

Happy weekend to you all in Jesus Name. Glad to write to you again. My prayer is for everyone of us to end our race on the earth well in Jesus’ Name.


God brought the term marriage into our union with Himself and Christ to drive home what He planned for our eternal life to raise our standard, that we may become one with Him and be like Him in nature forever. This means that His original plan is fulfilled. Proverb 19:21 says, “…But the counsel of the Lord will stand.” When we talk about marriage, we must know that marriage has gone beyond the level of casual friendship, wedding ceremonies, and mere interactions with one another. People cannot get the full benefits of relationship when operating outside of marriage. To understand the mystery of marriage is to know the mind of God when He said two SHALL become one flesh according to Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:5; Mark 10:8.

Two people who does not have the understanding of the mystery of marriage usually ended in destroying friendships, relationships, families, and the communities of people. No matter how much money spent in organizing elaborate weddings, if there is no understanding of this beautiful union, it wouldn’t stand the test of time. It becomes what people endures, not enjoyed. It becomes one party taking advantage of other; and taking the other for granted for personal benefit. It become a ruse.

The genuine purpose of marriage is to marry a soul mate embarking on eternal journey. In this journey of a lifetime on earth, you get to know each other better with the covenant of marriage biding you. If you get married for the sake of having children as some people do, and you later discovered that your spouse has medical issues that may not allow him/her to bear children, trouble would ensue right at that point; and love will turn to hate. If you marry someone because of outward beauty, what if accident happen along the way and take away that pretty facade? We must marry one another for love, conviction and commitment. The Scripture says,

Christ’s Sacrifice for the Ungodly
7Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. 8But God proves His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 9Therefore, since we have now been justified by His blood, how much more shall we be saved from wrath through Him!…”

God sees the end from the beginning, and He wants us to see as He sees, but unspiritual man only sees the present, immediate to enjoys only instant gratifications; this is why we regrets. When we go into relationship for selfish reasons, we unfairly put others at disadvantage and awkward position.

This morning I decided to take a long walk on my street to get fresh oxygen into my lungs and to exercise my limbs. The moment I hit the main road out of my street, I noticed a man seated in a shop frontage, the shop was not yet opened because it was still early. As I walk passed him, my spirit wanted me to talk to him about the Gospel of Christ; I always pray for opportunities to witness Christ. So, I approached him with greetings and asked if I could speak to him about Christ. He obliged. I started by telling him of the love of Christ and how he must have Jesus Christ in his life for salvation/eternal purpose.

He said he is a Muslim, but I shared with him one of the Islamic prayers from the first surah in the Quran (Surah al-Fatihah), which says ““Ih dinas-siratal mustaqeem” means we are asking Almighty Allah (SWT) to guide us to the straight path, the main highway which goes towards paradise.” I said this prayer has been answered in Christ in John 14:6, where Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” And while I was talking to him, I noticed he was wearing a wrist rope that is decorated with tiny crosses, this is the type people gets from the uniformed churches like Celestial Church of Christ (CCC). I quickly confronted him by asking if he is a Muslim as he claimed, why is he interacting with the God he is not ready to accept for relationship/marriage? why going for consultation as if going to the herbalist to consult idol? As if you prefer a prostitute over a relationship that leads to permanent unity (marriage)? This man does not want relationship with God, he only visited churches to get quick fix, or a tranquilizer for his business, health, or other matter; but Jesus always want to take the relationships further to the next level with anyone that come to Him, so He has ahead of time proved His love by laying down His life. Why would anyone do that if they are not seriously committed to marriage? He already gave ALL He has, it is either He lost ALL or gain ALL.

Now, this man is interacting with God in a relationship that cannot lead to Salvation of his soul. The reason Jesus came is first and foremost Salvation of our souls (John 3:16). Unfortunately, there are many people like the man I met in churches that are only in the Church to patronize God mainly for consultation. Immediately they get their fill, they go their way. Just in the same way we have false/fake pastors, we also have fake brethren in churches, their long years in the church does not matter but quality of your commitment. I believe if you meet people like that man in a church service, you will be deceived to think they are members in the household. Many are in the church for the sake of their hearts desires to be met, this is one of the reasons there is proliferation of false churches and false prophets. This has caused great exodus (large migration) of enchanters into the Church of Jesus Christ, to serve the false brethren and deceive the un-watchful sheep. May the Lord expose them and cause genuine brethren to be set free from under their yokes.

This situation didn’t just started today, there were people that followed Jesus mainly for food, some for healing, and many to hangout with Him, Jesus was not DECEIVED by their coming to church on time, or fakery in departmental activities. He saw beyond the physical, into the hearts of men.

John 6: 25When they found Him on the other side of the sea, they asked Him, “Rabbi, when did You get here?” 26 Jesus replied, “Truly, truly, I tell you, it is not because you saw these signs that you are looking for Me, but because you ate the loaves and had your fill. 27Do not work for food that perishes, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on Him God the Father has placed His seal of approval.”

Among many that followed Him, only few people like Peter followed and stay with Him for the things beyond the physical. Just in the same way in bad and deceptive marriage when life can changes grows people apart, something happened in the time of Jesus that caused some of the followers to desert Jesus, at a time He asked His closest allies if they were leaving Him, but Peter answered: 66From that time on many of His disciples turned back and no longer walked with Him. 67So Jesus asked the Twelve, “Do you want to leave too?” 68Simon Peter replied, “Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words of eternal life.”

This statement of Peter means, come rain, come sunshine, we have decided to stick with you till the end. In the popular covenant message reads out during weddings, how many adheres to: “In death and in sickness”? Success in Marriage (Relationship) is not automatic, but the more we walk together, live together and weather storms, the good, the bad and the ugly seasons of life together; the stronger our relationships become. Marriage is not for the lily hearted, chicken-hearted, faint-hearted, cowards, and Ignobly people that lacking in courage. So also following the Lord, you will face many storms, Red Sea, wilderness, jungles, dry bones, etc; but the joy of it all is that in all these perils; He is there with us (Ps. 23; Matthew 28:20b; Act 7::56; Joshua 1:9; Jeremiah 20:11). This is the yardstick God expected and why He hated divorce. God knows our frailness, He understand our weakness, yet, He could stick to His covenant with us; but do we?


Many church people complains about the God they claimed to follow, I used to until I begin to learn His ways. It is an interesting journey. You can never know more about your partner until you live together and are committed to one another. The danger of being in a relationship where one partner is not committed to the covenant of marriage is very grave. They can use you and dump you, they can break your heart, and disrespect you in the presence of others.

When you follow God for the sakes of your selfish gain, He becomes an unknown God to you. You will be at lose because you may be asking Him for one child, but He may have nations for you. Patronizing an unknown God is dangerous and has great implications and complications; it would be like sleeping with a strange bedfellows. Enough of our interactions with God that cannot lead to Salvation, life will become miserable because:

You cannot decode or interprets His language
You will do evil in His sight and discrete His presence
You will offer Him Abominable prayers and offerings
You will approach Him wrongly
You will offer to bribe Him with offerings like the gods of the Amorites
Instead of offering Him your body, soul and spirit, you will offer sacrifice that He has provided for Himself.

In Acts 17:23, the religious people in Athens served an unknown God, I wonder how they want to please Him. In Christ we have pleased God, the price is fully paid. This is our peace. If you don’t know how to please God, you will be running from pillar to post to prayer contractors to help you speak to Him and they will deceive you and make your situation worse. When we are in genuine union with Christ, we become one with Him, He feels our pain as the scripture says, Jesus the Great High Priest
14Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to what we profess. 15For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who was tempted in every way that we are, yet was without sin. 16Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. “

As the time of Easter draws closer, let us remember what He did on the Cross for mankind and love Him genuinely. If we truly in Him, we will have interest in knowing Him more through His Word and we will tell others of Him.





If you don’t open some scotch eggs, you may bite into rotten eggs. The packaging of a rotten egg covered inside mince meat, flour or bread crumbs doesn’t make it a nice snack. Be Warned!

Know that we are in the time of deception spoken of by the Lord Jesus and His Apostles; we are in a highly polluted world where deception thrives from the topmost echelon height to the grassadmins of the society. We are in a time when magicians do no longer parade themselves openly the way they used to be known. They do not have the known telltale as it was in the time of old. They don’t do body-art of decorating their bodies with shells and cowries, or rubbing local chalks on their faces to look fearful on the street or in the marketplaces like before. Everything is revolving in our present age and time.
Today, satanists, enchanters, necromancers, cultists, now dress in designer’s three-piece suits like you and me. They package themselves in expensive shoes, Giorgio Armani perfume and powerful eyeglasses to look tush. They even carry bigger Bibles these days so that you will not recognize them.

Our Lord Jesus Christ warned, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? 19Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20Therefore by their fruits you will know them. 21“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in Heaven. 22Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your Name, cast out demons in Your Name, and done many wonders in Your Name?’ 23And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!” MATTHEW 7:15-16, 19-23 NKJV.

KANU Nwankwo

One should ponder what is T.B. Joshua’ gain in deceiving, destroying, and killing people? The answer is simple ―as an agent of satan, T.B. Joshua need higher ranking in the dark world because their job is to kill, steal and destroy for their master to be relevant to him (John 10:10a).

This smart football star,

Glory Of A Nation

Kanu Nwankwo, cheated death by not given heed to the ungodly counsel of T.B. Joshua. Kanu’s younger brother visited the Synagogue ahead of him on one Sunday gathering; we believe he was sent to check how things were on that faithful day. Possibly they had watched the Synagogue fake TV programs, hence, they came; or T.B. Joshua might have sent his underdogs on mission to locate them when he heard in the news about the ailing Kanu, to score cheap points as usual. In any case, Mr. Nwankwo himself was in the Synagogue the following week, on a Tuesday if I can remember vividly. T.B. Joshua brought him into the studio where I worked as the Synagogue editor/voice over artist to perform enchantment on him. To impress Mr. Nwankwo, it took T.B. Joshua more than 2 hours of shaking his right hand, and leg, and widening his eyes on this field maestro to intimidate him, under the best two camera-men which the Synagogue could boast of at the time (KK and Segun).

A brand-new Panasonic HD Camera bought from London was brought out from the store for this occasion, supported by the regular Sony M3500 camera were used. T.B. Joshua desperately wanted Kanu to fall flat on his face as a sensational show. T.B. Joshua engaged the young footballer with all his enchanting antics out of his demonic arsenal, but the tall gangling striker stood his ground before him like the rock of Gibraltar with his eyes wide opened fixed on T.B. Joshua.

Fake healing stage-managed by Fatai alias T.B. Joshua

After so much effort, and the guy refused to fall down, T.B. Joshua declared Kanu free of his heart problem, but common sense or should I say– destiny guided Mr. Nwankwo to seek a heart specialist for a second opinion. When he did, Aghast! The former prognosis was confirmed. T.B. Joshua was at it again, he lied! Kanu was not healed in the Synagogue as T.B. Joshua declared. Kanu surrendered himself to a heart correctional surgery against the backdrop of T.B. Joshua’s opinion, who continued kicking vigorously against the surgery decision as they wheeled the striker to the Theater. T.B. Joshua placed numerous telephone calls to Kanu on his hospital bed, reaffirming to him that he, T.B. Joshua had healed him. I was there when T.B. Joshua gave up and said on a final note to him, “If that is your manager’s decision, ok, but the doctors would find nothing when they cut you open.” It was pathetic to hear that the doctors found serious issues inside Mr. Kanu’s heart when they opened him up, which they corrected medically.

Of course, God can heal, the scripture said so, and He still heals JEREMIAH 30:17; ISAIAH 53:5; EXODUS 15:26.God heals in His sovereign will, since He created our body fearfully and wonderfully according to GENESIS 1:27; PSALMS 1239:14.He also gave the medical doctors grace and knowledge to treat. The medical profession acknowledged this fact by their motto: GOD HEALS WE CARE. Now, we must be careful on how we go about faith healing, because there are people like T.B. Joshua who carry things to an extreme of showbiz, and God has never intended healing that way. The point I am trying to make here is that T.B. Joshua is not of God, he is a magician, a performer, a conjurer, forecaster, and a sorcerer who has nothing of Jesus Christ, the true healer in him.

Finally, Kanu recuperated from the hospital after his heart’s correctional surgery and returned to the career he loved so much. He never gave a thought for the Synagogue or T.B. Joshua who would have sent him to an early grave. He did more good for himself, his family and the Nation at large. What if he had listened to T.B. Joshua as Ruben Kruger and other gullible did?

“We are in a time when magicians do no longer parade themselves openly the way they used to be known. They do not have the known telltale as it was in the time of old.”

When T.B. Joshua realized how he had lost ample opportunity to be famous through riding on Kanu’s name and achievement; and the medical personnel had stolen his show; T.B. Joshua became frantically desperate to reclaim the lost ground. First, to fan his ego, T.B. Joshua invited some cheap and lay-about journalists who frequently eat crumbs under his table, and released the video tape of him presumably administer healing to Kanu to them (what he knows best to do), blowing tantrum by claiming to have been the one who healed Kanu, stupidity plus illiteracy blinded him so much that he forgot how millions of people all over the world had kept Kanu in their prayers while he was under surgical blade. To drive his point home, T.B. Joshua showed the journalists the photo frame of one funny jesus which he had presented to Kanu as a souvenir and begged the journalists to help him leak and circulate the news to the gullible public. The efforts of circulating the news had no positive impact on the populace. Sensible people knew how Kanu was operated upon to correct his heart malfunction. The soft sell journalists only wasted their time and journalistic intelligence on T.B. Joshua’s cheap destructive fame pursuits.

The TB Joshua I Knowbook
Get A Copy And Be Wiser!


Everything is revolving in our present age and time. Today, satanists, enchanters, necromancers, cultists, now dress in designer’s three-piece suits like you and me. They package themselves in expensive shoes, Giorgio Armani perfume and powerful eyeglasses to look tush. They even carry bigger Bibles these days so that you will not recognize them. Our Lord Jesus Christ warned, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing,

Ruben Kruger


Friends, this message is to amplifies the suppressed voices of victims of our modern-day slaves, camped and caged by enterprise of hell in the garb of religion through deception. “If I should denied the world this truth, I became a partaker of evil and Hellfire would have been my eternal abode. I am under obligation and indebted to share; I cannot keep it to myself; it burns in my bones. I will also like to use this as a means of restoring the souls of those who have fallen away due to this global deception of T.B. Joshua.” This is to stand as a guide to the blind, as a warning to the gullible, and as a light to the simple; because, what comes upon people that causes them to be panicking, and afterwards running helter skelter in search of an intermediary between themselves and their Creator whenever they have life’s issues is still prevalent in our world, such as― sickness, affliction, confusion, trouble of all kinds, disease, barrenness, joblessness, etcetera.

The situation of life that drives the gullible to run from one prophet to another prophetess, both false and genuine, who can cause them to eventually fall into error is still at large.

Those things in life that daily pressurizes people and can cause the naive and the vulnerable to be knocking on the doors of prayer contractors and spiritual arrangers, intending to cut deals with ‘God’ if possible; rather than to go on their knees to call upon their Creator for Mercy and restoration, are still thriving in our world today. Evil seems to run rampant everywhere, but only God is the solution to all fundamental issues of life, not any man because there is nothing God created that He cannot control. The psalmist says, “I will lift up my eyes to the hills— from whence comes my help? 2My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth” PSALMS 121:1-2 NKJV. Now, I ask you, where do you look for help? The place where you look to, determines where your faith and your life are tied to, it is in a belief system.

RUBEN Kruger

Ruben Kruger
Late Ruben Kruger

Ruben Kruger was a South African Springbok Legend. I coordinated him directly when he visited Synagogue with the problem of brain tumor (Cancer). He stayed in the Synagogue for almost 2 weeks, spending his hard earn Rands (South Africa tender currency) to buy lies. Ruben first visited the Synagogue along with a group of people which Tinny de Jagger led to the Synagogue; and after the Synagogue’s so-called ‘prayers’ on him by T.B. Joshua, T.B Joshua declared Kruger to be healed of Brain Tumor, and further told Kruger to discontinue his medications because he had healed him. One of the reasons why T.B. Joshua enforces immediate testimony on people who attend his emergency line is because T.B. Joshua loves the pseudo miracles to be relayed on the TV, to use the show to drag more victims into the Synagogue. Kruger visited the Synagogue once again to complain of no improvement on his health, and said his personal doctor was concerned that he had stopped his medication. T.B. Joshua doused Ruben’s fear by instructing him to give testimony to sustain the none-existing miracle once again. The time happened to be the beginning of foreign visitors’ invasion into the Synagogue. So, T.B. Joshua said to impress them and the viewers, we should organize several testimonial fora for Kruger– private interviews, public testimonies, and they were highly publicized on local, International and terrestrial Televisions. It gained cheap popularity for T.B. Joshua amongst South Africans and in Nigeria, but unfortunately for Kruger; he suffered and died of the same Brain Cancer. Ruben Kruger was never healed in the Synagogue as T.B. Joshua claimed to have healed him, satan is wicked! T.B. Joshua would instruct people to stop using their sustaining medication after his fake ‘prayers’ on the people, but he cannot proffer solution to their problems; he is only using them to gain popularity. Immediately the news that Kruger died filtered into the Synagogue, T.B. Joshua instructed that all his video appearance in the Synagogue archive should be wiped off.
T.B. Joshua, a ravenous tick that feasts on the blood of the ignorant, gullible, vulnerable, and desperadoes; unfortunately, Kruger became another victim.

Ruben Kruger – › wiki › Ruben_Krug

Ruben Jacobus Kruger (30 March 1970 – 27 January 2010) was a South African rugby union player. He played as a flanker.Date of death: 27 January 2010Born: 30 March 1970

Place of death: Pretoria

Cause of death: Brain tumor
(Extracted from THE T.B. Joshua I Know)

Get more details in the Book: THE T.B. JOSHUA I KNOW

The TB Joshua I Know
Deception Of The Age is Unmasked in this Book-THE TB JOSHUA I KNOW

This is a compilation of a true-life accounts which took place in a Cult Community called The Synagogue, “church” of all Nations, Ikotun-Egbe, Lagos, Nigeria; where the author was trapped through hypnotism, and brainwashing for over a decade with other devotees. She documented her journey into this community who use religious garb to cover their nefarious operation in other to lure the naïve, vulnerable, gullible, and the innocent into occultism. She narrates how they lived, how they were systemic initiated into the dark world by deceit, and were terrorized to swear allegiance to secrecy. They also became instruments of deception in the hands of T. B. Joshua to deceive visitors to the Synagogue. Finally, her escape was a grand style of Jehovah where others lost their lives. This is purely to EDUCATE people and to give ALL THE GLORY back to God, for His Amazing Saving Grace, His constant Love and His abiding Presence. She said, “If I should denied the world this truth, I became a partaker of evil and Hellfire would have been my eternal abode. I am under obligation and indebted to share; I cannot keep it to myself; it burns in my bones. I will also like to use this as a means of restoring the souls of those who have fallen away due to this global deception of T.B. Joshua.” This Book is a societal mirror for everyday people, it is saying that, each one of us has the ability to enter into relationship with God individually without depending on another man as a connector. Jesus Christ has made the way. This is to stand as a guide to the blind, as a warning to the gullible, and as a light to the simple; because what causes people to panic, and run helter skelter in search of an intermediary between them and their Creator is still prevalent in the world, such as sickness, affliction, trouble, confusion, disease, barrenness, joblessness, etcetera. What drives people to run from one prophet to another prophetess both false and genuine, which can cause them to eventually fall into error is still at large. Those things that pressurizes people daily, and can cause them to be knocking on the doors of prayer contractors and spiritual arrangers, intending to cut deals with ‘God’ if possible; rather than to go on their knees and be calling upon their Creator for Mercy and a turnaround is still thriving in the world today. Evil seems to run rampant everywhere. What we need is Peace in God and holding unto His Word. These agents of satan are only having breakthrough at your breakdown. Beware of miracle peddlers, Beware of false prophets, and Beware of false teachers, Jesus warned. This is their time, Run for your life!

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false prophet

Shame Unto False Prophets- They Come In Different Shades

Hello Brethren!

How are you fearing?

I am persuaded that His Infallible Word will never fail; as rain falls to the ground causing increase on the earth, the promises of the Lord must surely come to pass; He has never ever failed. He said, “teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.” Matthew 28:20 NKJV

I will like to share this experience with you. I believe each and everyone of us have divers of experiences, but why I share my many experiences with people is to help my readers to tread carefully in life because there are many predators out there and there are uncountable gullible, naïve and vulnerable people out there. Take this one for example: –

It happen one certain cool evening I took walk around the Estate I resides. As I was going from one street to another enjoying the scenery of different architectural edifice in my neighborhood and the beauty of God’s creation around me; I started to speak in tongues to stay connected in my spirit so that my eyes and thoughts will not strayed (Psalm 119:10-11). And also, the scripture says, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” 1 Peter 5:8.

Suddenly I overheard a man that was walking ahead of me talking to someone over his phone, instructing the other person at the other end to allowed any of his guests who visits for prayers to wait for his return before discharging them. Though I was not eavesdropping, but his voice was loud enough for me to hear him loud and clear, and since I enjoys fellowshipping with other children of God so much, I was excited to connect with him as a brother, believing it would be another opportunity to talk about Master Jesus Christ, and His Kingdom and to commune with a brother in the same household of God.
The psalmist says, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, Running down on the beard, The beard of Aaron, Running down on the edge of his garments. It is like the dew of Hermon, Descending upon the mountains of Zion; For there the Lord commanded the blessing— Life forevermore.” Psalms 133:1-3 NKJV
Apart from having interaction as brethren, it also occur to me to enlighten him not to make habits of letting people of God to be depending perpetually on him for prayers; but rather, he should teach them on how the people too can relate directly with their Father in Heaven, reconciliation is one of the reasons Jesus Christ came to the earth (2Corinthians 5:18). Yes, to teach us how to cast our nets into the spiritual waters to fish (Matthew 4:19), rather than remaining to be a weakling who always wait at the doorsteps to beg for fish each time we are spiritually hungry. Jesus said to her, “…but go to My brethren and say to them, ‘I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God.’ ” John 20:17 NKJV. God is our Father (koi·no·ni·aˌ koinəˈnēə/ which means fellowship or communion, with God or, collective, more commonly, with fellow Christians.). No one is a or should make himself/herself to be a custodian of the Power of God. The scripture says on the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit splits Himself into all, He didn’t come only for some selected few. He come for as many as are willing and obedient to follow Him (Isaiah 1:18-19).

I was hoping in my heart that this man would not be offended if I discuss this matter in my heart with him, because many loves their gifts of the spirit above God’s commandment, but at the end, it is the fruits of the Spirit that will help us on our journey to heaven to be like Jesus Christ, not gifts. Jesus said, He would say to many who had performed mighty miracles that “I never knew you,” because they used their gifts to cover their many sins.

Anyway, the man was well ahead of me, so I quickly doubled up my steps to catch up with him and I asked, “are you a pastor?” He looked back and said, “I am prophet Bassey.” Hummnn… I usually have some strange reservations towards anyone who tags himself/herself as “prophet/prophetess” because of obvious reasons. My past experiences in the Synagogue, “church” of all nations, Ikotun-Egbe, Lagos, Nigeria; where lies, deception, falsehood, hypnotism, occultism, brainwashing are use to beguiles the vulnerable, naïve and gullible on very large scale on daily basis cannot be eroded out of my memory in a light years to come, and this had made me to develop a zero tolerance for falsehood. Be that as it may, there are also genuine prophets and prophetesses of God no doubt, to deny this, is to deny the authenticity of the Word of God. The Book of Joel says, “And it shall come to pass afterward That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions. And also on My menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days. “Joel 2:28-29 NKJV
Also in the Book of Revelation, it says, “and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.” Revelation 1:5-6 NKJV

As Priests of the Most High God, we are meant to be prophesying to nations about the goodness and the coming of judgment of God upon the earth, but many people don’t understand that the Infallible Word of God is the Book of prophecy; meaning that as you are reading, meditating and speaking the Word into your life and the lives of others, you are simply prophesying. Revelation 19:10b says, “Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”


This means whenever you are speaking the Word or testifying of Jesus Christ, you are prophesying. I am blessed beyond curses, no weapon formed against me prosper, I am a Child of destiny, Abraham blessings are mine, I shall not die, but live to declare the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living, …. So many Word of prophecies.
Unfortunately I was born in a part of the world maybe it is the same elsewhere I don’t know but let me talk about my environment where I know as I know my name. This is a clime where “word of prophecies” are peddles for money, fame and honor. People have itching ears to hear who and who is in their families, or offices that are behind their woes. We know that man is inquisitive by nature, and because of this, he (man) wants to know what tomorrow holds for him; people wants to know the unknown, or even the unknowable. This is probably why most people are so fascinated by those who claim to know the future or who claim to possess the gift of prophecy. Nevertheless, if we realized that Jesus is in our future, we shall have peace and rest in Him. The Word of God says, “I know the plans I have for you” (JEREMIAH 29:11). The Word of The Lord says, “When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee” ISAIAH 43:2. The Word of God says, “though your beginning may be small but your later end shall be glorious” JOB 8:7. The Word of God says, “But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him” 1CORINTHIANS 2:9.

The Word of God has said many things to us about God, His Love and plans for our lives, we may not know them if we do not read it. When we have these infallible comforting Words in our subconscious, we shall no longer fancy, or give our precious attention to anyone who parades himself with the name prophet, because we have already known our future through the Word of God. To prophesy is not necessarily means to see something extra-ordinaire, but to speak the Infallible Word of God upon yourself, and belief what you have said to come to pass. Only God knows why He created us JEREMIAH 1:5, the more we trust in Him with our destiny, the more He will lead us into it. There is definitely no point or purpose enquiring about what tomorrow holds or who is your enemies within your family members from seers or prophets. The scripture has affirmed that satan is man’s sole enemy not any human being EPHESIANS 6:12.
As it is in the Synagogue, most of the people that are pushed out to confirm TB Joshua’s prophetic messages before the Emmanuel TV cameras are always in a confused state of mind. Why is this so? This is one of the Synagogue Abracadabra’s modus operandi, the more you hear, the less you understand. Their complaints are always: they do not particularly hear, or understand most of the things TB Joshua had said over the microphone about them; but because TB Joshua is working hand in hand with his agents (his disciples), who had earlier met with the people outside the gate of the Synagogue, and in turn informed TB Joshua about the issues of life which they had earlier discussed with them. TB Joshua in turn will use the information he received from his informants to form basis of his prophecies in the open service, that is why these ‘disciples’ will always compel their victims to come out by force and confirm anything. Some ‘disciples’ do fall into trouble with TB Joshua when things go wrong while patching this show. If it is a high profile broadcast, voice-over will patch the missing link, and there are so many occasions where TB Joshua do private voice over recordings in his office to voice the included missing part of the message which he did not remember to say in the open service prophecy time for Emmanuel TV packaging.
Now, I hope you understand where I am coming from? So, when this man said he was a prophet, I treaded softly, but I still engaged him in Biblical chat. He said he was heading to a fellowship center which he organize with other children of God around the block. I told him that I live around, and was just taking evening walk, if the fellowship center is not far from my location, I would be free to join them. He was happy as we chat on the biblical doctrines as we move along. When we got to his fellowship center, we entered through a gate into the compound and we met 3men and 2 ladies. They greeted him respectfully, and he quickly introduced me as an Evangelist, he told them that through his interactions with me, he believe I am gifted with the Word. They said I should sit down, I realized it was only one chair there, so I declined to be their chairlady while they stand. I quickly disengaged myself, promising to visit another time. So, they ask me to minister to them for 5minutes before leaving, and I opted to pray. My prayer was my life’ burden which goes thus, “Father, in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ, as a church, we ask for freedom for everyone under the bondage of falsehood, false doctrine, false teachers, false churches, we ask you in the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, let them be set free Father; let the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ shine in their heart in Jesus’ Name we pray. They echoed Amen and I left.

I remember Prophet Bassey promised to call me on the phone for reminder of the next Wednesday for fellowship and I said OK. The next Wednesday was my appointment with my eye doctor, and as I was rushing home, something was telling me “don’t you see that some things were not right in that place? In the taxi I started diagnosing what could be wrong, hummnn… I agree that the environment may not be right and fortunately and unfortunately, Prophet Bassey did not call, so I removed them from my system for good.

You will know The Truth, and The Truth shall set you free
After a long time, one day, around 9:30am, I received phone call from Prophet Bassey, he said God told him that there is something I have been praying for a loooong time ago, that He, God is ready to do it for me before the next day. I thought if God wanted to speak to me, Bassey would be the least He would contact (I have my reasons); and also who amongst the living that does not have unfulfilled desires. Maybe you desire to go on holiday in Kuala Lumpur, maybe you desire to spoil yourself a little at the newly open Shoprite Supermarket in town, or you want to further your education, buy a house, get marriage, or you wishes one thing or the other for yourself and no money for these indulgences; they are still pending, we are all in this together even the so call prophets; this is a general problem. See my brethren, I am saying all these because these are the ways false prophets usually use to capture their victims. Anyway, Prophet Bassey said, God told him that I should call him (Prophet Bassey) by 12midday that day so that he can pray for me for that that loooong awaited miracle will take place within 17hours, and I must prepare 5,000 naira in a white envelope which I should write “that thing” at the back of the envelope. I knew instantly he was lying, but he was going somewhere and I decided to go along with him to uncover his shame.

Anything that is not Biblical is a lie from the pit of hell friends. It interest me to see the end of the matter. So I asked him ‘what would I do with the money after prayer.’ He said “don’t worry, I will tell you afterwards.” I laughed and decided not to call him. At about 11:30am, he sent me a reminder SMS which says, “Are you getting prepared and ready for the 12noon prayer. Follow the entire instructions and you will have a testimony.”
I laughed but I did not bother to waste my money to call him, he called at 12:08, challenging me if I was not conscious of time, and I replied that some other things took my attention. He dropped the line on me, believing I would call him back to beg, I did not (This is how they capture you, they try to make you desperate). He called again and started praying, I was replying Amen, amen as I was busy on my laptop. After the prayer, I quickly said goodbye, he said “Wait, Do you remember that fellowship center, go there and ask for Mama Bose and give her the envelope, I will instruct them to use it for God’s work. I replied, ah prophet, I have travelled to my village, I will give the envelope to a poor person around here. He said, ” Noooo, I will text you a Bank account to deposit the money, it has to be used here. I said there is no Bank in my village, giving to the poor is equally God’s work. Prophet Bassey said “stop arguing, stop arguing,” because I have zero tolerance for false prophet I started chastising him, I said, prophet Baaaassseey, if you inserted something in your mouth to command me, that is not my portion, stop deception, remember day of judgment. Bassey quickly dropped the phone on me. I sent him a text before he blocked me from his contact, which says, “Stop deception before heaven descend on you. God spoke to me about you 2weeks ago. I am so sorry for you and your clique.”
Why are we saying all these? Jesus Christ warned us that “Watch and Pray” the time is evil. Naïve, gullible, and vulnerable people are falling into the hands of these lots every second. Some of these evil people targets to have sex with female, married or unmarried; and some of these sex may be to initiates you into dark world. Some will take your hard earn money from you. Through this, many lives, home, marriage, career have destroyed. John 10:10 says, “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” John 10:10 NKJV


In the New Testament, Salvation is free, Deliverance is free, God’s blessings is free, Healing is free, Redemption is free. The King left His Ivory Tower to the mundane to be ridiculed, humbled and humiliated to pay the debt that sets us free:

If anyone ask you to give anything in exchange for whatever you desire in life, he/she is not speaking for God.

Anyone who ask you to go and bathe in the flowing river is an agent of devil.

Anyone who ask for a sacrifice in exchange for your need is an hell representative; Jesus Christ paid in full.

Stop enriching hirelings to impoverish your soul.

Stop crucifying the Son of God the second time again.

Stop selling your glory to the agents of darkness.

Stop being led into the camp of the enemy against God.

Stop eating crumbs on the tables of demons.

The Bible says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9 NKJV
Prophet Ekeng Bassey and his likes, I have word for you… I am not your candidate anymore. My life is not tied to physical blessings, No matter what come, old things are passed away, all things are new for me by the Mercy of He, who lives and abides forever. “For we are the circumcision, who worship God in the Spirit, rejoicing in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh,” Philippians 3:3 NKJV
And to you lazy and crippled Christians, who don’t read your Bible, and you are keeping malice with God and you don’t like fasting; but you always look for prayer contractors that will help you talk to God, why would you say God is silent when your Bible is closed? The scripture says, Beware, Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary Ekeng Bassey, Fatai Temitope Balogun alias T.B. Joshua and their likes are on rampage in the world, seeking whom they may devour. Resist them, be steadfast in the faith,” I Peter 5:8-9 NKJV

We are in end-time, do not take the mark of the Beast.

How Ravi Zacharias Abused Hundreds Of Women During Massages, and a Rape Allegation

Many people choose the work of Pastor because they have gift of eloquence, so they called themselves into the trade. My take is that people should stop sticking out their necks for any leader. Know who you are and walk your salvation. Whenever we talk about this, people says you are attacking the church, they will curse and abuse you. We need to keep talking about it for 3 reasons:

  1. For these people to be exposed and repent of their evil.
  2. For the gullible, naive and the vulnerable to know the Truth and not fall into the traps of liars.
  3. It is better you are exposed and rebuked on Earth by brethren than to be ashamed on resurrection morning.

I am not an enemy of the Church, all I am saying is that innocent people are suffering spiritually, emotionally, psychologically, from many psychopath people who uses the church to cover their games.


As it is written: “God’s name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.” Romans 2:24

Many called themselves into the work of ministry because of economic recession. Please allow God to call you. In the ministry of Jesus Christ and His Apostles, there were many women that followed them, even converted prostitutes, yet, we do not hear about sexual misconduct amongst them. Does that mean their Gospel is different from the gospel we preach today? No, the difference is: they were sold out to what they believe, but we are not. We only enjoys fame, spotlight, and Mammon.

If you are a church leader and you are sick or you are psychopathic, kindly check yourself in a hospital or cry for help. It is wrong of you to destroy what people of God, the Apostles of Jesus Christ used their blood to pay for.

Whatever you do secretly will come in the open either in your lifetime or when you are long gone. You can destroyed yourself if that is your choice, it will be unforgiving when you destroyed others because of their ignorant of the Word of God, or because they are poor and need help you can offer freely.

Luke 8:17

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

May we all end well. May we not fall by the waysides. May we hear Him say to us, “Welcome, good and faithful servant, enter into the rest of your Lord.”

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world. But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you. To Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.
I Peter 5:8‭-‬11 NKJV

Read from the original source

Celebrating God’s Faithfulness – My Freedom Day Out Of The Synagogue

ISAIAH 15:20-21

20Then I will make you a wall to this people, a fortified wall of bronze; they will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you to save and deliver you, declares the LORD. 21I will deliver you from the hand of the wicked and redeem you from the grasp of the ruthless.”




Today February 8th as I always remember yearly the moment I finally stepped out of the house of bondage. I join with the twenty-four elders, the Host of Heaven and the four living creatures, (the awesome foursome, and the foursome awesome) that surrounds the Throne of Majesty in Heaven to give glory, honors and thanksgiving to Him who reigns and lives forever and ever. I fall to my face before Him who sits enthrone on the Throne and I worship Him who lives forever and ever, Revelation 4:9-10 NKJV.

Looking back, I celebrates the goodness of His Most Excellency, The Royal Majesty, The Glorious Redeemer, Everlasting Father, All-Powerful, He that overthrown the enemy into the sea of forgetfulness, The Lifter of my head, Agbanilagbatan, Oloore- Ofe, Obangiji, Osa N’oghidua, Osa’lobua, Osẹikhuẹmhẹn Ekhuẹmhẹn, Odogwu Akataka (Fearless warrior), Ejide obi esike (My confidence), Echeta Echezo nkpa (He that takes away pain/worry), Di nwanyi isi mpe (Husband of the widow), Ikuku amanoya(Unquenchable God) Obata obie (He that ends every trouble)
Akwakwuru (Unpushable God), Dike na’gha (Mighty Warrior), Chi ne cherem (The God that thinks for me), Eze ndi Eze (King of kings)
Oke mmiri n’ebu ogwe (Great water that carry fearful storms), Oku n’ere ere (Consuming fire), Ike nkwu aba mba (The authority upon which I make my declarations), Oje na mmuo (He that works in the spirit), Ebube mbekumbe ( Glorious forever), Oloru ihe, loro ihe , loro ihe, loro enyi ( Bigger than the biggest), Nkume mgbe ebighi ebi (Firm foundation)

Today, the 8th, February in history marks another unforgettable day that Mercy roared from His Throne to liberate me out of the pangs of darkness, spiritual and physical incarceration, mental and psychological terror, sexual slavery of Abdul-Fatai Temitope Balogun alias T.B. Joshua of the Synagogue ‘church’ of all nations, Ikotun -Egbe, Lagos, Nigeria.

When God saw it was time for me to leave the Synagogue; some cameras malfunctioned in a conference organized by TB Joshua for the farmers in faraway South Africa. When he return to Nigeria, he summoned ‘disciples’ meeting and accused those ‘disciples’ that followed him to the conference including the foreign ‘disciples’ that they caused the fault of the machines. Therefore, we must go to the ‘prayer’ mountain to ask for forgiveness for offending his ‘holy spirit’. I was not with them in South Africa; but I was included to go for forgiveness, my sin was that I did not travel with them. He said if I had gone to South Africa, such experience would not have occurred because of my dedication. While we were at Agodo, in a place we were to go for prayers, I saw in a quick flash the picture of my mother, she was had aged and was very frail; and for the first time in many years I had lived in the Synagogue I felt concern for her. I summoned courage to ask TB Joshua for permission to go and see my mother in case something terrible had happened to her. The moment I mentioned my mother to him, it was as if a thunderbolt hit TB Joshua, he was not expecting it, he became highly upset and asked everybody to clear out of his office including me.
My mind was made up to go visit my mother, so I waited for TB Joshua until 12midnight to be able to inform him that come sun, come rain, I would go to see my mother in the following morning. He said I could not go, period. Among other things he said was, if I went, something terrible would happen on the way, he also said he would lay a curse on his daughter not me, but I insisted. He asked me why I bent on going on a Sunday when every ‘disciple’ supposed to be busy working, I answered him that it has been a long time I had been away from home as he know; possibly she might have moved out of where I knew she lived.

Nevertheless, I said knew my mother’s church where she has been attending before she married to my Dad (she has been a Christian all her life, but my Dad was a Muslim and I grew up with my Dad). We discussed until 3am in the morning. Then, TB Joshua started cajoling me that he was about to send me to South Africa to handle some things for him; but within me, I was not interested in traveling anywhere, but to get out of the Synagogue in one piece.

May your chains be broken in Jesus’ Name

Lastly, TB Joshua played another card, he asked me to go and prepared to follow him to the marine mountain at that ungodly hour (3am), but I would not bulged, I refused. If it were before this time that my mind was darkened I would gladly have obliged. So, he went alone by himself with his driver.
Next day, in the morning, while others were dressing up for service, and the Synagogue members were trouping into the service, I ran out. As things worked out, I met TB Joshua by the staircase coming back from his water mountain at about 6am, though I greeted him, but I do not even bother to know if he answered or not.
On my way out, the security men caught me but I fought them with all the strength in me and quickly flagged down a motorbike which drove me away from the Synagogue’s frontier. When I got into town, I was just perambulating from one place to another until one Mr. Ojooloye called me on the phone to direct me to the motor park. When I eventually got to my mum’s church, an usher helped me to call her out, and precisely the way I saw her in my vision in a flash, she had aged so much and became frail. A lots had happened to her, she started crying but I encouraged her to be strong. Then, she started praising God for seeing me again, I went with her to her new place as I expected. We talked at length, I apologized for been used to labelled her a witch and not to see her for many years, and I have eventually decided to leave the Synagogue. She asked me ‘why?’ I told her that only God knows but I was no longer comfortable in the place, and I sensed something was not right. I could not bring myself to tell her all my experiences at the time because I was not ready to hear “but we told you so.”
My mother gave me her pastor’s telephone number to ask for counseling, and I left for Lagos, back at the synagogue. When I got there, the security man (Phillip) would not permit me to enter, he said I needed a written permit from TB Joshua because I did not present one when I left in the morning. I believe it was a script given to him by TB Joshua, so I became pissed off, I told him to allow me to go in, and pack my stuff and leave finally. While we were on that argument, someone informed me that TB Joshua was at the marine mountain and he asked me to come with her. At the marine mountain, TB Joshua inquired why I disobeyed his orders not to visit my mother, I had no excuse for him, so he asked me what happened at my mother’s place, I knew he wanted to teleguide me, so I gave him a different story that my mother does not wish to see me again because of the past scenarios. Then, he asked Olamide big to escort me back to the main Synagogue and instructed other ‘disciples’ leaders who he had previously instigated against me to sheath their sword.
‘Disciples’ were not allowed to own a personal phone at the time, but I had secretly bought one for myself at the time I worked in ‘The Exclusive’ Newspaper on behalf of TB Joshua. I called my mother’s pastor the following morning and he prayed with me, after prayers, he asked me where I was calling from, I quickly told him not to worry that I only needed guidance about a step I wanted to take. What he said thereafter got me panicked. He said, “oh, I am very sorry for asking, but as we prayed, my eyes opened and I saw that you are in a kind of bondage where there were chains on your neck, both hands, waist and your two legs; I saw that you are tied up like a criminal.”
In shock, I opened up to him that I was in the Synagogue, ‘church’ of all nations. The pastor asked gently, ‘what are you doing there? I told him that it was not a story I could relate to him at the time. “Ah! The way I saw it, you cannot leave the place,” he replied. I was confused, with a little irritation, I asked him, “I cannot leave? Why? Was I born here? Nobody owns me but God, and right now I am leaving, no one can stop me, not even those chains you said you saw.”
The pastor shouted, “Please don’t try it, if you try it, your enemy can run mad or die because you are already under surveillance radar. If God open your eyes, you will see that there are some horrible looking beings that are manning the gate of where you are; it is not only you, they have the list of the names of those people living there with them.” Ha! as if it was a bad dream to me, I thought within me, is it this bad? I definitely knew some strange things are happening here, but not to this magnitude? I looked around I could not see any strange looking beings, no surveillance radar except security monitors which I know off. In a jiffy, my experience of 7 years backward flashed in my mind, when I left synagogue with strong head, and I ended up roaming the street of Lagos for 3days not knowing where I was heading to (another story). Therefore, I calmed down, almost crying and in a childlike voice, which I could not believe was mine I said, “Sir, am I going to die here? Can God help me? I want to go to heaven.”
The pastor assured me that God is ready to help anyone who call on Him because He owns everywhere and everyone, but I must give my life to Christ genuinely, and walk with God. How, I asked him? He said, “we shall be praying together often for God’s direction, and anytime you finished service in the synagogue, it is paramount that you call me for prayers.” I thanked him and we bade each other goodbye.

(Taken from the Book “THE TB JOSHUA I KNOW)

The TB Joshua I Know
Deception Of The Age is Unmasked in this Book-THE TB JOSHUA I KNOW

Praying Amiss… I stand To Be Corrected

It was on a Friday night, most worship centres sets aside for vigil; I guess it is mainly to capitalize that it falls on weekend most people don’t work on Saturdays which is quite reasonable. I obliged to a neighbor’s invitation to their church for Vigil, I will not mention the name of the center but if you can identify with the pattern of what I will describe, I beg you, REPENT AND BELIEVE THE GOSPEL.
What is the Gospel of prayers?

Matt.6:7, it says, “And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words.”

On that day, we (myself and my neighbor) came into church service right in the middle of praising which I did justice to, with my maracas and heart full of praise and thanksgiving to the Lord, I danced my sweat out of my body. I guess they had worshiped before we got there. Afterwards, prayers segment started, and it was like… Oh my God, what is going on? Seriously speaking I believe it is time we put a stop to human craftiness embedded into church organization (organized religion), what I witnessed that night was totally out of the scriptures and I refused to partake with them. If the event had fallen on a daytime, I would have quietly took my leave, but the darkness outside the building made me stuck with them.

The questions going through my mind were unlimited: why are we reading the Bible? Why did Jesus Christ took time to teach His disciples (us) how to pray? Do we choose to be one of the women in the book of Is.4:1, these women (churches) only needed the Name of Christ to put away their shame but their doctrines (what they would wear and eat) are their responsibilities. They don’t need Christ’ commandments or righteousness but the Bible says, a Man (Christ) as the head of home (Church) must provides food, shelter, love, comfort for his family (1Tim.5:8). Are we not supposed to be imitators of God? Eph.5:1-2
Anyway, in this gathering I found myself, they placed demand on everyone to shout or scream very loud and louder than the person sitting beside you, so that God could hear them… Haba! I thought within myself if God was far from them or hard of hearing.

Well, there’s nothing wrong in shouting if the person you are calling out to is far from you like Bartimeaus calling to Jesus Christ who was in the midst of a large crowd (Mark 10:46-52). or if you think the person you are calling has hearing problem like the gods of Baal (1Kings18:27-29) but the Scriptures says in Ps. 94:8-11, The one that created the ears, is able to hear us even from the beatings of our heart if we are sincere.


 Let me say this here, you may shout like Blind Bartimeus or speak silently like Hannah in Shiloh, if the Holy Spirit does not affect your prayers, it will be a waste of ventilation.
So that night, as we came to the part of prayer rhythms, I will give you a graphic example:
The leader of the prayer said, let us read from the book of Leviticus 6:13, which says, “A fire shall always be burning on the altar; it shall never go out.” (I actually do not have problem with that).

NOW The PRAYER POINT started: the leader asked everyone to shout by saying: Father, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, (they will command the people to call on the name of Jesus Christ 7 or 21 times, (depending on his mood I guess) and asked us to call Holy Spirit 15 times) and instructed us to say: let the fire of God possess me…. (now the rhythm would begin): posses me, posses me, posses me, posses me, posses me, posses me, posses me, posses me, posses me, posses me (for the sakes of my page space, I have to cut it short here) With drums and clapping and shaking of heads like the Agama lizard.
Can anyone give me a verse and chapter from the bible to this regard? Where can we find where our Lord Jesus Christ or His Apostles did this kind of enchanting and prayer gymnastics? Not even in the olden Testament have we come across this or possibly are we writing our own Bible for the next generations ni? I thought what we have now is the beginning and the ending of God’ Revelation to man?

Another Example that I witnessed and I will like to use here for people to learn is: They will say let the enemies of my destiny die, and the music begin: die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die……..

Let me tell you the GOSPEL TRUTH, the enemy which is satan is a spirit, and spirit cannot die and he must not die because:

1. Your day of showing (manifestations) is coming shortly which is important for the enemy to witness; if the enemies do not witnessed it, they may count themselves to be something of importance which they are not. The brothers of Joseph lived to witness the day of his advancement, after selling him off into slavery with intention to thwart the purpose of God upon his life but God always have the final say in every situation. This is why Joseph said in Gen. 50:20, “But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.” 

The relations of Jephthah came back to beg him to rule over them when the time of adversity reared it’s ugly head against them (Judges 11:1-11). If they had died, who would call him.

Jabez became more honorable than his brothers who had written him off, (1Chr.4:9-10).

The people that dropped time-bomb in the home of Obed-Edom including King David later saw God’s hand of blessings upon his household and helped him carry the story of blessings all around the cities of Israel (2Sam.6:1-12).

The enemies must not die, My enemies should not die because they need to witness my days of glory. Please don’t pass death sentence on the enemy, there is always PART 2 to every matter that concerns the children of God, in other to prove that it is only the counsel of Jehovah that shall stand (Is.46:10, Ps.33:11). The Psalmist, King David that we all know with dangerous prayers because of his adversaries testifies how God laid table before him in the presence of my numerous household enemies (Ps. 23:5] King Solomon learn quickly from his father when he said in Pro.26:1-2 that “The curse causeless shall not come because Christ has taken the bitter pill of the curse.”

Friends, Let the enemy use their mouth to say evil words, the efficacy infallible Word of God says something in Gen.12:3, and culminate it for every believer in Christ Jesus in Gal.3:13-14. He who Jah blessed, no man can curse.

It is documented how Mr. Ahithophel’s evil plan boomeranged on himself, did King David sentenced him to death? NO, He only prayed for the evil plans to be confounded and it was so but Ahithophel choosed his own destiny 2Sam. 17:23. The enemies knows exactly what to do with themselves when God Arise on your behalf because Ahithophel did the needful. I don’t want to take you too far to Haman, the enemy of the Jews in the book of Esther. Ask yourself where satan was when The Lord of Glory Arose from the dead in resurrection by the Power of the Holy Spirit? Haaahaaahaa!!!! Hallelujah! I just laughed in Spanish.
Stop praying amiss, search the scriptures, in the Scripture you have life, the book of Pro.4:22 says, “they are life to those who found it, health to their flesh.”


Many of us are getting prayers wrongly and leadership in churches are not helping but complicating matters, you are praying right? yet, your heart is still filled with unforgiveness, hatred, malice, etceteras. Let your ways pleased the Lord and see how God will deal with every situation for you.
Stop chanting like the enchanters
Stop repetition, Your Father has ears, He is not deaf like the gods of the Amorites.
Stop concocting like the heathens
Speak the Engrafted Word of God that liveth and abideth forever and which is able to save your soul.
When our Lord was tempted, He only spoke the Word and satan understood clearly
Stop wasting time on fruitless effort and meaningless activities.

Rev.12:11 says, And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.”
There are two part here, Christ part that provided platform, chance, opportunity, way for us to overcome and our part is to keep testifying. What is your testimony today?
I am more than conqueror through Him that loved me
Abraham blessing are mine
I shall not die but live, to testify His goodness
I am healed
I am blessed beyond my progenitors
He is Alive in me
Greater is He that lives in me than he that is in the world
I have Peace like a river
I am god under God not a mere men, of course; the scriptures can’t be broken
I am a channel of Light, Peace, Love
I am full of Grace
They are all in the scriptures, written for us that we may be Complete and perfect.
These are our inheritance and we must speak it, live it, claim it rather than jiggling and ventilating, muttering unreasonable and unprofitable human ideology.
Av a blessed time
Evangelist Bisola Hephzi-bah Johnson.
Send your questions as you follow me on: facebook, youtube, twitter, 
We are in the endtime, No matter how hard, please I beg you; Do not take the mark of the beast. We are all in this together.




After I left the Synagogue church of darkness, I was afflicted badly, TB Joshua used every means of his enchanting power to make me either to run mentally retarded, dead or to return to the Synagogue to beg; since he cannot deal with defiant. Living became dead-end because life without Christ can be dangerous and Disastrous. All the time I lived in the Synagogue was without Christ and coming out made me open to the arrows of darkness. I was initiated into satanism like every ‘disciples’ of TB Joshua in the Synagogue by TB Joshua, the chief priest, the occult grand master. The slave master cannot afford to lose any of his slaves, so I was hunted and violated badly.

If I need God to help me I must change Kingdom, but how? I didn’t know at the time. I started another journey of desperately looking for help without knowing the Helper. Searching for deliverance without having relationship with the Great Deliverer.

I suffered greatly in the hands of my tormentor. Looking for help in wrong places. I later realized it is impossible to use darkness/negative to fight negative/darkness.

At over 40years, I started:



• COBWEBS WAR day and night



• HARD SLAPS ON MY FACE by unseen hand that usually wakes me.

























You may be in that Journey today, I am sharing a way out of wilderness in my Book “ON CHRIST THE ROCK”




The TB Joshua I Know
Deception Of The Age is Unmasked in this Book-THE TB JOSHUA I KNOW
People eyes are beginning to open, read the experiences of people across the world in – Reasons You Should Not Visit The Synagogue ‘church’ Of All Nations

Christianity Endangered By Pimps

(Culled from the Book “THE T.B. JOSHUA I KNOW”)

The TB Joshua I Know
Deception Of The Age is Unmasked in this Book-THE TB JOSHUA I KNOW

In the first introduction of the Church, the Scripture made us to understand that The Lord Jesus Christ did not took stripes on His back, wore a Crown of Thorns on His head, got His side pierced and died on the Cross for what many professed Church goers are seeking for today; rather The Son of God died on the Cross to liberate man from the power of Sin.

ACTS 2:37-39 “When they heard this, they were stung in the heart and said to Peter and to the rest of the Apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” 38Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39For the promise is to you, and to your children, and to all who are far away, as many as the Lord our God will call.”

This simply means, Man’s problem is not about the expensive clothes he has or does not have in his closet, not the kind of car he drives or the house he lives in, man’s problem is Sin, and he need a Saviour and that Saviour is Jesus Christ. When there is no reaffirmation of the transaction Jesus Christ did on Calvary in our Churches, people will be shortchanged of the Truth and pimps will take over the platform. There are different pimps in our Churches today: Pimps of miracles, prophecies, prosperity, turning the house of God into house of merchandise; as they trades in water, oil, apron, etceteras. We don’t need anymore Pimps or snake oil salesmen leading the Church, it is purely Spiritual adulatory, we need genuine ministers who will stand behind the Pulpit and preach the undiluted Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Synagogue of T.B. Joshua in Ikotun-Egbe, Lagos, Nigeria is another hellish place where every genuine Christian must avoid altogether. The Synagogue is a house of Pimps, headed by T.B. Joshua. 



Another amazing deception I witnessed at the Synagogue was a 76-year-old Moses Marole, who came from Mmabatho, he travelled to Lagos from South Africa in the company of other 120 guests led by a regular group leader Mrs. Santa du Plessis, from Roodeport. Mrs. Santa du Plessis had become part of T.B. Joshua’s clique when money started flowing into her purse through this arrangement, she is a mother of one of T.B. Joshua’s in-house ‘disciples’ called Angelique Goosen. On April 21, Sunday afternoon, while the group took some time off from the long hour of Sunday service to have lunch, Moses Marole suddenly collapsed on the food table. Many people rallied around to help him: amongst them was a neurosurgeon, Dr. Johan Wilkinson from Bloemfontein; he performed a CPR on Moses to no avail. In no long time, message had reached T.B. Joshua in the service where he was still attending to people on the so-called ‘prayer line’. T.B. Joshua sent Benson, one of the junior prophet to ‘pray’ but without success as usual.

The elderly man was taken aside, and the Synagogue medical team who are always on standby during services engaged the fainted old man, and were able to bring him back to life with their medical skill.

Screenshot-7_27_2018-5_32_01-PM-300x169 CHRISTIANITY ENDANGERED BY PIMPS
Synagogue in-house Medical Team helping

The medical team discovered that the complications of heat (hot weather in Nigeria), triggered Marole’s health conditions, which were: diabetes, high blood pressure and stress of an old age. The medical team brought him back to life, not the junior prophet. When T.B. Joshua heard that the man had been resuscitated, he said we must keep the visitors in the dark on the new development; and keep telling them that the elderly man could not be resuscitated; even ‘disciples’ were lying to their fellow ‘disciples’ on the matter. Separate room was quickly made available to keep Moses away from the rest of his group members, and one of the medical team, a Nurse, Mrs. Igeodu who always work hand in hand with the ‘disciples’ of T.B. Joshua was called in but none of the ‘disciples’ knew T.B. Joshua’s intention until after the day’s service. After everyone had eaten and rested, at about 11pm, T.B. Joshua summoned selected members of the Studio: two cameramen, two video editors, and two visitors’ coordinators; those that are very loyal, with Mrs. Igeodu, the Nurse into his office. The short meeting was about the fainted man; and since every member of the foreign visitors still holds the belief that the man was already dead, this time was ripe opportunity for him (T.B. Joshua) to do what he had dreamt of doing a very long time, to raise the dead like Jesus Christ did, but the pattern he planned to use was that of Elisha in 2KINGS 4:33-34.

 Mrs. Igeodu administered sedative injection on the already fragile man in bad condition of health to keep him still on the bed, wool was inserted into his windpipes, and he was laid straight as a dead man on the bed. Everyone knew exactly what he or she must do after the short meeting with T.B. Joshua. Other ‘disciples’ who were not involved in the brief might be seeing your movement, but they cannot decode or understand what was going on except the smart ones who had been involved in a similar errand before. The Cameramen had set up their gadgets in the room where the aged man was laid, and T.B. Joshua was led into the room by a ‘disciple’ who pretended as if she was just passing the information to him. It was a drama.

NARRATION: –T.B. Joshua touched the man on the bed to see if he had slept off, of course, there can never be any response, thanks to Mrs. Igeodu’s sedative injection. So, T.B. Joshua raised his hand up in the air in front of cameras as if ‘praying’, there were lots of mistakes which was taken care of by Seun Abiola, one of the editors in the Studio. T.B. Joshua practices on the camera cassette were wiped off through reuse of the cassette by Sister Deola. Then T.B. Joshua laid flat on the man for some seconds and stood up; that was his own part.

Then, we have to be on standby until the man wakes up from the effect of the sedation. With the Voice of T.B. Joshua inserted, the real voice used was Brother Nkechi who shouted the man’s name severally before the man suddenly jacked out from his deep sleep, as he opened his eyes and mouth to answer the caller; that was the reaction the Editor needed to finalize the deceptive packaging, Shina and I were called upon to-do voice over to perfect all gaps of unnecessary noise on the tape.

 This video cassette was sold all over the world, and it went viral on YouTube to deceive the naive. The following morning, T.B. Joshua instructed us to play the edited video to the foreign visitors in their dining room. We assembled the entire guests in the dining room, they were looking gloomy as we told them the cock and bull story of the previous day event. It was basically about one of them who had gone to be with the ‘Lord’, they all answered affirmative. They were still in mourning mood; their breakfast was left untouched. We informed them how we prepared the man for the morgue, but message came from T.B. Joshua that the man’s death was to the ‘glory of T.B. Joshua’s fake god’ (always using biblical quotation to deceive people); that they should not bother to take his body to the morgue. The guests were a little confused and perplexed, asking why we should keep human remains

inside the hostel? The packaged video of lies, and deceit explained the rest as we played it for them. When they saw what happened with tight editing, they rejoiced and demanded to see the resurrected man, many of them started calling South Africa to testify lies. We told them that Moses would still need some rest. The sedative injection administered on him was still in his system, he could not yet coordinate himself. It took another day before we allowed Moses Marole to receive visitors from among his group members, and before then, he had been thoroughly brainwashed on the Synagogue version of what happened to him. If you watch the video, Moses had no testimony at all, he was just rambling, a pure patched interview. Some of the visitors knew that Moses case was not as bad as we presented it in the video, but they went back home pondering over the event in their mind. GOD IS WATCHING!

If T.B. Joshua truly has power to heal or raise the dead, what about many other visitors who died under his roof without been able to raise them to life? The incident of the first story I recounted in this Chapter took place at the adjacent room to where T.B. Joshua slept that fateful day in his bedroom; until I woke T.B. Joshua up from his sleep that morning, he was sleeping next room to a dead man. General Tumenta Martin died under Synagogue roof, a Botswana magistrate, Lorraine Makati-Lesang died inside the Synagogue on their so-called ‘prayer line’, if truly Moses Marole died and was raised to life by T.B. Joshua; what about Benson, his junior pastor who worked for him for more than 20 years and died in T.B. Joshua’s presence without been raised to life? Samson, who was a cousin to him died under his roof; and there were other unreported cases of death amongst the general workers inside the Synagogue. I witnessed on many occasions while T.B. Joshua was doing his so-called jingoism type of ‘prayer’ on the sick, and they died right before him. Tamara, a ‘disciple’ from Austria died in two days after she left the Synagogue, Lagos to Austria. T.B. Joshua could not heal or raise any of these people we mentioned from the dead. Ask yourself… what is the authenticity of the Synagogue blatant editing videos that went viral, what is the authenticity of anything you see on Emmanuel TV? Are they real? Forget about what you watch on television; T.B. Joshua manufactures and arranges miracles. Why is T.B. Joshua having pleasure deceiving people? It is for only one reason, to take your focus away from God’s presence, from holding and waiting upon the Lord ISAIAH 40:29-31. Now, the easy one, T.B. Joshua did not travel when the Synagogue collapsed upon him, what a good opportunity presented before him, and his junior prophets or wise men, to get busy by displaying their prowess of healing those that were wounded and raising the dead to life (sic). Even, two of his choir girls were badly wounded, and were hospitalized, one of them was on crutches for many months, while the other was flown out of the country for treatment; but T.B. Joshua would always present on Emmanuel TV to be healing cripple, healing those with cancer, healing the blind, and paralyzed, why does he allow his precious singer to be using walking aid? On top of it, he lied and dodged been prosecuted by the government. IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP people of God! Emmanuel TV propagates falsehood on daily basis. BE WARNED, BEWARE!

(Culled from the Book “THE T.B. JOSHUA I KNOW”)

Get A Copy to be Wiser!