Bisola Johnson

July 2024 To Remember – Satan Missed Its Target

The moment I delve into writing this memoir, I sweetly remember one of the greatest gospel songs of all time written by Ron Kenoly that goes this way:- Winna, Mon

It is such fun to see

Such fun to see

satan lose

It is such fun to see

Such fun to see

satan lose

Jesus is the Winna mon

The Winna mon

The winna mon

Jesus is the Winna mon

The Winna mon all the time

Jesus is the Winna mon

The Winna mon

The winna mon

Jesus is the Winna mon

The Winna mon all the time


It is such fun to see

Such fun to see

satan lose

It is such fun to see

Such fun to see

satan lose

Jesus is the Winna mon

The Winna mon

The winna mon

Jesus is the Winna mon

The Winna mon all the time

I am on the winning side

I am on the winning side

The winning side

The winning side

I am on the winning side

The winning side all the time

In Matthew chapter two Satan lose

When Jesus was born in a manger

And in the wilderness

satan lose again

At the Mount of Transfiguration Yeah!

It is such fun to see

Such fun to see

satan lose

It is such fun to see

Such fun to see

satan lose

Jesus is the Winna mon

The Winna mon

The winna mon

Jesus is the Winna mon

The Winna mon all the time

At the crucifixion satan lose again

When Jesus rose triumphantly From the grave

And at the ascension satan lose

Once more When I was born again Yeah!

It is such fun to see

Such fun to see

satan lose

It is such fun to see

Such fun to see

satan lose

Jesus is the Winna mon

The Winna mon

The winna mon

Jesus is the Winna mon

The Winna mon all the time

Winna mon

Jesus is the Winna mon

The Winna mon all the time

Winna mon

Jesus is the Winna mon

The Winna mon all the time

He’s the Winna

The Winna The Winna

Jesus is the Winna mon

The Winna mon all the time

He’s the Winna

The Winna The Winna

Winna mon

Jesus is the Winna mon

The Winna mon all the time

It is such fun to see

Such fun to see

satan lose

It is such fun to see

Such fun to see

satan lose

As indicated in the topic: July 2024 would continue to be a memorable time in my life. It is a period to appreciate God for His constant love. I will always acknowledge His faithfulness and His abiding presence.

July 2024 was a remarkable month in my life. It will surely be remembered for its significant negative events God showed His awesomeness. Those events seemed orchestrated against me, as if stage-managed from the pit of hell. This experience confirmed in me that the government of God is too committed and responsible to His own. God will not allow His children to be overrun by the power of darkness.

Yes indeed! God is Enough for Us

Philippians 2:13 says, “For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.”

Dear Heavenly Father,

I want to thank You for being faithfully committed to me. You are responsibly dedicated to me at all times. This is according to Your unending unwavering love. Thank You for making a way for me in the middle of nowhere in this wicked world. Thank You for cooling the thirst of my soul. Thank You for being there when others left. Thank You for Your strength that upholds me when the world demoralizes me. Thank You for leading me to the Rock (Jesus the Christ) that is higher than I (Psalms 61:2). I have no power of my own.
Thank You for making a way for me to know You. You are enough for me, and You make me enough. I totally and humbly surrender myself to You. I give my allegiance to You alone. I choose to patiently wait on You. I know that You will finish the work You started in me. In Jesus’ Mighty Name I have prayed and received answers. Amen.

You ooh Lord that You have seen the end from the beginning. “You know my ways and my days, You crafted me in love, knowing me ahead before I arrived here on earth (Jeremiah 1:5).” Only You do this for Your beloved.

So, for Who You Are – You alone deserve All Glory, Honor, Adoration and Worship. Thank You for the journey so far. I commit the rest of the journey ahead into Your Able Mighty Hands. Your Kingdom is too responsible to allow darkness to overrun Your own.

July 2024 to remember 🤣 How Death missed me couple of times:

First, I was in a ghastly accident, which caused the car airbag to blow on my face. And the second car involved almost somersaulted.
Secondly, I fell headlong into a manhole in the middle of a road, almost hitting my head on the curb. Though I sustained multiple cuts on my body. Thank God the hole was water-less, it would have dragged me along.

Thirdly, I left the cooking gas in my house on for hours. It blew in my face when I tried to use it cook later in the evening. satan tried to put icing on his cake, a car boot accidentally slide down and hit my eyeball. Instantly, I thought I had lost my sight.

Again, another impending death trap was ticking in my apartment unknowingly. Haba! Death! Wetin I do you now for just one month? 🤣.
Nevertheless, Our time is in God’s hands.

July 2024 began wonderfully well. While I was still basking in the euphoria of my month of June missionary trip across countries beyond Nigeria. One morning I woke up to visit the largest Bible market far from where I live. At the end of my shopping, I got almost 350 Bibles in the trunk of my car. I was looking ahead to embark on another evangelical trip to another country, come August. I wanted to share as many Bibles to many people who would surrender their hearts to Christ. Thanks to all financial supporters of Bisola Johnson Foundation – Outreach wing.

On my way home from Bible shopping that fateful day. I was just halfway home when I negotiated a bend. Unfortunately, another irrational car driver threw the opposite coming vehicle off balance. The driver rammed into me as I waited at the bend. In a split millisecond, I didn’t know where I was, all I heard was a loud blast. I couldn’t remember clearly where I was. Until I return to a smell of burning stuff in the car. Then, I realized it was the car airbag that popped out.

At the same time, my thumb and wrist where I had gotten burnt sent heat waves to my brain. The other vehicle that hit me almost skidded across the other side of the road. Thank God for a high road demarcation. The sudden hard impact of the accident took away my car’s front bumper and all front lights. I give kudos to Mazda stability. Aside all the impact on the car, it just stood there like the rock of Gibraltar.

The Catalyst

After all nerves calm, there was an argument about who was at fault. A traffic police officer settled it. When I was asked what I wanted, I expressed my gratitude to God for life preservation. I was thankful for a new lease of life God bestowed on everyone involved. I suggested that we should all go home and lick our wounds. I didn’t ask for any redress.

It was about the middle of the month again when I had certain premonition. I will omit the details of this premonition in this write-up for now. I set out to check something somewhere. Unfortunately, this almost cost me my precious life again. On my way, I ended up in an uncovered manhole. As I struggled out of the pit, I was grateful it wasn’t flooded. My legs to my thighs were bleeding profusely. My waist was crying for help because of pain. Though, no bone was broken. Thank God!

The very last day of the month started wonderful. I remember a few days before the last day of the month of July. I dream how I perceived some strange smells like that of cooking gas in my apartment. A day after the dream, I went to the kitchen to have my usual early morning warm water. I found out that my gas cylinder was open. The gas cooker was on, but there was no fire. Thank God there is no smoker in my house; but some good amount of gas had leaked away. Anyway, I put off the cylinder for sometime before returning for my usual water.

I had already faced so much. Then, on that last day of the month, I went out for a certain assignment. I came back home feeling hungry. So, I placed some meat inside the oven to return to my laptop work. I waited for almost 2 hours. I did not perceive any aroma of roasting meat. So, I went into the Kitchen to check on my food. I wanted to see what was happening. I found out there was no fire in the oven. I guess when I closed the lid of the oven, the fire went out because of the door breeze. Unfortunately, I lit the gas again without thinking. The rude shock I got was a big blast, hunger disappeared. When I returned to my senses, I saw that the cooking gas glass had shattered everywhere. I began to smell burning hair around my face. I quickly picked up a mirror to see the extent of the damage on my face. To my relief, everything was intact and normal.

I realized that the fire did not come out of the oven toward me. Rather, it went through the back of the cooking gas. What a mighty hand of God at work. Only God can this be faithful. I remember what the Psalmist say in Psalm 31:15 (NKJV) “My times are in Your hand.”

The aggression of hell spread to the early month of August. After my car was return to me from the repair shop. I went to the trunk to check all the Bibles I bought to be intact. As I was checking, the bonnet slide down to my face, and hit one of my eye. In a second, I thought an eye had removed from its socket. The cruel pain was out of this world. I remember I laid my hand on my face, praying until I got some relieve. The ripple effect of the incident appeared few days later. I woke up with an eye drenched in blood that was too sensitive to the light.

At this point in time, I did not know that I was living in a death trapped apartment. In the area I lived, we enjoyed 24 hrs. light, and our generator was on sabbatical leave. Suddenly, they began to tamper with power supplies, but I had no motivations to go to the generator room. No matter how long the power outage, I always waited.

I remember I invited an electrician for certain electrical fault. Then, he brought my attention to the naked changeover, which could have caused instant death if anyone touched it. He asked, “Ma, who did this?” I was speechless, almost in tears. The day the cooking gas explosion happened. I thought the blast only shattered the glass and the POP roof. The apartment POP roof was almost collapsing. I didn’t know that it also resonates in the electrical part of the house. All I thought was losing interest in the apartment I had stayed for more than 3 years.

What an experience! What a good God! The defender of His own.

I want to appreciate God for His everlasting love.

Thank you for reading. Kindly leave your comments behind.

Beyond the Pulpit: Shrouded in Secrecy

My 16-Year Journey in TB Joshua’s Court: Secrets of Spiritual Leadership

In a society profoundly influenced by the allure of faith and spirituality, it is commonplace for individuals to become enchanted by the charisma and promises of religious leaders. However, such enchantment often blinds adherents to the lurking shadows that accompany these bright lights.

“Beyond the Pulpit: Shrouded in Secrecy – My 16 Years of Spiritual Slavery in TB Joshua’s Court” is a compelling and sobering narrative penned by Babatunde John, a figure widely recognized in spiritual circles as Akewi. This book endeavors to peel back the layers of intrigue and secrecy encasing one of contemporary religion’s most enigmatic personalities, the late T.B. Joshua, and the influential institution he founded, the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN).

Within the pages of this book, Akewi offers a richly woven tapestry of personal experiences, insights, and revelations that span a decade and a half spent entrenched in TB Joshua’s ministry. Drawing on his intimate knowledge gained as a close associate and participant in the church’s inner workings, he invites readers into a world where the line between genuine spirituality and manipulative control is frequently blurred. His candid reflections reveal the paradox of a congregational environment that thrived on the promise of miraculous healing, spiritual rebirth, and divine revelations—offering hope to thousands—while simultaneously entrapping its followers in a web of deception, spiritual enslavement and emotional manipulation.

Get your copy on Selar:

Get your copy on Amazon:

2025 Prophecy

2025 Prophecy: Embrace Faith Over False Predictions

Please check my website to get the Book of prophecy, kindly get your money ready. I know you will buy it; you always fall for their scam. I suggest you to stop buying junks this year.

Congratulations it’s another Year 2025! Always remember
that Yesterday is gone, Today is ours. Tomorrow is in the Able
Hands of the Almighty God.

We, (all humans including the so-called prophets) are all in this together. So, no man knows tomorrow, I don’t know tomorrow, your pastors, and prophets don’t know tomorrow. For example, as late TB Joshua saw everything, he didn’t see his church collapsing, who is deceiving who? You have seen how many of them failed in their forecasts many times while forecasting football matches, political elections, etc. No angels know tomorrow, No satan or demons knows tomorrow.
We follow God by faith (Heb. 11:6). We all have access to the presence of God equally. This is why we must not see prayer as a spare tire, but a steering wheel to hold tightly every moment. Pray as everything depend on God and work as if everything depend on you. If you and I know tomorrow, it means we don’t need God anymore.
Please, Stay in your lane, and let God be God. We must rest in God’ Word. The Word of God well understood and religiously obeyed is the shortest route to spiritual maturity.
You do not need anyone to forecast what tomorrow holds for you, you actually don’t need it. The Lord Jesus Christ says, let Today’s issues be enough for us to deal with (Matthew 6:34), if Tomorrow per
adventure comes, the Lord who Rules in the affairs of men (Daniel 5:21) is still on the Throne of Mercy to see us through (Ps. 23:5).

Shun forecasters.
Shun casinos pastors and Jehovah sharp sharp ministers.
Snub SANGOMAS and Babalawos / Mamalawos in the cloaks
of prophets/ prophetesses.
Stay away from Hand of Esau, voice of Jacob International
Reject magicians in the cloak of pastors.
Run away from representatives of witch of Endor churches
RUN away from star gazers in the name of prophets.
Ignore falsehood peddlers.
Let these people go and prophesy to their family members first. Do not allow yourself to be deceived, used as guinea pig, and make mockery of your life. They have caused enough confusion and disaffection amongst people’s family and friends. Christians should stop checking horoscope newspaper pages or waiting for what Papa prophecies would say to them. We have seen many of these prophets raped, stole, divorced, died, hide and managed sicknesses secretly.
Yes, Happy New Year 2025 all lovers and followers of Truth. Let us keep trying our best in following Christ, He that promised to hold our hands till very end will not fail.

Man is inquisitive by nature, and he wants to know what tomorrow holds for him, this is why most people are so fascinated by those who claims to know the future or possessed the gift of prophecy. Nevertheless, if we realize that Jesus is in our future and our Future is safe in God’s Hand; we shall have peace and rest in God (1Cor. 2:9).
He said in Jeremiah 29:11 that “I KNOW THE PLANS I HAVE FOR YOU.” Only God knows and only Him can bring us into the future.
Though our beginning may be small, Yet our latter end would increase abundantly (Job 8:7). Life is not a competition, or sprint. Life is a journey, allow God to lead you one day at a time.
Happy New Year 2025 all lovers and followers of Truth. Let us
keep trying our best in following Christ, He that promised to
hold our hands till the very end will not fail.

WORLD you will fall for it.

The Truth Of The Matter Of My Prophecy is for the wise:
To live in peace with God…Repent of your sins and live right (Mark 1:15).
To be delivered from any bondage… Go personally to God through Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:12-14; Act 4:12). There’s nothing called deliverance ministries, we all have right before our heavenly Father.
To enjoy good health… Exercise, eat balance diet, stop eating junks (3John 1:2; 1Tim. 4:8).
To live well… Go and work, stop waiting for destiny helpers in churches where you shout “I receive, I receive” and over the years, you have received nothing. I was once there (Deut. 28:12; 2Thess. 3:10).
To get Mercy, Be Merciful to others, what goes round
turns round (Matthew 5:7; Psalm 18:24-26).
If you are in need… Pray to God (Jeremiah 33:3; Matthew 7:7).
To be spiritually intelligent and balanced… Always read and meditate on the Word of God (Joshua 1:8).
If we are sick in the body…Pray (Jeremiah 30:17; Exodus 15:26); AND GO TO THE HOSPITAL.
Challenges come but we must rest in Him who can deliver us (John 16:33).
Always pray, read the Word of God, and learn something new that will improve your life positively.
PLAN … God loves people who plans.
PLANT good seeds because you will gain from it another
Love yourself, bless yourself, be happy with yourself always: You can’t give what you don’t have to others.
Be cautious… Don’t rush into things, carry God along.
STOP USING GOD AS RUBBER STAMP: we need His guidance always
Proverbs 3:5-6.
We must stop living a double-faced lifestyle of hypocrites
because of money. Let us be sincere with one another. Be a
blessing to people, don’t live for yourself alone.
For the Love of the Church of Jesus Christ.
Bisola Hephzi-bah Johnson


SCOAN Victims Seek Inquest & Police Intervention Against Threats

1. Conduct an immediate investigation into the allegations made by both local and foreign ex-disciples against T.B. Joshua and the Synagogue Church of All Nations.

2. Provide adequate protection and support for the individuals who have come forward, ensuring their safety and well-being.

3. Undertake a thorough review of existing laws and policies related to religious organizations to ensure they provide sufficient protection for the rights and safety of their members.

4. Collaborate with relevant authorities to address any criminal activities that may be uncovered during the investigation.

5. Issue a public statement condemning harassment, cyberbullying, and threats against individuals exercising their right to speak out against abuse.

The alleged victims also urged the police authorities to give due consideration to their plea and take appropriate actions to safeguard their rights and dignity.

The group is currently receiving support from rights group, Bisola Johnson Foundation/Freedom To The Captive Platform, as they navigate their ordeal.


How My Beloved Sister Died In SCOAN & James Obiorah Connection

By Christine

Dear Everyone,


This is how I lost my beloved sister to death through TB Joshua’ deception, and how late TB joshua stole from my family and also tried to sexually molest my 12year old daughter.
I’m the Swiss lady Christine she is talking about, and Mary is my beloved late sister, whom evil TB Joshua killed. Everything Ms. Theresa Johnson said is nothing but the truth. James Obiorah introduced us to this fake prophet. My beloved sister was just 24 years, was taking her medication and was in good health condition under the care of her European Doctors in Switzerland, until James Obiora came with some of TB Joshua’s miracle healing videos to our house, he pleaded with us to visit the prophet, whom he was calling his spiritual father, assuring us that our sister will be totally healed when we visit TB Joshua in Nigeria.

My daughter was not up to 14 years, she was 12years it a shame that this pedophile is not behind bars. What happened to my sister is beyond words and many innocent souls that I met in Synagogue that died around the same time my beloved sister past on. They were also asked and forced to stop taking their medication, I know several of them. I’m very disappointed and still very sad, in the manner that my beloved sister Mary was mishandled, hiring this testimony from THERESA BROUGHT BACK SAD MEMORY AND UNCONTROLLABLE TEARS, reliving this horror over again!

What Bisola did not mention is that they advised us to leave my sister Mary and one of our Swiss friends that also passed away behind, the reason was that it was just 5 day’s left for the miracle water that was done every month, we were told that once my sister bath with that water she will be permanently healed. That is the only reason we left her behind and fly back to Switzerland because we had to go back to work. She was in very good health when we left her and happy, she even escorted us to the car as we were heading to the airport, I can’t forget her beautiful smile as she was waving bye to me, little did I know that this was going to be her last smile. I tried to call her over 10 times every day when I got back to Switzerland but never had the chance to talk to her again.

Bisola and many other disciples that picked the phone kept on giving me excuses one after another, either she was sleeping or away in the crowd. A few days later, I received a very short phone call from Theressa instructing me to go to Zurich airport just a few hours before the flight landed at Zurich airport to pick up my sister, was very happy to hear that my sister was finally coming back home, but the joy did not last long! When I got to the airport, I almost passed out when I saw my beloved sister……She was in a very bad condition, it was the most horrifying and very painful experience in my life, that I will never forget, my sister was speechless and was in a coma lying half dead.

Bisola never told me the condition my sister was in when she called me, and when I called her to ask what happened she refused to pick up our calls, she only picked my phone one time very short when my sister died, and when I told her my sister died, we were blamed for her death, we were told that it was either our fault or my late sister’s fault, that she was healed but probably she had some sins she did not confess, I called TB Joshua, but he never picked our calls. They were so hurtless and cold-blooded, absolutely no sympathy or any kind words of consolation. The Swiss doctors almost sued us for allowing this fake prophet to stop my sister from taking her medication including the Swiss guy we brought to synagogue who also passed away later on.

A lady nurse from England that we met in synagogue also died shortly after going back to England, she was taken out of her medication too. I found it very difficult to forgive myself for ever taking my beloved sister to the Synagogue and letting her remain behind in the hands of those evil creatures. To be honest, when Bisola contacts me through Facebook, I was not happy and did not take it easy with her at all, after years of going through all the pains and the sorrows, not knowing what happened to our sister, and the most painful thing is her videos of testimony was all over on TV, even though they knew she was dead, they still used her videos of her planned fake testimonies that she was healed.

After the burial, I even flew back to the synagogue to find out what actually happened since they refused to pick my calls, but Bisola and all other disciples were not amazed to see me, TB Joshua hide from me, every one of them totally ignored me and was warned not to tell anyone that my sister Mary died. TB Joshua assigned few of his disciples to watch my every move and whom I was talking to as I was trying to investigate the course of the sudden death of my sister during those two days I spent there, I left to go back without any answer. I trusted Theresa so much and I took her as a sister, she begged me to bring my daughter with me the second time of our visit to meet TB Joshua, that he wanted to pray for her, knowing that this man was a pedophile and she even told me that TB Joshua wanted me to leave my daughter at the Synagogue church, when we said NO,

TB Joshua himself pleaded with us to let our daughter remain there, and we said NO. And for me to hear this to on this YouTube today that his intention was to destroy my innocent daughter live too is still very disturbing to me, and I’m glad we did not let that happen. It took me some time to forgive Theresa as she remorseful begged for forgiveness if took God to touch my heart to be able to forgive her. I felt her sincerity and guilt. I’m glad she was able to get out of that dark hole, I’m glad and admire her boldness to expose this evil practice in that Synagogue of Satan. I know Kanu, Amokachi and James Obiora, I also met some Nigerian actors and actress in the synagogue two of them died too. Since my beloved sister tragic incident. I have learnt the hard way, never to ever trust any of the so-called prophets or men of God. TB Joshua used us, we were like his Swiss bank, thinking about it want to make me throw out. Bisola called me several times and gave me a list of the things TB Joshua needed; you can be sure they were not cheap. Was in Synagogue more than 3 times, when I look back during those days, I always ask myself how blind was I……!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I Confirm that every word that Bisola saying about TB Joshua is nothing but the truth… I’m glad she is standing up for the truth. I’m so surprised to hear my own story and my name on this YouTube. People that are calling Bisola a liar are ignorant and most of them are totally brainwashed. Maybe because they have not experienced a loss of a loved one in such a brutal manner. TB Joshua killed my sister Mary……And many others that I personally met there, we exchanged the phone numbers, and that’s how I found out about their death. Visiting SCOAN was a curse for me, after Mary died, I lost 5 members of my family back to back.

Posthumous Trials For Late TB Joshua

By Samson Folarin
Contributor : Bisola Hephzi-bah Johnson

posthumous trial or post-mortem trial is a trial held after the defendant‘s death. Posthumous trials can be held for a variety of reasons, including the legal declaration that the defendant was the one who committed the crime, to provide justice for society or family members of the victims, or to exonerate a wrongfully convicted person after their death. Due to the heavy cost, they are usually held only under extraordinary circumstances.

In 897, the body of Pope Formosus was exhumed and taken to trial in what became known as the Cadaver Synod. Formosus died seven months earlier and was accused of perjury by John III. His corpse was taken to court, clad in papal vestment and propped on a throne. Witnesses came forward to testify against him. Formosus, after all evidence, was pronounced guilty. Upon conviction, his clothes were torn as his pontificate and decisions were revoked. The fingers he used in blessing the congregation were cut off. Then he was re-buried.

This macabre trial, which I came across recently, ran through my mind as I watched with horror the disturbing revelations from the BBC documentary on Prophet TB Joshua of the Synagogue Church of All Nations. I wondered if TB could face posthumous prosecution for the allegations of rapes, abortions, assaults, occultism, slavery, and manipulation levelled against him by his former disciples and members, including five Britons. A South African woman even claimed she aborted three times for TB Joshua! I felt sad and angry at the same time.

Truth is, most of these heart-rending tales of abuse are not new. Late investigative journalist Kolawole Olawuyi unraveled this mess more than two decades ago. As a reporter on the Metro desk those days, I wrote several stories on this man, particularly the mysterious deaths and curious cover-ups in his church with the connivance of his indoctrinated disciples. Some of his former members also made videos and wrote books, desperately calling attention to the alleged atrocities of TB Joshua. Many of these stories were discredited and described as rantings of aggrieved and envious haters because late TB Joshua paid heavily on his hired Media PR who helped him to create a personality/character that doesn’t exit. Image launderer, dirty cleaner journalists who helped him to do the needful each time he was in trouble. Amongst them were: Dayo Thomas, Dele Momodu, Idika Kalu, Jide Osikoya, Bolaji Tunji, Sonny Irabor, Ogundipe, Femi Oyewale, John Edwards, Olabanji, and many others.

Instead, heads of governments and world leaders flocked to TB’s church at Ikotun Egbe, a backwater community in Lagos, to endorse his unconventional methods that made him a pariah in Nigerian Christian circles. But now that the BBC has made this film with graphic details and testimonies, maybe there will be a push for some retribution on his estate.

I, however, have two concerns with regards to the sexual allegations. First, there are many more TB Joshuas in Africa, keeping thousands of gullible ladies in religious bondage. These are felons with specialties in sophistry and sophisticated nonsense, who have perfected a system of keeping young innocent girls in sexual servitude. In Nigeria, a few of them have been exposed. Some of their victims have spoken to local media, revealing the dirty things done behind closed curtains, far from the klieg lights of public performance. But the justice system has failed them. Their cries of pain have been drowned by the hosannah screams of followers of these powerful and untouchable pastor-preneurs, who are being protected by a complicit, enabling society that shields them from accountability and responsibility.

In 1988, Jimmy Swaggart, a popular televangelist, was accused of consorting with a sex worker at a time the church in America was rocked with different sex scandals involving top pastors. Swaggart had exposed a few. With no hiding place, he sobbed in front of his 7,000 congregation, confessing to his “moral failure” as he resigned his position. I am not sure anything like this has happened in Nigeria, the most religious country in the world. And yet, we have an unenviable record of sexual exploitation through the pulpit. In a series of investigations I conducted last year on a particular prominent pastor accused of raping at least three of his female members, I discovered these pastors blackmail and harass their victims with compromised security agents. Attempts were made to bribe me as well, but I refused. Now, the accused is facing prosecution as his naïve members and followers are made to believe their ‘papa’ is only a victim of political persecution. There are more of his ilk. The unfortunate thing is that we may never know how much havoc they have caused until they die like several pastors whose licentious relationships only came to light after their demise. For TB, it was apparent in his lifetime, but he somehow evaded justice.

My second worry is that the BBC film has a lot of ramifications and implications. But the greatest for me is the toll it could take on Nigerians and the Christian faith. TB Joshua, in his lifetime, was one of the biggest exports of Nigeria. While the country struggled to attract tourists, the SCOAN effortlessly drew thousands of worshippers from different parts of the world. At a time, eight out of 10 tourists arriving in Nigeria were said to be going to TB’s church. Many converted to Christianity because of him. But now that the lid has been blown on Pandora’s box, the Nigerian Christian community will take a major hit. Many will turn sceptics. Some will backslide. A few might even want to stop going to church. With Nigeria’s bad reputation, true Christian leaders will face increased scrutiny when they go to other countries.

But whatever happens, I am strongly convinced that miracles, as supernatural acts of God, are real. There are also true ministers of God in Nigeria and Africa. Without making excuses for monstrous rapists, a few undisciplined preachers may have fallen into sexual sins because they could not handle the attention that comes with increased fame. Pastors are not the only ones guilty of this. There are artists who sleep recklessly with fawning female fans, lecturers who abuse their position as loco parentis to rape students, and managers who sleep with recruits and younger colleagues as condition for favour and promotion. A common thread runs through them all: abuse of power and indiscipline! The only difference is that spiritual leaders are expected to be beacons of integrity and chastity. When they fail, the mess is almost unforgivable.

I commend all the courageous men and women, particularly the former disciples, who spoke to the BBC after going through such horrendous and traumatizing ordeals at the hands of a man they trusted. To be a victim of sexual abuse and talk about it openly can be very difficult. Now their stories have a global audience. I understand that the plan was to confront TB Joshua with these allegations, but he died while interviews were running for the two-year investigations. I urge young girls facing sexual exploitation and enslavement whether in religious or secular circles to enlist the support of reputable rights groups and journalists. Don’t suffer in silence. Confront that fake prophet like Ajoke, TB Joshua’s daughter, did on behalf of those women, despite being ostracized by her father. The government and the church failed in the handling of the grievous allegations against TB Joshua, even after his guest house killed 116 people. There must be proper accountability for these crimes. I demand apologies from those who failed to defend the victims in spite of their outcry.

Notable posthumous trials

And I am still wondering, can late TB Joshua face trial like Formosus or we should allow God judge him, as Nigerians would say?


TRIBUTE: 9Years After SCOAN Collapsed Building – No Justice For The Victims

9 Years today, it was exactly 3month after Abdul-Fatai Balogun alias TB Joshua celebrated his infamous birthday on 12th, June 2014 that his guest house collapsed on those who visited SCOAN from different walks of life in desperation for miracles; but ended up in body bags as they die violent death. Extremely sad and tragic were the many lies and cover-ups in SCOAN known to be deceptive; and up till today, nothing has come up to tell the world what truly happen, but we know exactly what happened. INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST WITH LEGAL PROOF THAT TB JOSHUA WAS AN ABUSER OF WOMEN AND WAS ALSO RESPONSIBLE FOR THE BUILDING COLLAPSE is the house to open our eyes to the Truth. Our prayers and thoughts are with the families of the departed.

June Fasting And Prayers For The True Church And Those In Bondage

Be Prepared! Let’s Do it Again!
This has been going on for many years in case you don’t know. If you are concern and led, kindly join us closely or from distance to pray and to fast. No tithes, No offerings required. It is strictly service unto God. And please do not go on hunger strike, which is fasting without purpose. There is a purpose for everything. God bless! We keep you posted on the daily Zoom link.
Our 4 prayer points haven’t changed:

  1. Prayer for the true Church of Jesus Christ (not buildings but the people of God) and ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  2. Prayer for the pulpit bandits and charlatans to be exposed and repent genuinely.
  3. Prayer for the spiritual and religious captives to be set free and fulfilled God’s purpose for their individual life.
  4. Prayer for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to spread around the world. Blessings 🙏

JOINT PRAYER SESSION ON ZOOM AT 8PM Nigeria Time Freedom To The Captives Movement is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: June Fasting & Prayer
Time: Jun 1, 2023 08:00 PM Universal Time UTC
Every day, until Jun 7, 2023, 7 occurrence(s)
Jun 1, 2023 08:00 PM
Jun 2, 2023 08:00 PM
Jun 3, 2023 08:00 PM
Jun 4, 2023 08:00 PM
Jun 5, 2023 08:00 PM
Jun 6, 2023 08:00 PM
Jun 7, 2023 08:00 PM
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 838 6703 6503
Passcode: BkeV20

Day 1 Of Prayer & Fasting
Thanksgiving & Mercy
Bible Text: “Enter His gates with thanksgiving,
and His courts with praise!
Give thanks to Him; bless His Name!” Psalms 100:4
Prayer: We give God, our Father All the Glory as we are ushered into the King’s awesome presence by His Grace and sanctified by the Blood of Christ. You Alone Are Worthy our Everlasting Father.
Bible Text: “Then Elijah said to all the people, “Come near to me.” And all the people came near to him. And he repaired the altar of the LORD that had been thrown down.” 1 Kings 18:30
Prayer: We ask for Your mercy as we confess all our wrongs before You and repair the broken altar in our hearts by the washing and cleansing of Jesus Christ’ Blood for our right-standing with You.
JOINT PRAYER SESSION ON ZOOM AT 8PM Nigeria Time Freedom To The Captives Movement is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: June Fasting & Prayer
Time: Jun 1, 2023 08:00 PM Universal Time UTC
Every day, until Jun 7, 2023, 7 occurrence(s)
Jun 1, 2023 08:00 PM
Jun 2, 2023 08:00 PM
Jun 3, 2023 08:00 PM
Jun 4, 2023 08:00 PM
Jun 5, 2023 08:00 PM
Jun 6, 2023 08:00 PM
Jun 7, 2023 08:00 PM
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 838 6703 6503
Passcode: BkeV20



Bible Text:
And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven.”Matthew 16:19 NKJV

Prayer: Father, we pray that no distractions, no power of the flesh or power from the pit of hell would render the authority which Christ has given to His people (Church) to be ineffective/useless. We pray for the fresh breath of the Holy Spirit to fill His people (Church) afresh that we might operate as God’s representative on earth as we ought to, in Jesus Mighty Name. The power of the gates of hades will fail/fall before the Church of Jesus Christ.

JOINT PRAYER SESSION ON ZOOM AT 8PM Nigeria Time Freedom To The Captives Movement is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: June Fasting & Prayer
Time: Jun 1, 2023 08:00 PM Universal Time UTC
Every day, until Jun 7, 2023, 7 occurrence(s)
Jun 1, 2023 08:00 PM
Jun 2, 2023 08:00 PM
Jun 3, 2023 08:00 PM
Jun 4, 2023 08:00 PM
Jun 5, 2023 08:00 PM
Jun 6, 2023 08:00 PM
Jun 7, 2023 08:00 PM
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 838 6703 6503
Passcode: BkeV20

Day 3


Bible Text: This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the Truth.
1 Timothy 2:3‭-‬4 NLT

Prayer:: Dearest Everlasting Father, we thank You for Your good thoughts towards everyone You have created for Your Glory. This is the reason You have sent Your Son to the world of sin. We pray that Your will be done on earth as it is done in Heaven. May Your Reign of Justice, Peace, Love and Power be extended to the hearts of all men as everyone comes to the knowledge of Your Truth (Christ) to be saved genuinely.
The Holy Spirit of God, empowers us (followers of Christ) afresh to live life worthy of our calling, an effective life of sanctification that represents Your Kingdom as we ought to, that we might bring more sons unto Glory through our characters and ministrations that witnesses for Christ; in Jesus Christ Mighty Name we pray

JOINT PRAYER SESSION ON ZOOM AT 8PM Nigeria Time Freedom To The Captives Movement is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: June Fasting & Prayer
Jun 3, 2023 08:00 PM
Jun 4, 2023 08:00 PM
Jun 5, 2023 08:00 PM
Jun 6, 2023 08:00 PM
Jun 7, 2023 08:00 PM
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 838 6703 6503
Passcode: BkeV20

No Hiding Place For satan – SO HELP ME GOD

Today, as one of those that God pulled back from the brink of hellfire through His Mercy. I will not hold my peace nor fold my hands seeing others going on opposite direction of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and are led by the vicars of darkness, to be slaughtered in the abattoir of bewitching dark world through doctrines of falsehood; and I will become unconcerned about their souls.
I shall be unrelenting in my unapologetically raising proclamations against such evil acts even if I am a last man standing, I will intensify in exposing their activities.
So, help me God!

The TB Joshua I Know
Deception Of The Age is Unmasked in this Book-THE TB JOSHUA I KNOW