Beyond the Pulpit: Shrouded in Secrecy

My 16-Year Journey in TB Joshua’s Court: Secrets of Spiritual Leadership

In a society profoundly influenced by the allure of faith and spirituality, it is commonplace for individuals to become enchanted by the charisma and promises of religious leaders. However, such enchantment often blinds adherents to the lurking shadows that accompany these bright lights.

“Beyond the Pulpit: Shrouded in Secrecy – My 16 Years of Spiritual Slavery in TB Joshua’s Court” is a compelling and sobering narrative penned by Babatunde John, a figure widely recognized in spiritual circles as Akewi. This book endeavors to peel back the layers of intrigue and secrecy encasing one of contemporary religion’s most enigmatic personalities, the late T.B. Joshua, and the influential institution he founded, the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN).

Within the pages of this book, Akewi offers a richly woven tapestry of personal experiences, insights, and revelations that span a decade and a half spent entrenched in TB Joshua’s ministry. Drawing on his intimate knowledge gained as a close associate and participant in the church’s inner workings, he invites readers into a world where the line between genuine spirituality and manipulative control is frequently blurred. His candid reflections reveal the paradox of a congregational environment that thrived on the promise of miraculous healing, spiritual rebirth, and divine revelations—offering hope to thousands—while simultaneously entrapping its followers in a web of deception, spiritual enslavement and emotional manipulation.

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The Cost Of Speaking Out – Aftermath Of BBC Documentary On Late TB Joshua

A year today, BBC Documentary shocked the world as they opened can of worms behind the scene in late TB Joshua’s The Synagogue, church Of all Nations.

Kindly join the broadcast at 6PM Nigeria time, 7PM South African time to listen to the cost of speaking out from some of the courageous people who took a dangerous path to speak their truth to open the eyes of millions deceived by the greatest FRAUD, CHARLATAN, AN IMPOSTOR, & A MAGICIAN of the 21st Century.


TRIBUTE: 9Years After SCOAN Collapsed Building – No Justice For The Victims

9 Years today, it was exactly 3month after Abdul-Fatai Balogun alias TB Joshua celebrated his infamous birthday on 12th, June 2014 that his guest house collapsed on those who visited SCOAN from different walks of life in desperation for miracles; but ended up in body bags as they die violent death. Extremely sad and tragic were the many lies and cover-ups in SCOAN known to be deceptive; and up till today, nothing has come up to tell the world what truly happen, but we know exactly what happened. INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST WITH LEGAL PROOF THAT TB JOSHUA WAS AN ABUSER OF WOMEN AND WAS ALSO RESPONSIBLE FOR THE BUILDING COLLAPSE is the house to open our eyes to the Truth. Our prayers and thoughts are with the families of the departed.


My Dangerous Encounter with T. B. Joshua

My Dangerous Encounter with T. B. Joshua

By Justus Nwakanma

Whatever you are going to read in this piece happened. I am putting this up in a very simple narrative that people will understand. I am not publishing this to condemn anybody or to praise anybody.

Every child of God owes it a duty to narrate his experiences to encourage others on this pilgrimage called life.

I will keep the names of some of my senior editors and colleagues secret as I have no permission to use their names here. But many of them are my friends on Facebook and may be reading this piece.

In 2001, I did a story on a lady who was taken to The Synagogue Church of all Nations(SCOAN) for healing. She did not survive after that. Her mother was furious and said she suspected foul play. That story was published in Saturday Champion.

As was normal with me then, I loved to travel all over Nigeria to investigate feature stories. Earlier I had submitted a proposal to travel to do a feature story on the devastation of erosion in the five South East States. I embarked on the journey the week the story was published. We had a tradition in Champion newspapers then. Whenever you traveled, you were expected to report at the state office of the state you traveled to. This was to ensure transparency and for contact and logistics support.

I traveled on a Saturday and on Sunday evening, I reported at the state office at Rotibi Street Owerri. I was barely 30 minutes in the office when the phone rang. There was no GSM then. The Correspondent picked the phone, and I overheard my Editor asking if he had seen me in Owerri. The Correspondent said I was there with him. The Editor demanded to speak with me. He asked me a few questions and added that I should produce a good story. I thanked him. He hung up.

But I became curious. He asked me when I left Lagos, when I arrived in Owerri, the hotel where I was staying, etc. Some of the questions were already answered in the application to travel I submitted to him which was approved and money advanced to me.

Unknown to me, the story of the Lady at the Synagogue had caused an earthquake. They didn’t know that the story was released to the media by one of the Prophet’s trusted aides.

I was to learn later that T.B. Joshua had contacted the publisher and had complained that the story was false. The Publisher demanded my immediate sack.

The Managing Director/Editor-in-chief then said it would be wrong to sack me as the story was balanced and that I made efforts to speak to the Prophet’s media aides.

However, the Editor was asked to carry a rebuttal or apologize. He rejected both options blatantly and rather chose to be sacked. Why did he take such an extreme position?

He said in the midst of the crisis, a delegation of the media team of SCOAN had met with him in the office and had presented a recorded interview with me where I denied authorship of the story and that the story was given to me and paid for by the Redeemed Christain Church of God.

He asked them when and where the interview was conducted, and they said about an hour ago at the Redeemed Church. I am not a member of the Redeemed Church. While they were still with him in the office, he placed a call to Owerri and that was when he spoke with him. Immediately, he concluded that there were some hidden dimensions to the matter. They were not telling the truth. How they cloned my voice, I never knew as I did not have the opportunity to listen to the audio.

I was never privy to any discussions on the matter. Somehow, I was not sacked, the Editor retained his job. But a high-powered delegation was raised to go and make peace with T.B. Joshua. The team included the Managing Director/Editor-in-chief, some Executive Directors of Champion Newspapers and some friends of the prophet, notably, late Edith Ike-Okongwu and late Chief Alex Akinyele, a former minister of information. There was also a serving senior military officer, a Major General, whose name I cannot correctly recollect now. A truce was reached.

But this opened a troika of revelations. Not many knew that T.B. Joshua had many senior journalists in Champion House he was reaching out to and who represented his interests. He was enraged that they could not stop the story. He immediately dispensed with their services.

The Prophet invited me to come and see him several times, I rejected it based on advice.

He was to pass a message through one of the aides that I and the Saturday Editor would see his ‘bad side’.

Some weeks later, I slept one day and I heard God speak to me loud and clear.”I have cancelled all the evil plans of T.B. Joshua against you.” I woke up afraid and shivering.

A few years later, I was to become Acting Editor Saturday Champion, Deputy Editor Daily Champion and Editor, Daily Champion. Before then, I had made a decision that I was not going to do another story on SCOAN and its members. T. B. Joshua began sending goodwill messages to me including gifts. I never objected to them on the belief that God had already delivered me from whatever evil he planned against me. Then he invited me to his office. I began visiting him often and we began phone exchanges.

He had a very large heart. You will never visit him and go home empty-handed. He loved humanity.

Each time I visited him, he would take me to his inner chambers, and we would discuss as friends.

But there was something strange and unusual about him that gave me great concern. One, he normally called me on the phone between 1am and 2am. There were two people that normally called me at that hour, T. B. Joshua and my friend, Ogbeni Lanre Banjo. Ogbeni Banjo was a one-time governorship candidate of Gani Fawehinmi’s National Conscience Party (NCP) who lives in America.

If my phone was not within reach, there was a way I knew who was calling me. If the call was from T. B. Joshua, the curtains in my house will first shake as if under the influence of a wind for some seconds before the phone will ring out. I told my wife and a few friends and colleagues about this.

The second strange thing I noticed about him was that no matter the distance he was standing, if I am at his back he would notice my presence, even if I am in a crowd he would walk straight to where I was. He could see you coming to him even if you are kilometers away. I also noticed that his movements were jerky and unpredictable. If he was walking with you, he may gallop or run or alter his direction as if being pushed. He would be talking to you and suddenly he would keep silent as if listening to a voice.

On October 28, 2009, he invited me to SCOAN. He was donating some transformers to neighboring communities. I took one of our Senior Reporters, Ufomba Uzuegbu with me to cover the event. I had already told him about my concerns with these strange observations. We were late to the event. T. B. Joshua was already addressing the crowd in the church. There could have been over 500 people there. We decided to enter from the front entrance where his back was. Immediately we entered, he stopped his speech. He turned and said, “my friend is here, my friend is here.” He came down from the rostrum, held me by the hand and took me straight to his office. After the event, my colleague who observed everything said I should not bring him to SCOAN again because there was something abnormal about him.

I used to watch wrestling a lot. Whenever I come back home late after production, I could stay up till 4am watching wrestling and movies. Not any longer. On this day, I was in the parlour watching wrestling with my wife. The curtains started shaking vigorously, I looked at the clock, it was 2am. I said to my wife, “it’s T.B. Joshua, it’s T.B. Joshua.” Immediately my phone rang out. “Hello Prophet,” I said. ” How are you, friend…,” he said.

My wife stood up and went to the bedroom. When I finished the call, she came out and knelt down: “Please I beg of you let today be your last day you will see this man or pick his call. You either choose him or choose me and my children. This man is not normal.” Of course, I chose my family. I never called him again, never picked his calls and never visited him.

One of his top media aides-he was running a successful PR firm in London before he met T.B. Joshua who asked him to relocate to Nigeria and head his media unit- sought an audience with me. I went to Toyin Street Ikeja where he opened up to me, how he had to run for his dear life.

Justus Nwakanma, Nigeria

Runner-Up: Arts & Culture Award

Bio: Justus is Deputy Editor of the Daily Champion in Lagos. He joined the Champion Newspapers as Senior reporter in 2000. He has been a journalist since 1992, working initially with The Guardian and has since worked with the Lagos Eagle Newspaper, Ebony and Source Magazines and Hallmark Newspapers. He holds a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Mass Communication. 


Celebrating God’s Faithfulness – My Freedom Day Out Of The Synagogue

ISAIAH 15:20-21

20Then I will make you a wall to this people, a fortified wall of bronze; they will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you to save and deliver you, declares the LORD. 21I will deliver you from the hand of the wicked and redeem you from the grasp of the ruthless.”




Today February 8th as I always remember yearly the moment I finally stepped out of the house of bondage. I join with the twenty-four elders, the Host of Heaven and the four living creatures, (the awesome foursome, and the foursome awesome) that surrounds the Throne of Majesty in Heaven to give glory, honors and thanksgiving to Him who reigns and lives forever and ever. I fall to my face before Him who sits enthrone on the Throne and I worship Him who lives forever and ever, Revelation 4:9-10 NKJV.

Looking back, I celebrates the goodness of His Most Excellency, The Royal Majesty, The Glorious Redeemer, Everlasting Father, All-Powerful, He that overthrown the enemy into the sea of forgetfulness, The Lifter of my head, Agbanilagbatan, Oloore- Ofe, Obangiji, Osa N’oghidua, Osa’lobua, Osẹikhuẹmhẹn Ekhuẹmhẹn, Odogwu Akataka (Fearless warrior), Ejide obi esike (My confidence), Echeta Echezo nkpa (He that takes away pain/worry), Di nwanyi isi mpe (Husband of the widow), Ikuku amanoya(Unquenchable God) Obata obie (He that ends every trouble)
Akwakwuru (Unpushable God), Dike na’gha (Mighty Warrior), Chi ne cherem (The God that thinks for me), Eze ndi Eze (King of kings)
Oke mmiri n’ebu ogwe (Great water that carry fearful storms), Oku n’ere ere (Consuming fire), Ike nkwu aba mba (The authority upon which I make my declarations), Oje na mmuo (He that works in the spirit), Ebube mbekumbe ( Glorious forever), Oloru ihe, loro ihe , loro ihe, loro enyi ( Bigger than the biggest), Nkume mgbe ebighi ebi (Firm foundation)

Today, the 8th, February in history marks another unforgettable day that Mercy roared from His Throne to liberate me out of the pangs of darkness, spiritual and physical incarceration, mental and psychological terror, sexual slavery of Abdul-Fatai Temitope Balogun alias T.B. Joshua of the Synagogue ‘church’ of all nations, Ikotun -Egbe, Lagos, Nigeria.

When God saw it was time for me to leave the Synagogue; some cameras malfunctioned in a conference organized by TB Joshua for the farmers in faraway South Africa. When he return to Nigeria, he summoned ‘disciples’ meeting and accused those ‘disciples’ that followed him to the conference including the foreign ‘disciples’ that they caused the fault of the machines. Therefore, we must go to the ‘prayer’ mountain to ask for forgiveness for offending his ‘holy spirit’. I was not with them in South Africa; but I was included to go for forgiveness, my sin was that I did not travel with them. He said if I had gone to South Africa, such experience would not have occurred because of my dedication. While we were at Agodo, in a place we were to go for prayers, I saw in a quick flash the picture of my mother, she was had aged and was very frail; and for the first time in many years I had lived in the Synagogue I felt concern for her. I summoned courage to ask TB Joshua for permission to go and see my mother in case something terrible had happened to her. The moment I mentioned my mother to him, it was as if a thunderbolt hit TB Joshua, he was not expecting it, he became highly upset and asked everybody to clear out of his office including me.
My mind was made up to go visit my mother, so I waited for TB Joshua until 12midnight to be able to inform him that come sun, come rain, I would go to see my mother in the following morning. He said I could not go, period. Among other things he said was, if I went, something terrible would happen on the way, he also said he would lay a curse on his daughter not me, but I insisted. He asked me why I bent on going on a Sunday when every ‘disciple’ supposed to be busy working, I answered him that it has been a long time I had been away from home as he know; possibly she might have moved out of where I knew she lived.

Nevertheless, I said knew my mother’s church where she has been attending before she married to my Dad (she has been a Christian all her life, but my Dad was a Muslim and I grew up with my Dad). We discussed until 3am in the morning. Then, TB Joshua started cajoling me that he was about to send me to South Africa to handle some things for him; but within me, I was not interested in traveling anywhere, but to get out of the Synagogue in one piece.

May your chains be broken in Jesus’ Name

Lastly, TB Joshua played another card, he asked me to go and prepared to follow him to the marine mountain at that ungodly hour (3am), but I would not bulged, I refused. If it were before this time that my mind was darkened I would gladly have obliged. So, he went alone by himself with his driver.
Next day, in the morning, while others were dressing up for service, and the Synagogue members were trouping into the service, I ran out. As things worked out, I met TB Joshua by the staircase coming back from his water mountain at about 6am, though I greeted him, but I do not even bother to know if he answered or not.
On my way out, the security men caught me but I fought them with all the strength in me and quickly flagged down a motorbike which drove me away from the Synagogue’s frontier. When I got into town, I was just perambulating from one place to another until one Mr. Ojooloye called me on the phone to direct me to the motor park. When I eventually got to my mum’s church, an usher helped me to call her out, and precisely the way I saw her in my vision in a flash, she had aged so much and became frail. A lots had happened to her, she started crying but I encouraged her to be strong. Then, she started praising God for seeing me again, I went with her to her new place as I expected. We talked at length, I apologized for been used to labelled her a witch and not to see her for many years, and I have eventually decided to leave the Synagogue. She asked me ‘why?’ I told her that only God knows but I was no longer comfortable in the place, and I sensed something was not right. I could not bring myself to tell her all my experiences at the time because I was not ready to hear “but we told you so.”
My mother gave me her pastor’s telephone number to ask for counseling, and I left for Lagos, back at the synagogue. When I got there, the security man (Phillip) would not permit me to enter, he said I needed a written permit from TB Joshua because I did not present one when I left in the morning. I believe it was a script given to him by TB Joshua, so I became pissed off, I told him to allow me to go in, and pack my stuff and leave finally. While we were on that argument, someone informed me that TB Joshua was at the marine mountain and he asked me to come with her. At the marine mountain, TB Joshua inquired why I disobeyed his orders not to visit my mother, I had no excuse for him, so he asked me what happened at my mother’s place, I knew he wanted to teleguide me, so I gave him a different story that my mother does not wish to see me again because of the past scenarios. Then, he asked Olamide big to escort me back to the main Synagogue and instructed other ‘disciples’ leaders who he had previously instigated against me to sheath their sword.
‘Disciples’ were not allowed to own a personal phone at the time, but I had secretly bought one for myself at the time I worked in ‘The Exclusive’ Newspaper on behalf of TB Joshua. I called my mother’s pastor the following morning and he prayed with me, after prayers, he asked me where I was calling from, I quickly told him not to worry that I only needed guidance about a step I wanted to take. What he said thereafter got me panicked. He said, “oh, I am very sorry for asking, but as we prayed, my eyes opened and I saw that you are in a kind of bondage where there were chains on your neck, both hands, waist and your two legs; I saw that you are tied up like a criminal.”
In shock, I opened up to him that I was in the Synagogue, ‘church’ of all nations. The pastor asked gently, ‘what are you doing there? I told him that it was not a story I could relate to him at the time. “Ah! The way I saw it, you cannot leave the place,” he replied. I was confused, with a little irritation, I asked him, “I cannot leave? Why? Was I born here? Nobody owns me but God, and right now I am leaving, no one can stop me, not even those chains you said you saw.”
The pastor shouted, “Please don’t try it, if you try it, your enemy can run mad or die because you are already under surveillance radar. If God open your eyes, you will see that there are some horrible looking beings that are manning the gate of where you are; it is not only you, they have the list of the names of those people living there with them.” Ha! as if it was a bad dream to me, I thought within me, is it this bad? I definitely knew some strange things are happening here, but not to this magnitude? I looked around I could not see any strange looking beings, no surveillance radar except security monitors which I know off. In a jiffy, my experience of 7 years backward flashed in my mind, when I left synagogue with strong head, and I ended up roaming the street of Lagos for 3days not knowing where I was heading to (another story). Therefore, I calmed down, almost crying and in a childlike voice, which I could not believe was mine I said, “Sir, am I going to die here? Can God help me? I want to go to heaven.”
The pastor assured me that God is ready to help anyone who call on Him because He owns everywhere and everyone, but I must give my life to Christ genuinely, and walk with God. How, I asked him? He said, “we shall be praying together often for God’s direction, and anytime you finished service in the synagogue, it is paramount that you call me for prayers.” I thanked him and we bade each other goodbye.

(Taken from the Book “THE TB JOSHUA I KNOW)

The TB Joshua I Know
Deception Of The Age is Unmasked in this Book-THE TB JOSHUA I KNOW

Christianity Endangered By Pimps

(Culled from the Book “THE T.B. JOSHUA I KNOW”)

The TB Joshua I Know
Deception Of The Age is Unmasked in this Book-THE TB JOSHUA I KNOW

In the first introduction of the Church, the Scripture made us to understand that The Lord Jesus Christ did not took stripes on His back, wore a Crown of Thorns on His head, got His side pierced and died on the Cross for what many professed Church goers are seeking for today; rather The Son of God died on the Cross to liberate man from the power of Sin.

ACTS 2:37-39 “When they heard this, they were stung in the heart and said to Peter and to the rest of the Apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” 38Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39For the promise is to you, and to your children, and to all who are far away, as many as the Lord our God will call.”

This simply means, Man’s problem is not about the expensive clothes he has or does not have in his closet, not the kind of car he drives or the house he lives in, man’s problem is Sin, and he need a Saviour and that Saviour is Jesus Christ. When there is no reaffirmation of the transaction Jesus Christ did on Calvary in our Churches, people will be shortchanged of the Truth and pimps will take over the platform. There are different pimps in our Churches today: Pimps of miracles, prophecies, prosperity, turning the house of God into house of merchandise; as they trades in water, oil, apron, etceteras. We don’t need anymore Pimps or snake oil salesmen leading the Church, it is purely Spiritual adulatory, we need genuine ministers who will stand behind the Pulpit and preach the undiluted Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Synagogue of T.B. Joshua in Ikotun-Egbe, Lagos, Nigeria is another hellish place where every genuine Christian must avoid altogether. The Synagogue is a house of Pimps, headed by T.B. Joshua. 



Another amazing deception I witnessed at the Synagogue was a 76-year-old Moses Marole, who came from Mmabatho, he travelled to Lagos from South Africa in the company of other 120 guests led by a regular group leader Mrs. Santa du Plessis, from Roodeport. Mrs. Santa du Plessis had become part of T.B. Joshua’s clique when money started flowing into her purse through this arrangement, she is a mother of one of T.B. Joshua’s in-house ‘disciples’ called Angelique Goosen. On April 21, Sunday afternoon, while the group took some time off from the long hour of Sunday service to have lunch, Moses Marole suddenly collapsed on the food table. Many people rallied around to help him: amongst them was a neurosurgeon, Dr. Johan Wilkinson from Bloemfontein; he performed a CPR on Moses to no avail. In no long time, message had reached T.B. Joshua in the service where he was still attending to people on the so-called ‘prayer line’. T.B. Joshua sent Benson, one of the junior prophet to ‘pray’ but without success as usual.

The elderly man was taken aside, and the Synagogue medical team who are always on standby during services engaged the fainted old man, and were able to bring him back to life with their medical skill.

Screenshot-7_27_2018-5_32_01-PM-300x169 CHRISTIANITY ENDANGERED BY PIMPS
Synagogue in-house Medical Team helping

The medical team discovered that the complications of heat (hot weather in Nigeria), triggered Marole’s health conditions, which were: diabetes, high blood pressure and stress of an old age. The medical team brought him back to life, not the junior prophet. When T.B. Joshua heard that the man had been resuscitated, he said we must keep the visitors in the dark on the new development; and keep telling them that the elderly man could not be resuscitated; even ‘disciples’ were lying to their fellow ‘disciples’ on the matter. Separate room was quickly made available to keep Moses away from the rest of his group members, and one of the medical team, a Nurse, Mrs. Igeodu who always work hand in hand with the ‘disciples’ of T.B. Joshua was called in but none of the ‘disciples’ knew T.B. Joshua’s intention until after the day’s service. After everyone had eaten and rested, at about 11pm, T.B. Joshua summoned selected members of the Studio: two cameramen, two video editors, and two visitors’ coordinators; those that are very loyal, with Mrs. Igeodu, the Nurse into his office. The short meeting was about the fainted man; and since every member of the foreign visitors still holds the belief that the man was already dead, this time was ripe opportunity for him (T.B. Joshua) to do what he had dreamt of doing a very long time, to raise the dead like Jesus Christ did, but the pattern he planned to use was that of Elisha in 2KINGS 4:33-34.

 Mrs. Igeodu administered sedative injection on the already fragile man in bad condition of health to keep him still on the bed, wool was inserted into his windpipes, and he was laid straight as a dead man on the bed. Everyone knew exactly what he or she must do after the short meeting with T.B. Joshua. Other ‘disciples’ who were not involved in the brief might be seeing your movement, but they cannot decode or understand what was going on except the smart ones who had been involved in a similar errand before. The Cameramen had set up their gadgets in the room where the aged man was laid, and T.B. Joshua was led into the room by a ‘disciple’ who pretended as if she was just passing the information to him. It was a drama.

NARRATION: –T.B. Joshua touched the man on the bed to see if he had slept off, of course, there can never be any response, thanks to Mrs. Igeodu’s sedative injection. So, T.B. Joshua raised his hand up in the air in front of cameras as if ‘praying’, there were lots of mistakes which was taken care of by Seun Abiola, one of the editors in the Studio. T.B. Joshua practices on the camera cassette were wiped off through reuse of the cassette by Sister Deola. Then T.B. Joshua laid flat on the man for some seconds and stood up; that was his own part.

Then, we have to be on standby until the man wakes up from the effect of the sedation. With the Voice of T.B. Joshua inserted, the real voice used was Brother Nkechi who shouted the man’s name severally before the man suddenly jacked out from his deep sleep, as he opened his eyes and mouth to answer the caller; that was the reaction the Editor needed to finalize the deceptive packaging, Shina and I were called upon to-do voice over to perfect all gaps of unnecessary noise on the tape.

 This video cassette was sold all over the world, and it went viral on YouTube to deceive the naive. The following morning, T.B. Joshua instructed us to play the edited video to the foreign visitors in their dining room. We assembled the entire guests in the dining room, they were looking gloomy as we told them the cock and bull story of the previous day event. It was basically about one of them who had gone to be with the ‘Lord’, they all answered affirmative. They were still in mourning mood; their breakfast was left untouched. We informed them how we prepared the man for the morgue, but message came from T.B. Joshua that the man’s death was to the ‘glory of T.B. Joshua’s fake god’ (always using biblical quotation to deceive people); that they should not bother to take his body to the morgue. The guests were a little confused and perplexed, asking why we should keep human remains

inside the hostel? The packaged video of lies, and deceit explained the rest as we played it for them. When they saw what happened with tight editing, they rejoiced and demanded to see the resurrected man, many of them started calling South Africa to testify lies. We told them that Moses would still need some rest. The sedative injection administered on him was still in his system, he could not yet coordinate himself. It took another day before we allowed Moses Marole to receive visitors from among his group members, and before then, he had been thoroughly brainwashed on the Synagogue version of what happened to him. If you watch the video, Moses had no testimony at all, he was just rambling, a pure patched interview. Some of the visitors knew that Moses case was not as bad as we presented it in the video, but they went back home pondering over the event in their mind. GOD IS WATCHING!

If T.B. Joshua truly has power to heal or raise the dead, what about many other visitors who died under his roof without been able to raise them to life? The incident of the first story I recounted in this Chapter took place at the adjacent room to where T.B. Joshua slept that fateful day in his bedroom; until I woke T.B. Joshua up from his sleep that morning, he was sleeping next room to a dead man. General Tumenta Martin died under Synagogue roof, a Botswana magistrate, Lorraine Makati-Lesang died inside the Synagogue on their so-called ‘prayer line’, if truly Moses Marole died and was raised to life by T.B. Joshua; what about Benson, his junior pastor who worked for him for more than 20 years and died in T.B. Joshua’s presence without been raised to life? Samson, who was a cousin to him died under his roof; and there were other unreported cases of death amongst the general workers inside the Synagogue. I witnessed on many occasions while T.B. Joshua was doing his so-called jingoism type of ‘prayer’ on the sick, and they died right before him. Tamara, a ‘disciple’ from Austria died in two days after she left the Synagogue, Lagos to Austria. T.B. Joshua could not heal or raise any of these people we mentioned from the dead. Ask yourself… what is the authenticity of the Synagogue blatant editing videos that went viral, what is the authenticity of anything you see on Emmanuel TV? Are they real? Forget about what you watch on television; T.B. Joshua manufactures and arranges miracles. Why is T.B. Joshua having pleasure deceiving people? It is for only one reason, to take your focus away from God’s presence, from holding and waiting upon the Lord ISAIAH 40:29-31. Now, the easy one, T.B. Joshua did not travel when the Synagogue collapsed upon him, what a good opportunity presented before him, and his junior prophets or wise men, to get busy by displaying their prowess of healing those that were wounded and raising the dead to life (sic). Even, two of his choir girls were badly wounded, and were hospitalized, one of them was on crutches for many months, while the other was flown out of the country for treatment; but T.B. Joshua would always present on Emmanuel TV to be healing cripple, healing those with cancer, healing the blind, and paralyzed, why does he allow his precious singer to be using walking aid? On top of it, he lied and dodged been prosecuted by the government. IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP people of God! Emmanuel TV propagates falsehood on daily basis. BE WARNED, BEWARE!

(Culled from the Book “THE T.B. JOSHUA I KNOW”)

Get A Copy to be Wiser!


Why Is TB Joshua Afraid?


Fear has power to cripple man and to cause him to keep running even from his own shadow while no one pursues him. This is quite obvious about TB Joshua, as we see him in desperation looking in the silliest places for lifeline that will keep him afloat. He keeps telling embarrassing lies anyone would not expect from a sane person to cover his tracts in order to feel safe. Can anyone be secured in a house built on lies? It is just a matter of time. In my book “THE T.B. JOSHUA I KNOW” I elaborated on how the Synagogue’ ‘disciples’ quarters is run, we read how TB Joshua uses divide to rule to turn his moron ‘disciples’ into remote control, and causing them to snitch on each other to satisfy his sickening satisfaction.
TB Joshua is afraid of his shadows
TB Joshua is afraid of his future (forget about his loot)
TB Joshua is afraid his present
TB Joshua is afraid of his many lies he had told coming to the open
TB Joshua is afraid of his past
TB Joshua is afraid of the many evil he had done
TB Joshua is at it again. The child molester who has history of being an unrepentant liar/deceiver/false claims of miracles/deliverance/prophecies; he has been in the business of bewitching the unguarded gullible people over the years. Many enlightened people knows how TB Joshua attracts the GULLIBLE and the vulnerable with magic and fake miracles to his Synagogue of darkness over the years. Joshua, the man in the Synagogue is well known worldwide to be a fake and a prophet of doom, (Get a copy of my new Book “REASONS YOU SHOULD NOT VISIT THE SYNAGOGUE “CHURCH” OF ALL NATIONS or you can read it free on and in TREM BOOKSHOP nearer to you.


Amongst the uncountable exposé on this CHARLATAN was his numerous failed forecasts and his failure to predict the collapse of his Synagogue’s building in September 2014 while he busy bodies around telling-on people of other nations far and near. TB Joshua, being a manipulator and a deceiver has in many occasion secretly remove his failed forecasts from the Synagogue’ social platform handlers each time his forecast do not fits in, tallied or add up. The unstable pattern of this double-faced double-mouthed impostor had let people know that he is a compulsive and pathological liar who cannot be trusted but can go to any length to prove himself to be true. Joshua is the brain behind every evil machinations that is used to package grade-A Deception called the Synagogue for the innocent to buy into.
Many people who gives their attention to watch TB Joshua and his Synagogue of satan on Emmanuel TV may not understand why and how people are receiving vain promises of spiritual help, except those who had once lived and those that are still living inside the Synagogue can unravel this mystery. I believe Sani Shehu’s present predicament is one of the many ways TB Joshua and his Synagogue of satan is being exposed daily to the world, so that people can know the Truth and begin to follow the true God.
TB Joshua’ alleged spiritual power failed to produce solution in the life of Sani Shehu who TB Joshua hijacked in the days of his glory without inputs, and if Joshua cannot use his magic as usual to fake healing for Sani Shehu, I wonder why he would wickedly ignored to pay for the surgery that can return Sani to his active football for 10 solid years. How do TB Joshua sleeps at night leaving this young man that the Synagogue used in his glorious days in Golden Eaglet to make money, fame, and used as bait to drag many gullible people into the Synagogue. Onazi is doing well in his chosen career because he separated himself from the Synagogue and TB Joshua.
Anyway, for the love of humanity, BISOLA JOHNSON FOUNDATION began to work assiduously round the clock to seek financial aids for Sani Shehu, one of the Nigeria brilliant and brightest football stars to make it possible for his injured leg to be fixed under surgical blade like Kanu Nwankwo and return to the football games he loves, since after 10 years of his father and son lovey dovy relationship with TB Joshua of the Synagogue “church” of satan has not bring any glory to the young man, but retrogression in his life, falling and failing to march up with his peers, but highly favored TB Joshua. To show how much Sani was close to the Synagogue and TB Joshua, it will be recalled in an article written by Evangelist Bisola Hephzi-bah Johnson on 23rd of November, 2019 (, you will learn how Sani Shehu’s name was changed to Emmanuel by TB Joshua when the later realized the boy Sani was about going places immediately he was invited into the Nigeria Under 17 (Golden Eaglet)’ camp shortly before the World Cup that was played in 2009 in Nigeria.
Sani who was supposed to break into the first team squad of any top team in the world due to the talent he displayed at the World Cup if he had imitated his friend and ex Golden Eaglets teammate Eddy Onazi; but Sani’ career stalled and nosedive due to long-term Achilles tendonitis problems (TB Joshua how market). While Onazi progressed through the youth rank, Sani’s injury and a nomadic career path took him from the height to the lowest.
Every reasonable person would believe that Sani should not be left in this darkest hour by TB Joshua but alas. So, when the good people of Nigeria began to show the love of God to Sani Shehu alias Emmanuel, the spoiler of destiny came knocking again on Sani Shehu’ door. In one of the days the young man visited Lagos from Abuja, TB Joshua cornered Sani and dragged him to the Synagogue to be manipulated and bewitched and used to be writing what will not put his name in the records of life champions. Onazi is making waves in life, Sani Shehu (Emmanuel) is begging ‘Daddy’ to return home (the Synagogue), what a shame, when a man is bewitched, he sees his friends as enemies and see enemy as a friend.
Any intelligent and humane person knows the important thing Sani Shehu needs at this time is not shenanigans against anyone, because at 26 years old after wasting 10years in the camp of a time waster, talents destroyer, life waster, who claims on Emmanuel TV to be a healer and a giver to disadvantaged people in the society (claims but not in practice), but his claims do not rub on/show or have credible meaning in the lives of the people that go close to him, a man who bought himself 60 million dollar private jet could not spare enough to help a motherless, and disadvantaged Sani Shehu (Emmanuel)’ surgery, rather, TB Joshua used fear/threat to ridicule/debase the quality of Sani Shehu’ life to the point that Sani Shehu will sprawl on the floor to beg for TB Joshua’s peanut which is evident in the eulogy he wrote about TB Joshua to tickle his fancy on Sani Shehu’s page. Only fools will not see the tone behind this writes up, we know Sani is under threat in the Synagogue; we are praying for him.
I know beyond reasonable doubt that TB Joshua is stupid in reasoning but my worries is about those journalists who paid their school fees to be more intelligent and enlightened yet pushing out myopic news for TB Joshua in exchange for dirty money.
My Dear Sani Shehu (Emmanuel), You underrated me, next time TB Joshua send you on errand to snitch on people, try look face oo, nevertheless, you do not need this at this time of you life, but I understand your predicament under TB Joshua’ demonic influence over you, I used to be in that debased state you are right now. We have not stopped praying for you. At your young age, what you needed most in life is to fulfilled destiny, not the curses of those who gave you money through our NGO, I have tried my best to reach out to them to keep you in their prayers, and your action will not stop us from giving right hand of giving and fellowship to those who need help. We are called to make a difference in the world. Remember you told me how spirit of fornication entered into your life through sex dreams inside the Synagogue and you feel you are living another person’s life as you entered into the Synagogue. I never offered you money in exchange of speaking against nobody. I have mouth to tell my stories and no men of God want to use you against satanist, you are only myopic in thinking for saying that. The full text of our conversation will be uploaded to set the record straight. You should know better that I will not be stupid to fall cheaply into your hand because I am not gullible. I only look out for your best in life. I wish you all the best in life but I wish you have done it the other way round. Our WhatsApp chats never show what you said about me. TB Joshua who used you is paranoid. There is no-where I cajole, deceive, compelled Sani Shehu into talking about irrelevant TB Joshua, rather we look out for his better future. 

Dave and Angie

Sexual Assaults’ -TB Joshua Foreign ex-‘disciples’ Cries Out.


Dear Friends 

We apologize that our email earlier this week came as a shock to many. Since then, many have been asking why we made such a drastic decision after 10 years of total commitment to SCOAN. We pray that as you read, you will examine all we say in the light of God’s Word. Its so important to have independent minds – to go to God to seek for the truth. 
First of all we would like to sincerely apologize for misleading you. We have deceived you in that we kept silent about many of things that take place at SCOAN in Lagos. We have also misled you by justifying and making excuses for many inexcusable things that take place at SCOAN and on Emmanuel TV. No matter our good intentions, before God we are responsible for this, and therefore ask for your forgiveness.
Over the last few years, Angie has suffered with depression and suicidal thoughts. She made sure she was strong for the team and in public, but it was a continual battle. In private, she would say things like, “I wish I was never born”, or “Its so difficult to continue with life, I’m praying for God to kill me”, or “If not for you and Loveth, I would kill myself.” I mentioned this to TB Joshua on the phone and he spoke to her and told her not to say things like that. I also mentioned it to him months later when I was in Lagos  and he said he would speak to her. 
Last week, things became really bad and I sat her down in desperation to try and find out what was happening .On the outside her behaviour didn’t make sense. My parents paid for a nice flat for us, we had a beautiful child, a great team and a growing church. She eventually broke down and said that she feels extremely guilty. She explained that TB Joshua used to call her to his room, make her take her clothes off (although not her underwear), and basically either masturbate himself on her, or tell her to masturbate him. On one occasion he told her to  remove her underwear and had sexual intercourse with her. TB Joshua told her that he was doing these things because he loved her, because she was his daughter, and to help her because of the problems that she had. These occasions took place between 2001 and 2005. She felt that talking about this would betray TB Joshua and God. But within her, she could not forgive herself and felt that God could not forgive her. 

Angie has been living in condemnation about these acts for the last 10 years. She felt she couldn’t tell anyone because she didn’t want to betray TB Joshua. This may sound ridiculous, but as a former disciple of TB Joshua I fully understand. As disciples we are conditioned to basically consider TB Joshua as infallible (he even has a teaching about this). Disciples will say he has weaknesses, but no disciple will tell you a weakness that he has.  We basically consider him above correction, above wrong. We justify everything he does. Anyone who speaks against him is labelled as a Blasphemer. Questioning him is said to be questioning the Holy Spirit. As a disciple you are taught to be loyal to TB Joshua in all things. 

So on the one hand Angie thought that these acts were OK because it was the “man of God” that was involved, but on the other hand she had huge amounts of condemnation. This secret was destroying her but she felt that to speak about it would be betraying TB Joshua and therefore working against the Holy Spirit. It took 3 years of marriage for her to get to a place that she felt she could trust me enough to tell me. 
When Angie told me, it shocked me and caused some deep reflection. I believe her, for the following reasons:

1. There are 3 other foreign disciples (2 of them Pastors anointed by TB Joshua to pray for people) who have made similar allegations (not to mention the Nigerian allegations)
2. She has nothing to gain by making this up, in fact, her saying this is causing us to lose so much.

3. She doesn’t exhibit any signs of a lying spirit (and neither did the other disciples who made allegations previously, none of them went to the press or wrote articles on the Internet, or exhibited other negative behaviour)

4. In my years as a disciple I have seen female disciples lovingly stroking TB Joshua’s legs, and he has not done anything to stop it.

5. I have seen female disciples go to his bedroom alone at night on multiple occasions. I have been called to his room at night, to find him alone with a female disciple (I am not suggesting that something bad is happening on all those occasions, but just that it is unwise)

6. I have witnessed times that TB Joshua has instructed the disciples to put an unmarried couple in the same bedroom.

7. TB Joshua often refers to people as prostitutes and uses sexual language often and without shame (i.e. publicly talking about the male sexual organ), also referring to masturbation in strange ways. (e.g. telling the female disciples that when they are preaching on Emmanuel TV men will be masturbating as they look at them)

8. TB Joshua does not live with his wife. She has her apartment, and he has his apartment.

9. TB Joshua walked unannounced into the girls room in Johannesburg and one of the disciples was topless, he didn’t leave or apologize, and she didn’t cover up.
In the few days after Angie told me, its like a veil was removed from my eyes. I realized that although I have seen wonderful miracles at SCOAN and received some great messages from TB Joshua, at the end of the day he is not perfect and is just a man. In what I am about to say now, I am not saying that I am perfect and above mistake, I do not want to judge TB Joshua, that is for God. I simply want to examine some of TB Joshua’s actions in the light of God’s Word. 


  • TB Joshua fan club? (Its linked from official site)
  • TB Joshua’s face on all merchandise
  • TB Joshua’s picture sold in photo frames at the church, those who buy his picture are allowed to have anointed water.
  • Huge picture of TB Joshua in his office
  • TB Joshua’s picture hung next to other “God’s Generals”
  • People often kneel down when speaking to him (not just in service but in his office)

Anger? I have seen TB Joshua:

  • Slap disciples, men and women, incredibly hard in the face
  • Push disciples over
  • Whip disciples until they bleed and urinate on the floor
  • Make disciples walk around naked to disgrace them
  • Make disciples kneel for 3 days as a form of punishment on numerous occasions.
  • Drops the phone when he hears something he doesn’t want to.
  • Throw his plate on the floor because he didn’t like the food
  • Call cameramen / commentators / ushers abusive names in the live service, 
  • Kick the cameramen if they don’t get the “right shot” during the live service
  • Call disciples together to verbally abuse a disciple he is not happy with.

Deception? Here are a few examples of many.

  • In many of the healing videos, the audio of TB Joshua saying, “in the name of Jesus” is added later, although he never said it at the time.
  • In TB Joshua’s personal testimony documentary, the photo of him in prison is blatantly photoshopped, yet it is claimed to be real.
  • The phone receivers in the office, lie often. TB Joshua instructs them to tell callers that he is either at the mountain or resting, when he is actually in the office.
  • Physically Challenged – In the live service many disciples told the world that they have made friends with the physically challenged and will phone them everyday. This didn’t happen.
  • Haiti – TB Joshua said we will be in Haiti forever and that whatever money we need to give the government for land, we should give it. 2 weeks later he said that we shouldn’t spend any money on the land, and that we should leave in 2 months if they don’t give us the land for free.
  • TB Joshua said to the media that we have adopted 500 orphans and that it is a 3million dollar project for Haiti. Even on Emmanuel TV they showed photos of children that it was claimed were orphans we were helping. They were not orphans, and when he spoke we hadn’t helped any orphans.
  • There is department in Lagos specially set up to make positive comments about TB Joshua using false identities. They are also instructed to make negative comments about other pastors.


  • Out of the 20 disciples who have been anointed as Pastors to pray for the sick, only 7 are still with the ministry and only 5 are still allowed to pray for people. One had an affair and left his wife of more than 20 years. Others left because they weren’t allowed to get married. Three left claiming sexual abuse, etc. 
  • Disciples often lie and many exhibit generally bad behaviour.
  • Many disciples who have been there for 15 years plus and are now in their 30s and 40s are not even allowed to think about getting married. 

Here are a few things out of many, which upon reflection caused me to be seriously concerned about aspects of the ministry. Angie and I went to Lagos to speak to TB Joshua about some of these things, but were unable to meet with him. Our car was held at gun point and we were stopped from leaving the church by the Nigerian police (acting under instruction from TB Joshua). We had to push past the police and get onto a motorbike to be able to leave the church premises. Our driver later called us to tell us that TB Joshua had sent a vehicle full of police to the airport to look for us. We have video evidence of this.
So this is in a nutshell why we are leaving SCOAN. I know a lot of this will come as a big surprise to many of you. Especially as we were so positive about everything to do with Lagos. I can only say that I have been deceived for the past years. I said that we should examine everything in the light of God’s Word, but actually there were certain aspects of TB Joshua and his disciple’s lifestyles and actions that I didn’t examine in the light of God’s Word. I’ve ignored and made excuses for many of those things for many many years. For this I can only apologise.

Miracles or anointing are not a sign of infallibility or perfection. This is evident from the Bible and from church history. Matthew 7 and 1 Corinthians 13 are two chapters which we have spoken about at church that clearly make a distinction between the gifts on the outside and the character on the inside. Peter was the greatest apostle in the history of the church, yet he made some serious mistakes and had to be publicly corrected by Paul (Gal 2:11). Peter was not above mistake, and neither is TB Joshua. No-one is infallible. Even those who walked with Christ and received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost made some major mistakes. If you read the book “God’s Generals” you read about many people used mightily by God who made some very serious mistakes. Grace is grace, its unmerited favour. Either God uses imperfect people, or he doesn’t, who is to say which man is better than another. Romans 9:15 says God has mercy on whom He has mercy. 
I believe that by God’s grace, a lot of what we’ve been building at SCOAN UK has honestly been for the glory of God and has been built on God’s Word. The church is not the structure, the name or the Sunday meeting. It is the people. My prayer is that each of us will draw closer to God in this time and that in whichever way we all move forward, God’s glory would be reflected in each of us. 
I understand that this email my provoke more questions than it answers. Angie and I are happy to speak on the phone or communicate by email about any of these issues. 

Love from Dave and Angie