
My Dangerous Encounter with T. B. Joshua

My Dangerous Encounter with T. B. Joshua

By Justus Nwakanma

Whatever you are going to read in this piece happened. I am putting this up in a very simple narrative that people will understand. I am not publishing this to condemn anybody or to praise anybody.

Every child of God owes it a duty to narrate his experiences to encourage others on this pilgrimage called life.

I will keep the names of some of my senior editors and colleagues secret as I have no permission to use their names here. But many of them are my friends on Facebook and may be reading this piece.

In 2001, I did a story on a lady who was taken to The Synagogue Church of all Nations(SCOAN) for healing. She did not survive after that. Her mother was furious and said she suspected foul play. That story was published in Saturday Champion.

As was normal with me then, I loved to travel all over Nigeria to investigate feature stories. Earlier I had submitted a proposal to travel to do a feature story on the devastation of erosion in the five South East States. I embarked on the journey the week the story was published. We had a tradition in Champion newspapers then. Whenever you traveled, you were expected to report at the state office of the state you traveled to. This was to ensure transparency and for contact and logistics support.

I traveled on a Saturday and on Sunday evening, I reported at the state office at Rotibi Street Owerri. I was barely 30 minutes in the office when the phone rang. There was no GSM then. The Correspondent picked the phone, and I overheard my Editor asking if he had seen me in Owerri. The Correspondent said I was there with him. The Editor demanded to speak with me. He asked me a few questions and added that I should produce a good story. I thanked him. He hung up.

But I became curious. He asked me when I left Lagos, when I arrived in Owerri, the hotel where I was staying, etc. Some of the questions were already answered in the application to travel I submitted to him which was approved and money advanced to me.

Unknown to me, the story of the Lady at the Synagogue had caused an earthquake. They didn’t know that the story was released to the media by one of the Prophet’s trusted aides.

I was to learn later that T.B. Joshua had contacted the publisher and had complained that the story was false. The Publisher demanded my immediate sack.

The Managing Director/Editor-in-chief then said it would be wrong to sack me as the story was balanced and that I made efforts to speak to the Prophet’s media aides.

However, the Editor was asked to carry a rebuttal or apologize. He rejected both options blatantly and rather chose to be sacked. Why did he take such an extreme position?

He said in the midst of the crisis, a delegation of the media team of SCOAN had met with him in the office and had presented a recorded interview with me where I denied authorship of the story and that the story was given to me and paid for by the Redeemed Christain Church of God.

He asked them when and where the interview was conducted, and they said about an hour ago at the Redeemed Church. I am not a member of the Redeemed Church. While they were still with him in the office, he placed a call to Owerri and that was when he spoke with him. Immediately, he concluded that there were some hidden dimensions to the matter. They were not telling the truth. How they cloned my voice, I never knew as I did not have the opportunity to listen to the audio.

I was never privy to any discussions on the matter. Somehow, I was not sacked, the Editor retained his job. But a high-powered delegation was raised to go and make peace with T.B. Joshua. The team included the Managing Director/Editor-in-chief, some Executive Directors of Champion Newspapers and some friends of the prophet, notably, late Edith Ike-Okongwu and late Chief Alex Akinyele, a former minister of information. There was also a serving senior military officer, a Major General, whose name I cannot correctly recollect now. A truce was reached.

But this opened a troika of revelations. Not many knew that T.B. Joshua had many senior journalists in Champion House he was reaching out to and who represented his interests. He was enraged that they could not stop the story. He immediately dispensed with their services.

The Prophet invited me to come and see him several times, I rejected it based on advice.

He was to pass a message through one of the aides that I and the Saturday Editor would see his ‘bad side’.

Some weeks later, I slept one day and I heard God speak to me loud and clear.”I have cancelled all the evil plans of T.B. Joshua against you.” I woke up afraid and shivering.

A few years later, I was to become Acting Editor Saturday Champion, Deputy Editor Daily Champion and Editor, Daily Champion. Before then, I had made a decision that I was not going to do another story on SCOAN and its members. T. B. Joshua began sending goodwill messages to me including gifts. I never objected to them on the belief that God had already delivered me from whatever evil he planned against me. Then he invited me to his office. I began visiting him often and we began phone exchanges.

He had a very large heart. You will never visit him and go home empty-handed. He loved humanity.

Each time I visited him, he would take me to his inner chambers, and we would discuss as friends.

But there was something strange and unusual about him that gave me great concern. One, he normally called me on the phone between 1am and 2am. There were two people that normally called me at that hour, T. B. Joshua and my friend, Ogbeni Lanre Banjo. Ogbeni Banjo was a one-time governorship candidate of Gani Fawehinmi’s National Conscience Party (NCP) who lives in America.

If my phone was not within reach, there was a way I knew who was calling me. If the call was from T. B. Joshua, the curtains in my house will first shake as if under the influence of a wind for some seconds before the phone will ring out. I told my wife and a few friends and colleagues about this.

The second strange thing I noticed about him was that no matter the distance he was standing, if I am at his back he would notice my presence, even if I am in a crowd he would walk straight to where I was. He could see you coming to him even if you are kilometers away. I also noticed that his movements were jerky and unpredictable. If he was walking with you, he may gallop or run or alter his direction as if being pushed. He would be talking to you and suddenly he would keep silent as if listening to a voice.

On October 28, 2009, he invited me to SCOAN. He was donating some transformers to neighboring communities. I took one of our Senior Reporters, Ufomba Uzuegbu with me to cover the event. I had already told him about my concerns with these strange observations. We were late to the event. T. B. Joshua was already addressing the crowd in the church. There could have been over 500 people there. We decided to enter from the front entrance where his back was. Immediately we entered, he stopped his speech. He turned and said, “my friend is here, my friend is here.” He came down from the rostrum, held me by the hand and took me straight to his office. After the event, my colleague who observed everything said I should not bring him to SCOAN again because there was something abnormal about him.

I used to watch wrestling a lot. Whenever I come back home late after production, I could stay up till 4am watching wrestling and movies. Not any longer. On this day, I was in the parlour watching wrestling with my wife. The curtains started shaking vigorously, I looked at the clock, it was 2am. I said to my wife, “it’s T.B. Joshua, it’s T.B. Joshua.” Immediately my phone rang out. “Hello Prophet,” I said. ” How are you, friend…,” he said.

My wife stood up and went to the bedroom. When I finished the call, she came out and knelt down: “Please I beg of you let today be your last day you will see this man or pick his call. You either choose him or choose me and my children. This man is not normal.” Of course, I chose my family. I never called him again, never picked his calls and never visited him.

One of his top media aides-he was running a successful PR firm in London before he met T.B. Joshua who asked him to relocate to Nigeria and head his media unit- sought an audience with me. I went to Toyin Street Ikeja where he opened up to me, how he had to run for his dear life.

Justus Nwakanma, Nigeria

Runner-Up: Arts & Culture Award

Bio: Justus is Deputy Editor of the Daily Champion in Lagos. He joined the Champion Newspapers as Senior reporter in 2000. He has been a journalist since 1992, working initially with The Guardian and has since worked with the Lagos Eagle Newspaper, Ebony and Source Magazines and Hallmark Newspapers. He holds a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Mass Communication. 


The SCAM Of Ancestral Curses

Ancestral curse can be defined as an evil or misfortune that follows a particular person as a result of being born into a family lineage; inherited family problems. A curse that follows a person as a result of the mistake of his forefathers: like Adamic curse (Genesis 3:17), Ahab curse (1 kings 21:21-26), etc. Many church people have disturbed themselves so much and caused many Pastors, Prophets and Church Leaders to eat fat from this menace.  Different booklet for Personal Deliverance Prayers written by the likes of Pastor Olukoya of Mountain of Fire Ministries (MFM); Evangelist Paul G. O. Moses and many other authors contains prayers against lineage curses, premature deaths in the family, divorces, poverty, accidents, frequent breakdown of marriages, abnormal behavior, etc. It is said that at present, several churches include “deliverance” program in their activities “since failure to do so amounts to losing members to churches that include such activities”.

The belief that people’s misfortunes are due to curses they inherited from their forefathers is fast gaining popularity among a growing number of churches in Africa and other parts of the world. Consequently, millions of professed Christians are flocking to pastors for deliverance from perceived “ancestral curses”. Since Christians are to be guided by the words of God in the Holy Bible and not by the precepts of men, we must seek the guidance of the Scriptures in order to be on safe grounds on all issues of doctrine.   This belief in ancestral curses has become quite widespread.  It would be recalled that due to their belief in ancestral curses, five youths from Malawi, in early September this year , threw themselves into a fire after saying their night prayers. It was a bizarre case of mass suicide.  Their father told a local newspaper that when he noticed his children’s strange behaviours recently, he complained to local authorities that the children  had established a strange church in his house and that they commenced their prayers around 10.00 p.m. each day.  He had tried stopping them without success.   On that fateful night, the youths, in the course of praying, made fire with some household items which they had soaked in petrol.  At a stage they took off their clothes and jumped into the fire holding copies of the Bible.  Three of them died on the spot    but two were rescued and taken to a local hospital. 
     The young men were said to have acted on the advice of a local pastor who told them that their parents were responsible for their joblessness and their not ,getting married.  He advised them to burn the items in their home because that was where the parents hid their magic.  The village head, blamed the churches, whom he said were misleading the people for this horrible incident.    He promised to summon the religious leaders in the area so that they could explain “what type of worshipping this is.”

Another text some cite to support the doctrine of ancestral curses is the belief among the Jews of old that “The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on edge?” (Ezekiel 18:2)  In other words, they believed that the sins of  their fathers were visited upon the children, independent of the moral conduct of the latter. It is important to note that God rebuked the Jews for such belief as He does not deal with men in that way.  Hence in verses 3 and 4 God stated: “As I live, saith the Lord GOD, ye shall not have occasion any more to use this proverb in Israel. Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.” (See also verse 20)

The British Empire was built at the back of conquest and colonization. The British ancestors went on a killing and conquering rampage all across the world and millions were starved and killed in India, millions more were murdered across various African nations. Yet they flourish today, and having a better living. No Ancestral curse or sin of the forefathers is holding them down. Why?

USA 🇺🇸 was built on the extermination (Native Americans) of one race And enslavement of another (African Americans). Their ancestors committed unimaginable atrocities and crimes against humanity. But today they’re regarded as the greatest nation on earth, they have a reasonable living. There’s no Ancestral curse or sin of the forefathers holding them down.

Australia 🇦🇺, committed the worst world un-talked about genocide. The aboriginal Australians have been technically wiped out. The Tasmanian Australian literally are extinct, all orchestrate by present day Australian ancestors. Yet they are living good, better quality of life. No Ancestral curse, no sin of the forefathers causing them poverty and misfortune.

Germany 🇩🇪, committed the forgotten horrific genocide in Namibia 🇳🇦. Same Germany caused the WW1 that claimed lives of millions, same Germany caused the WW2 that claimed
millions of lives, including the 6million Jews and those killed in gas chambers. Today Germany is the European and world economic giant. Better living all round for her citizens. No Ancestral curse, no sin of the forefathers hindering their growth and development.

Belgium, never forget that king Leopold II Of Belgium killed 15million Congolese and amputated thousands of innocent children for not picking enough cotton. Belgium is flourishing, developed and reasonably comfortable for her people. No Ancestral curse, no sin of the forefathers causing misfortune, hindering progress and growth.

But back home in Africa , televangelist, pastors and fraudsters called men of god are busy extorting unsuspecting individuals and families their little hard earned money to liberate them from Ancestral curse and sin of the forefathers, which is apparently the cause of their misfortunes, breakdown in marriage and business. The deaths and road accidents are all linked to the Ancestral curse and even the father’s names you bear.
Ancestors you don’t even have any prove of what they did or didn’t do. But they are your problem? But why is the same curse not holding your counterparts from across the Atlantic, whom their own ancestors have documented atrocities?

I’m sure if these five countries, UK, USA, Australia, Germany & Belgium were to bring ships and planes to Africa right now to start shipping and flying people to their countries for slave trade, millions will fight to be the first to enter.
Some will even come with their own chains, because they don’t want to be told, you can’t be enslaved because there’s no more chains. Many of your pastors and Ancestral curse preachers will be the first to jump in. To be enslaved in countries their ancestors committed some of the worst and horrific world recorded evils.

There’s nothing like Ancestral curse or sin holding or stopping your family progress or community growth or our National development. Our choices, decisions, what we’ve done or haven’t done in various aspects of our lives are our problem. The ineptitude of our leadership class running our governments are the curses preventing our growth and development not the so called Ancestral curse.

This is reality, take responsibility for yourself, and start demanding for accountability and responsibility from your government. Be financially wise by saving for the raining day, don’t eat your tomorrow today. Be wise, take right decision, Go for the gold, do not wait. Stop being busy on the rocky horse, go for the stallion. Stop wishing to go to school, go and get the form and fill the application. Stop wishing to get married, be entangled and knot it as you present all your goals, plans and desire before the Lord Proverbs 3:5-6.

Rom 8:1 says “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” The effect of ancestral curses in a Christian’s life is as a result of ignorance of who we are. Hos 4:6 “my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children.”

Colossians 1:13-14 explained how and when our deliverance occurred. What Jesus Christ accomplished on the Cross was Total. Let me give this analogy: In crude oil, there are many by-products after processing. Out of Crude oil comes: Liquefied fuel – includes gasoline, kerosene, diesel, motor oil; Lubricants – machineries; Paraffin Wax – Cosmetics ; Petroleum Coke – Industries; Asphalt – Building road and bridges; Petrol Chemicals; Sulfur – fungicides; Propane- cooking.

The Top 8 Products Made From Crude Oil – iCharts

So also, in Christ’ death, our Salvation, deliverance, blessings, provisions, protection are all guaranteed and completed. Colossians 2:10 says, “And ye are complete in Him, Who is the head of all principality and power.”

John 8:36 came directly from the Master Himself, He said, “If the Son therefore shall make you free (you are not free half-way), ye shall be free indeed.”

If you could believe in what your family did wrong, why can’t you believe in what Jesus Christ did Right?

Philippians 2:9-11 says “Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God, the Father.

Kindly Share Your Thoughts Below




#Refuse to be deceived

When people don’t have personal relationship with Jesus Christ but are comfortable with using elements like: water, oil, salt etc that are provided for them by their charlatan pastors to appease the strange god they do not know. They will prefer to have deep intimate with their so called men of ‘God’ rather that than to have direct communication with their Heavenly Father. This is the reason they are contented and enjoys calling on a third-party god, the god of their pastors.

They will prefer to Exalt [praising, glorifying] the men of ‘God’ more than they praise the One who laid down His Life for their redemption – Jesus Christ.

….the ‘God’ of “My Pastor” phenomenon….

The [abuse] and mis-context of the ‘twins’; “do not judge” and “touch not the anointed” They do not know or realize that God was not referring to Moses and Aaron alone, but the whole congregation of Israelites (1Chronicles 16:22; Psalm 105:15).

Fights and follows Staged [rehearsed] miracles and ‘prophesies’

The syndrome of regarding one gift of the Spirit or office of ministry superior than the others.

“I don’t care what [he/she] does behind, but God is using him/her mightily”
We will know them by fruits not by gifts.

The so called ‘Deep Revelations’ that contradict the Logos [written Word] and those without biblical references.
[The Spirit and the Bible are one]

Paying homage to angels.

Helping God by believing that the name of Jesus (Philippians 2:8-9) is not enough but you need to have some mediums [anointed elements stuffs].
The Bible record usage of mediums but it was not a doctrine and was never sold.

My church, My congregation, My sheep Syndrome “Nobody who leaves [my] church/ministry succeed where they go.”
Some people are afraid to leave some ministries/ churches because they have been told that they will be cursed..
[The church of the LORD is not a secret cult] RUN FOR YOUR LIFE

Paying money to be prayed for; healing, deliverance, special prayers, seeing /meeting a man of ‘God’ etc.
Freely you have received, freely you must give.
For the gifts of YHWH can not be bought by money.

“I was born already baptized with the Holy Spirit in the womb. “
Run away from such people!

The miracle money phenomenon.
Our Father in heaven is not a magician please take note! And when the foundation of your relationship with God is based on your physical needs, you will suffer in the hands of Charlatans.

Deception is real and spreading like wild fire. The author of Deception is the devil and he has human agents around us. The target is men not animals. The purpose is to attack the people of God from within the church. The enemy within is lethal than enemy without. Please, whenever you go to Church or gathering of the saints, do not forget your brains at home.

Please, Don’t be hungry for the manifestation of Spirit, be hungry for YHWH and His Word of Truth.
Be reminded that we are commanded to test every spirits and believe not anything that looks spiritual.[1 John 4:1]. If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.
We ought to know that both YHWH and satan operates in the spiritual; and if you don’t allow the Holy Spirit to guide you, you can be led astray.
Every gift of The Spirit is subject to counterfeiting, that’s why we have the gift of discernment of spirits.
Every Shepherd must be on guard against deception by teaching the flock the ways of the Spirit.
Every sheep should learn how to test every ‘pasture’ that looks edible.
But How to the spirits???

1) Pastors function like CEOs
2) Members are turned into customers
3) Other churches are seen as competitors
4) Evangelism is reduced to marketing
5) Church planting looks more like franchising
6) Numbers are primary measure of success
7) Prayer and Word study are replaced by formulas
8) Revival is reduced to fund-raising
9) Preaching sounds more like motivational speech.
All the people do is shout “I receive, Amen,” throughout the concert. I mean the “service”.
10) Praise and Worship is turned into a
performance. The best actors are made the worship
and praise leaders.
11) The Spirit of God is reduced to “emotionalism”.
No real power of God other than hypnosis and
12) The goats are entertained instead of equipping the saints
13) Disciples of Christ have become papa’s sons,
daughters and fans.
14) The Church, a living Body has now become a
lifeless body
15) A leader’s empire is built instead of the
Kingdom of God advancement.
16) The pastor becomes the super man and Jesus
Christ reduced to just another religious figure.
Does any one of these sound farmiliar in this
generation? Beloved, if you are under these pattern
of “christianity” you are already in a cult, not the
Church of Jesus Christ. Get out before it is too
All I have highlighted above is exactly what made
Jesus Himself to ask:
“When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith in
the Earth?”
(Luke 18.8)

#Refuse to be deceived
#Be in light.


Pathway To Eleventh Hour Blessings/ Calling


And about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle, and saith unto them, Why stand ye here all the day idle? They say unto him, Because no man hath hired us. He saith unto them, Go ye also into the vineyard; and whatsoever is right, that shall ye receive. So when even was come, the Lord of the vineyard saith unto his steward, Call the labourers, and give them their hire, beginning from the last unto the first. And when they came that were hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny. But when the first came, they supposed that they should have received more; and they likewise received every man a penny. And when they had received it, they murmured against the goodman of the house, Saying, These last have wrought but one hour, and thou hast made them equal unto us, which have borne the burden and heat of the day.
Matthew 20:6‭-‬12 KJV

This parable is very very interesting if we are able to flow with it. I woke up at about 12:10am to do some work on my computer when the Spirit of the Lord began to engage me with this particular scriptural passage and I will like to share with you my readers. Possibly very soon I will make a video on this in our upcoming Word, Spirit And Prayers program. Kindly subscribe and join our YouTube channel for notification: Bisola Hephzi-bah Johnson – YouTube.

Right now, let me start with the word “Meditation”, which according to the book of Joshua 1:8 means to think about something over and over with deeper thoughtfulness, such as to cogitate, brood, or to ruminate. Mind you, God is not expecting us to think about evil but as Phillipians 4:8 says, “Whatever is good report, pure and lovely; we must think about.” And the Word of the fits into this module.

This meditation can be liken to the eating habits of some animals, particularly cattle that eats Cud. Cud is a portion of food that returns from this animal’s stomach back to the mouth to be chewed for the second time. This Cud is produced during a digestive process called rumination. Cattle, deer, sheep, goats and antelope are some examples of animals that chew their cud.

They usually have food reserve somewhere between their stomach and mouth. After feeding, some of the food they had eaten are stored to be recalls for thorough chew. You may see them in a position as if they are dosing, but their mouths will endlessly chewing the food until it is well soften. Chewing cud produces saliva which is important for controlling rumen acidity. The exercise helps producing milk, saliva and good digestion. Food scientists encourages even man to eat slowly and chew our food very thouroughly before swallowing.

This is the exact manner God wants us to meditate on His Word, so that we can gets the benefits of full richess of His Word, and the hard raw material taken from the Word can become soft enough to understand to become revelations to our spirit man. You may not get the full benefits if you just read the scripture like a newspaper and dump your Bible somewhere afterward, the Word must be in our heart as we go about our duties.

Now, let’s get into the matter of the day. Meditating on the parable Jesus gave concerning workers in the vineyard gave me deeper understanding of this passage which the Lord shared amongst many other parables with His followers. The master of the vineyard was a man who wishes to give other people opportunity to better their lives, no-matter the timing of the day. Jesus is saying here that God is always willing to give anyone opportunity in life; but are we willing or ready for this opportunity? If we study the way Jesus called His disciples to follow Him, we would see that He met them doing something. They were not jobless or loafing around even the job they were doing was not the best of jobs, but they kept moving. This is what it means that “Whatever your hands finds to do, do with all your might (Ecclesiastes 9:10).”

Now, if God wants to give us opportunity and we are not interested, do we think He would force us? Definitely not. Isaiah 1:19 says, “If you are willing, you will eat the good of the land.” Even if you have no job at some point, willingness to be engaged is very important. You cannot say you are willing to get a job when all you do everyday is sleeping and going to places where you go to play games. We must be strategic in positioning ourselves by learning skills, going to school in readiness to occupy high places. If God want to call you into ministry and you refused to equip yourself with the Word and surrender to the Power of the Holy Spirit, what will you teach people? Definitely, you will only be selling oil, water and handkerchives.

I remember the story of a man who had opportunity to meet with his primary school classmate who had pursued education in life to become a Governor of the State, while the mate refused to improve on himself by either go to school or learn skills to better his life. When this unusual lifetime opportunity came to him, the Governor asked his friend what he could do for him, he would have been made a commissioner, or be engaged as a contractor but unfortunately, he was not prepared for any of the opprotunity. All the friend could offer him was some feeding money that may not sustain him past few days and his circle of poverty lifestyle continue. And it is not everyday thing to meet with a Governor, therefore, we must be ready and strategic.

It is true we all love and need good life, good things don’t fall into places without planning and walking on the Pathway. For the people in the parable text (Matthew 20:6-12, though, they were jobless, they left their bed behind, and they positioned themselves where they could be seen and engaged. They showed willingness.


  1. The people invited to work were not in their home sleeping and believing what will be will be, they positioned themselves where they could be reached for job appointment.
  2. They did not deny the fact that they needed jobs, they came out to hunts for jobs.
  3. Peter and many disciples of Jesus were not lay-about, they were into something like: fishing, tax collection and other jobs when they were called to follow the Lord.
  4. Unfortunately many today are in churches shouting “I receive, I receive” without working out their salvation with fear and trembling. We cannot use laziness solve joblessness. The scripture says, Faith and work; not work alone or faith alone.

John 14:17 says, ” 17the Spirit of Truth. The world cannot receive Him, because it isn’t looking for Him, and doesn’t recognize Him. But you do know Him, for He abides with you and will be in you.” This is another mind blowing passage to meditate on. Why can’t the world have the Holy Spirit when the gift is meant for all. The scripture says the world cannot have Him because they are not interested in Him. We don’t appreciate what we don’t seek.

Another important question along this line should be: what if Jesus Christ returns today as He promised? Are we ready to meet with the Master and go with Him? Do you think you can be raptured in a beer parlour? Let us ask ourselves. The scripture says, “Today (not tomorrow) is the day of salvation 2Corithians 6:2. Procrastination or pushing things that ought to be done immediately is an enemy of the soul.

The beginning of the woes of the unprofitable servant (Luke 17:5-10) was fear to engage in the marketplace, wasted opportunity or gift given to him, and pride. Pride in the sense that we may think one job is too low for us. At least, let us do something, and whatever we do will be a stepping stone to a greater height. In this journey, we must not be weary because some people’s time may be eleveth hour (last minute).

IT IS NOT YET OVER FOR ANYONE UNTIL GOD SAYS IT IS ALL OVER. FOR OUR SAKES, PROTOCOLS CAN BE SUSPENDED OR SET ASIDE, TIME AND SEASONS CAN BE COMPRESSED FOR ANYONE TO TAP INTO HIS 11TH HOUR MIRACLE BY HIS MERCY AND FAVOUR. The last people that were engaged in that passage may not qualified because of timing but the Master went ahead to call them because they were willing and positioned rightly. None was sent to be called from home, it is those on ground that were used; and they were rewarded handsomely. This call for resolute, and prayer for last minute strenght. Moses was called into the ministry at the age of 80years when others are at the brink of death. Moses didn’t give up because he once failed. The most ridiculous job is to work for your father in law which Moses did with all pleasure. You could be labeled as a gold digger, shameless fellow but Moses knew he needed to hold that job tentatively till the promise of God come to manifestation in his life and God never fails (Numbers 23:19.

Those who laugh at your condition today will glorify God through your advancement tomorrow. Don’t be discouraged because of your age or because your age mates had gone ahead of you in life, be resolute, prayerful and be strategic in getting ready to receive your miracle. You may be commonized today, but within yourself you know you are of royalty, what you are waiting for is the time your King will come to fulfil His plans and purpose for your life. Help is on the way; wait for it.

Keep the faith. Don’t stop working, the rewarder is faithful.

I pray that the Holy Spirit of God will help us to fulfilled His call upon our lives in Jesus Mighty Name. Till I come your way again if Jesus Christ tarries….


Kindly share your thoughts, comments and opinions below in the comments box

Fresh Crisis Rocks SCOAN As Members Rejects Evelyn Joshua

In the latest development, after Evelyn Joshua forcefully ejected some TB Joshua loyalist disciples out of the Synagogue over leadership tussle. She had gotten a backdoor judgement to be part of the Synagogue “church” of all Nations’ Trustees.

Remember few weeks ago a Thailand citizen died inside the Synagogue and his body was hidden for many days before it was discovered.

Immediately TB Joshua died, there has been looting amongst the workers who fear for their future.

These are the things I have foresee and highlighted in my Book “The TB Joshua I Know” please get a copy

The TB Joshua I Know
Deception Of The Age is Unmasked in this Book-THE TB JOSHUA I KNOW

After her maiden speech, some members of the Synagogue have come out strongly against her saying “You Are Not My Pastor”

I have two links here for you:

And from this link



Happy weekend to you all in Jesus Name. Glad to write to you again. My prayer is for everyone of us to end our race on the earth well in Jesus’ Name.


God brought the term marriage into our union with Himself and Christ to drive home what He planned for our eternal life to raise our standard, that we may become one with Him and be like Him in nature forever. This means that His original plan is fulfilled. Proverb 19:21 says, “…But the counsel of the Lord will stand.” When we talk about marriage, we must know that marriage has gone beyond the level of casual friendship, wedding ceremonies, and mere interactions with one another. People cannot get the full benefits of relationship when operating outside of marriage. To understand the mystery of marriage is to know the mind of God when He said two SHALL become one flesh according to Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:5; Mark 10:8.

Two people who does not have the understanding of the mystery of marriage usually ended in destroying friendships, relationships, families, and the communities of people. No matter how much money spent in organizing elaborate weddings, if there is no understanding of this beautiful union, it wouldn’t stand the test of time. It becomes what people endures, not enjoyed. It becomes one party taking advantage of other; and taking the other for granted for personal benefit. It become a ruse.

The genuine purpose of marriage is to marry a soul mate embarking on eternal journey. In this journey of a lifetime on earth, you get to know each other better with the covenant of marriage biding you. If you get married for the sake of having children as some people do, and you later discovered that your spouse has medical issues that may not allow him/her to bear children, trouble would ensue right at that point; and love will turn to hate. If you marry someone because of outward beauty, what if accident happen along the way and take away that pretty facade? We must marry one another for love, conviction and commitment. The Scripture says,

Christ’s Sacrifice for the Ungodly
7Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. 8But God proves His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 9Therefore, since we have now been justified by His blood, how much more shall we be saved from wrath through Him!…”

God sees the end from the beginning, and He wants us to see as He sees, but unspiritual man only sees the present, immediate to enjoys only instant gratifications; this is why we regrets. When we go into relationship for selfish reasons, we unfairly put others at disadvantage and awkward position.

This morning I decided to take a long walk on my street to get fresh oxygen into my lungs and to exercise my limbs. The moment I hit the main road out of my street, I noticed a man seated in a shop frontage, the shop was not yet opened because it was still early. As I walk passed him, my spirit wanted me to talk to him about the Gospel of Christ; I always pray for opportunities to witness Christ. So, I approached him with greetings and asked if I could speak to him about Christ. He obliged. I started by telling him of the love of Christ and how he must have Jesus Christ in his life for salvation/eternal purpose.

He said he is a Muslim, but I shared with him one of the Islamic prayers from the first surah in the Quran (Surah al-Fatihah), which says ““Ih dinas-siratal mustaqeem” means we are asking Almighty Allah (SWT) to guide us to the straight path, the main highway which goes towards paradise.” I said this prayer has been answered in Christ in John 14:6, where Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” And while I was talking to him, I noticed he was wearing a wrist rope that is decorated with tiny crosses, this is the type people gets from the uniformed churches like Celestial Church of Christ (CCC). I quickly confronted him by asking if he is a Muslim as he claimed, why is he interacting with the God he is not ready to accept for relationship/marriage? why going for consultation as if going to the herbalist to consult idol? As if you prefer a prostitute over a relationship that leads to permanent unity (marriage)? This man does not want relationship with God, he only visited churches to get quick fix, or a tranquilizer for his business, health, or other matter; but Jesus always want to take the relationships further to the next level with anyone that come to Him, so He has ahead of time proved His love by laying down His life. Why would anyone do that if they are not seriously committed to marriage? He already gave ALL He has, it is either He lost ALL or gain ALL.

Now, this man is interacting with God in a relationship that cannot lead to Salvation of his soul. The reason Jesus came is first and foremost Salvation of our souls (John 3:16). Unfortunately, there are many people like the man I met in churches that are only in the Church to patronize God mainly for consultation. Immediately they get their fill, they go their way. Just in the same way we have false/fake pastors, we also have fake brethren in churches, their long years in the church does not matter but quality of your commitment. I believe if you meet people like that man in a church service, you will be deceived to think they are members in the household. Many are in the church for the sake of their hearts desires to be met, this is one of the reasons there is proliferation of false churches and false prophets. This has caused great exodus (large migration) of enchanters into the Church of Jesus Christ, to serve the false brethren and deceive the un-watchful sheep. May the Lord expose them and cause genuine brethren to be set free from under their yokes.

This situation didn’t just started today, there were people that followed Jesus mainly for food, some for healing, and many to hangout with Him, Jesus was not DECEIVED by their coming to church on time, or fakery in departmental activities. He saw beyond the physical, into the hearts of men.

John 6: 25When they found Him on the other side of the sea, they asked Him, “Rabbi, when did You get here?” 26 Jesus replied, “Truly, truly, I tell you, it is not because you saw these signs that you are looking for Me, but because you ate the loaves and had your fill. 27Do not work for food that perishes, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on Him God the Father has placed His seal of approval.”

Among many that followed Him, only few people like Peter followed and stay with Him for the things beyond the physical. Just in the same way in bad and deceptive marriage when life can changes grows people apart, something happened in the time of Jesus that caused some of the followers to desert Jesus, at a time He asked His closest allies if they were leaving Him, but Peter answered: 66From that time on many of His disciples turned back and no longer walked with Him. 67So Jesus asked the Twelve, “Do you want to leave too?” 68Simon Peter replied, “Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words of eternal life.”

This statement of Peter means, come rain, come sunshine, we have decided to stick with you till the end. In the popular covenant message reads out during weddings, how many adheres to: “In death and in sickness”? Success in Marriage (Relationship) is not automatic, but the more we walk together, live together and weather storms, the good, the bad and the ugly seasons of life together; the stronger our relationships become. Marriage is not for the lily hearted, chicken-hearted, faint-hearted, cowards, and Ignobly people that lacking in courage. So also following the Lord, you will face many storms, Red Sea, wilderness, jungles, dry bones, etc; but the joy of it all is that in all these perils; He is there with us (Ps. 23; Matthew 28:20b; Act 7::56; Joshua 1:9; Jeremiah 20:11). This is the yardstick God expected and why He hated divorce. God knows our frailness, He understand our weakness, yet, He could stick to His covenant with us; but do we?


Many church people complains about the God they claimed to follow, I used to until I begin to learn His ways. It is an interesting journey. You can never know more about your partner until you live together and are committed to one another. The danger of being in a relationship where one partner is not committed to the covenant of marriage is very grave. They can use you and dump you, they can break your heart, and disrespect you in the presence of others.

When you follow God for the sakes of your selfish gain, He becomes an unknown God to you. You will be at lose because you may be asking Him for one child, but He may have nations for you. Patronizing an unknown God is dangerous and has great implications and complications; it would be like sleeping with a strange bedfellows. Enough of our interactions with God that cannot lead to Salvation, life will become miserable because:

You cannot decode or interprets His language
You will do evil in His sight and discrete His presence
You will offer Him Abominable prayers and offerings
You will approach Him wrongly
You will offer to bribe Him with offerings like the gods of the Amorites
Instead of offering Him your body, soul and spirit, you will offer sacrifice that He has provided for Himself.

In Acts 17:23, the religious people in Athens served an unknown God, I wonder how they want to please Him. In Christ we have pleased God, the price is fully paid. This is our peace. If you don’t know how to please God, you will be running from pillar to post to prayer contractors to help you speak to Him and they will deceive you and make your situation worse. When we are in genuine union with Christ, we become one with Him, He feels our pain as the scripture says, Jesus the Great High Priest
14Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to what we profess. 15For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who was tempted in every way that we are, yet was without sin. 16Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. “

As the time of Easter draws closer, let us remember what He did on the Cross for mankind and love Him genuinely. If we truly in Him, we will have interest in knowing Him more through His Word and we will tell others of Him.





If you don’t open some scotch eggs, you may bite into rotten eggs. The packaging of a rotten egg covered inside mince meat, flour or bread crumbs doesn’t make it a nice snack. Be Warned!

Know that we are in the time of deception spoken of by the Lord Jesus and His Apostles; we are in a highly polluted world where deception thrives from the topmost echelon height to the grassadmins of the society. We are in a time when magicians do no longer parade themselves openly the way they used to be known. They do not have the known telltale as it was in the time of old. They don’t do body-art of decorating their bodies with shells and cowries, or rubbing local chalks on their faces to look fearful on the street or in the marketplaces like before. Everything is revolving in our present age and time.
Today, satanists, enchanters, necromancers, cultists, now dress in designer’s three-piece suits like you and me. They package themselves in expensive shoes, Giorgio Armani perfume and powerful eyeglasses to look tush. They even carry bigger Bibles these days so that you will not recognize them.

Our Lord Jesus Christ warned, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? 19Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20Therefore by their fruits you will know them. 21“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in Heaven. 22Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your Name, cast out demons in Your Name, and done many wonders in Your Name?’ 23And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!” MATTHEW 7:15-16, 19-23 NKJV.

KANU Nwankwo

One should ponder what is T.B. Joshua’ gain in deceiving, destroying, and killing people? The answer is simple ―as an agent of satan, T.B. Joshua need higher ranking in the dark world because their job is to kill, steal and destroy for their master to be relevant to him (John 10:10a).

This smart football star,

Glory Of A Nation

Kanu Nwankwo, cheated death by not given heed to the ungodly counsel of T.B. Joshua. Kanu’s younger brother visited the Synagogue ahead of him on one Sunday gathering; we believe he was sent to check how things were on that faithful day. Possibly they had watched the Synagogue fake TV programs, hence, they came; or T.B. Joshua might have sent his underdogs on mission to locate them when he heard in the news about the ailing Kanu, to score cheap points as usual. In any case, Mr. Nwankwo himself was in the Synagogue the following week, on a Tuesday if I can remember vividly. T.B. Joshua brought him into the studio where I worked as the Synagogue editor/voice over artist to perform enchantment on him. To impress Mr. Nwankwo, it took T.B. Joshua more than 2 hours of shaking his right hand, and leg, and widening his eyes on this field maestro to intimidate him, under the best two camera-men which the Synagogue could boast of at the time (KK and Segun).

A brand-new Panasonic HD Camera bought from London was brought out from the store for this occasion, supported by the regular Sony M3500 camera were used. T.B. Joshua desperately wanted Kanu to fall flat on his face as a sensational show. T.B. Joshua engaged the young footballer with all his enchanting antics out of his demonic arsenal, but the tall gangling striker stood his ground before him like the rock of Gibraltar with his eyes wide opened fixed on T.B. Joshua.

Fake healing stage-managed by Fatai alias T.B. Joshua

After so much effort, and the guy refused to fall down, T.B. Joshua declared Kanu free of his heart problem, but common sense or should I say– destiny guided Mr. Nwankwo to seek a heart specialist for a second opinion. When he did, Aghast! The former prognosis was confirmed. T.B. Joshua was at it again, he lied! Kanu was not healed in the Synagogue as T.B. Joshua declared. Kanu surrendered himself to a heart correctional surgery against the backdrop of T.B. Joshua’s opinion, who continued kicking vigorously against the surgery decision as they wheeled the striker to the Theater. T.B. Joshua placed numerous telephone calls to Kanu on his hospital bed, reaffirming to him that he, T.B. Joshua had healed him. I was there when T.B. Joshua gave up and said on a final note to him, “If that is your manager’s decision, ok, but the doctors would find nothing when they cut you open.” It was pathetic to hear that the doctors found serious issues inside Mr. Kanu’s heart when they opened him up, which they corrected medically.

Of course, God can heal, the scripture said so, and He still heals JEREMIAH 30:17; ISAIAH 53:5; EXODUS 15:26.God heals in His sovereign will, since He created our body fearfully and wonderfully according to GENESIS 1:27; PSALMS 1239:14.He also gave the medical doctors grace and knowledge to treat. The medical profession acknowledged this fact by their motto: GOD HEALS WE CARE. Now, we must be careful on how we go about faith healing, because there are people like T.B. Joshua who carry things to an extreme of showbiz, and God has never intended healing that way. The point I am trying to make here is that T.B. Joshua is not of God, he is a magician, a performer, a conjurer, forecaster, and a sorcerer who has nothing of Jesus Christ, the true healer in him.

Finally, Kanu recuperated from the hospital after his heart’s correctional surgery and returned to the career he loved so much. He never gave a thought for the Synagogue or T.B. Joshua who would have sent him to an early grave. He did more good for himself, his family and the Nation at large. What if he had listened to T.B. Joshua as Ruben Kruger and other gullible did?

“We are in a time when magicians do no longer parade themselves openly the way they used to be known. They do not have the known telltale as it was in the time of old.”

When T.B. Joshua realized how he had lost ample opportunity to be famous through riding on Kanu’s name and achievement; and the medical personnel had stolen his show; T.B. Joshua became frantically desperate to reclaim the lost ground. First, to fan his ego, T.B. Joshua invited some cheap and lay-about journalists who frequently eat crumbs under his table, and released the video tape of him presumably administer healing to Kanu to them (what he knows best to do), blowing tantrum by claiming to have been the one who healed Kanu, stupidity plus illiteracy blinded him so much that he forgot how millions of people all over the world had kept Kanu in their prayers while he was under surgical blade. To drive his point home, T.B. Joshua showed the journalists the photo frame of one funny jesus which he had presented to Kanu as a souvenir and begged the journalists to help him leak and circulate the news to the gullible public. The efforts of circulating the news had no positive impact on the populace. Sensible people knew how Kanu was operated upon to correct his heart malfunction. The soft sell journalists only wasted their time and journalistic intelligence on T.B. Joshua’s cheap destructive fame pursuits.

The TB Joshua I Knowbook
Get A Copy And Be Wiser!


Everything is revolving in our present age and time. Today, satanists, enchanters, necromancers, cultists, now dress in designer’s three-piece suits like you and me. They package themselves in expensive shoes, Giorgio Armani perfume and powerful eyeglasses to look tush. They even carry bigger Bibles these days so that you will not recognize them. Our Lord Jesus Christ warned, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing,