper and all front lights. I give kudos to Mazda stability. Aside all the impact on the car, it just stood there like the rock of Gibraltar.

After all nerves calm, there was an argument about who was at fault. A traffic police officer settled it. When I was asked what I wanted, I expressed my gratitude to God for life preservation. I was thankful for a new lease of life God bestowed on everyone involved. I suggested that we should all go home and lick our wounds. I didn’t ask for any redress.
It was about the middle of the month again when I had certain premonition. I will omit the details of this premonition in this write-up for now. I set out to check something somewhere. Unfortunately, this almost cost me my precious life again. On my way, I ended up in an uncovered manhole. As I struggled out of the pit, I was grateful it wasn’t flooded. My legs to my thighs were bleeding profusely. My waist was crying for help because of pain. Though, no bone was broken. Thank God!
The very last day of the month started wonderful. I remember a few days before the last day of the month of July. I dream how I perceived some strange smells like that of cooking gas in my apartment. A day after the dream, I went to the kitchen to have my usual early morning warm water. I found out that my gas cylinder was open. The gas cooker was on, but there was no fire. Thank God there is no smoker in my house; but some good amount of gas had leaked away. Anyway, I put off the cylinder for sometime before returning for my usual water.
I had already faced so much. Then, on that last day of the month, I went out for a certain assignment. I came back home feeling hungry. So, I placed some meat inside the oven to return to my laptop work. I waited for almost 2 hours. I did not perceive any aroma of roasting meat. So, I went into the Kitchen to check on my food. I wanted to see what was happening. I found out there was no fire in the oven. I guess when I closed the lid of the oven, the fire went out because of the door breeze. Unfortunately, I lit the gas again without thinking. The rude shock I got was a big blast, hunger disappeared. When I returned to my senses, I saw that the cooking gas glass had shattered everywhere. I began to smell burning hair around my face. I quickly picked up a mirror to see the extent of the damage on my face. To my relief, everything was intact and normal.
I realized that the fire did not come out of the oven toward me. Rather, it went through the back of the cooking gas. What a mighty hand of God at work. Only God can this be faithful. I remember what the Psalmist say in Psalm 31:15 (NKJV) “My times are in Your hand.”
The aggression of hell spread to the early month of August. After my car was return to me from the repair shop. I went to the trunk to check all the Bibles I bought to be intact. As I was checking, the bonnet slide down to my face, and hit one of my eye. In a second, I thought an eye had removed from its socket. The cruel pain was out of this world. I remember I laid my hand on my face, praying until I got some relieve. The ripple effect of the incident appeared few days later. I woke up with an eye drenched in blood that was too sensitive to the light.
At this point in time, I did not know that I was living in a death trapped apartment. In the area I lived, we enjoyed 24 hrs. light, and our generator was on sabbatical leave. Suddenly, they began to tamper with power supplies, but I had no motivations to go to the generator room. No matter how long the power outage, I always waited.
I remember I invited an electrician for certain electrical fault. Then, he brought my attention to the naked changeover, which could have caused instant death if anyone touched it. He asked, “Ma, who did this?” I was speechless, almost in tears. The day the cooking gas explosion happened. I thought the blast only shattered the glass and the POP roof. The apartment POP roof was almost collapsing. I didn’t know that it also resonates in the electrical part of the house. All I thought was losing interest in the apartment I had stayed for more than 3 years.
What an experience! What a good God! The defender of His own.
I want to appreciate God for His everlasting love.
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