Many people choose the work of Pastor because they have gift of eloquence, so they called themselves into the trade. My take is that people should stop sticking out their necks for any leader. Know who you are and walk your salvation. Whenever we talk about this, people says you are attacking the church, they will curse and abuse you. We need to keep talking about it for 3 reasons:
For these people to be exposed and repent of their evil.
For the gullible, naive and the vulnerable to know the Truth and not fall into the traps of liars.
It is better you are exposed and rebuked on Earth by brethren than to be ashamed on resurrection morning.
I am not an enemy of the Church, all I am saying is that innocent people are suffering spiritually, emotionally, psychologically, from many psychopath people who uses the church to cover their games.
As it is written: “God’s name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.” Romans 2:24
Many called themselves into the work of ministry because of economic recession. Please allow God to call you. In the ministry of Jesus Christ and His Apostles, there were many women that followed them, even converted prostitutes, yet, we do not hear about sexual misconduct amongst them. Does that mean their Gospel is different from the gospel we preach today? No, the difference is: they were sold out to what they believe, but we are not. We only enjoys fame, spotlight, and Mammon.
If you are a church leader and you are sick or you are psychopathic, kindly check yourself in a hospital or cry for help. It is wrong of you to destroy what people of God, the Apostles of Jesus Christ used their blood to pay for.
Whatever you do secretly will come in the open either in your lifetime or when you are long gone. You can destroyed yourself if that is your choice, it will be unforgiving when you destroyed others because of their ignorant of the Word of God, or because they are poor and need help you can offer freely.
Luke 8:17
For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
May we all end well. May we not fall by the waysides. May we hear Him say to us, “Welcome, good and faithful servant, enter into the rest of your Lord.”
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world. But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you. To Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen. I Peter 5:8-11 NKJV
Today February 8th as I always remember yearly the moment I finally stepped out of the house of bondage. I join with the twenty-four elders, the Host of Heaven and the four living creatures, (the awesome foursome, and the foursome awesome) that surrounds the Throne of Majesty in Heaven to give glory, honors and thanksgiving to Him who reigns and lives forever and ever. I fall to my face before Him who sits enthrone on the Throne and I worship Him who lives forever and ever, Revelation 4:9-10 NKJV.
Looking back, I celebrates the goodness of His Most Excellency, The Royal Majesty, The Glorious Redeemer, Everlasting Father, All-Powerful, He that overthrown the enemy into the sea of forgetfulness, The Lifter of my head, Agbanilagbatan, Oloore- Ofe, Obangiji, Osa N’oghidua, Osa’lobua, Osẹikhuẹmhẹn Ekhuẹmhẹn, Odogwu Akataka (Fearless warrior), Ejide obi esike (My confidence), Echeta Echezo nkpa (He that takes away pain/worry), Di nwanyi isi mpe (Husband of the widow), Ikuku amanoya(Unquenchable God) Obata obie (He that ends every trouble) Akwakwuru (Unpushable God), Dike na’gha (Mighty Warrior), Chi ne cherem (The God that thinks for me), Eze ndi Eze (King of kings) Oke mmiri n’ebu ogwe (Great water that carry fearful storms), Oku n’ere ere (Consuming fire), Ike nkwu aba mba (The authority upon which I make my declarations), Oje na mmuo (He that works in the spirit), Ebube mbekumbe ( Glorious forever), Oloru ihe, loro ihe , loro ihe, loro enyi ( Bigger than the biggest), Nkume mgbe ebighi ebi (Firm foundation)
Today, the 8th, February in history marks another unforgettable day that Mercy roared from His Throne to liberate me out of the pangs of darkness, spiritual and physical incarceration, mental and psychological terror, sexual slavery of Abdul-Fatai Temitope Balogun alias T.B. Joshua of the Synagogue ‘church’ of all nations, Ikotun -Egbe, Lagos, Nigeria.
TIME TO GO When God saw it was time for me to leave the Synagogue; some cameras malfunctioned in a conference organized by TB Joshua for the farmers in faraway South Africa. When he return to Nigeria, he summoned ‘disciples’ meeting and accused those ‘disciples’ that followed him to the conference including the foreign ‘disciples’ that they caused the fault of the machines. Therefore, we must go to the ‘prayer’ mountain to ask for forgiveness for offending his ‘holy spirit’. I was not with them in South Africa; but I was included to go for forgiveness, my sin was that I did not travel with them. He said if I had gone to South Africa, such experience would not have occurred because of my dedication. While we were at Agodo, in a place we were to go for prayers, I saw in a quick flash the picture of my mother, she was had aged and was very frail; and for the first time in many years I had lived in the Synagogue I felt concern for her. I summoned courage to ask TB Joshua for permission to go and see my mother in case something terrible had happened to her. The moment I mentioned my mother to him, it was as if a thunderbolt hit TB Joshua, he was not expecting it, he became highly upset and asked everybody to clear out of his office including me. My mind was made up to go visit my mother, so I waited for TB Joshua until 12midnight to be able to inform him that come sun, come rain, I would go to see my mother in the following morning. He said I could not go, period. Among other things he said was, if I went, something terrible would happen on the way, he also said he would lay a curse on his daughter not me, but I insisted. He asked me why I bent on going on a Sunday when every ‘disciple’ supposed to be busy working, I answered him that it has been a long time I had been away from home as he know; possibly she might have moved out of where I knew she lived.
Nevertheless, I said knew my mother’s church where she has been attending before she married to my Dad (she has been a Christian all her life, but my Dad was a Muslim and I grew up with my Dad). We discussed until 3am in the morning. Then, TB Joshua started cajoling me that he was about to send me to South Africa to handle some things for him; but within me, I was not interested in traveling anywhere, but to get out of the Synagogue in one piece.
May your chains be broken in Jesus’ Name
Lastly, TB Joshua played another card, he asked me to go and prepared to follow him to the marine mountain at that ungodly hour (3am), but I would not bulged, I refused. If it were before this time that my mind was darkened I would gladly have obliged. So, he went alone by himself with his driver. Next day, in the morning, while others were dressing up for service, and the Synagogue members were trouping into the service, I ran out. As things worked out, I met TB Joshua by the staircase coming back from his water mountain at about 6am, though I greeted him, but I do not even bother to know if he answered or not. On my way out, the security men caught me but I fought them with all the strength in me and quickly flagged down a motorbike which drove me away from the Synagogue’s frontier. When I got into town, I was just perambulating from one place to another until one Mr. Ojooloye called me on the phone to direct me to the motor park. When I eventually got to my mum’s church, an usher helped me to call her out, and precisely the way I saw her in my vision in a flash, she had aged so much and became frail. A lots had happened to her, she started crying but I encouraged her to be strong. Then, she started praising God for seeing me again, I went with her to her new place as I expected. We talked at length, I apologized for been used to labelled her a witch and not to see her for many years, and I have eventually decided to leave the Synagogue. She asked me ‘why?’ I told her that only God knows but I was no longer comfortable in the place, and I sensed something was not right. I could not bring myself to tell her all my experiences at the time because I was not ready to hear “but we told you so.” My mother gave me her pastor’s telephone number to ask for counseling, and I left for Lagos, back at the synagogue. When I got there, the security man (Phillip) would not permit me to enter, he said I needed a written permit from TB Joshua because I did not present one when I left in the morning. I believe it was a script given to him by TB Joshua, so I became pissed off, I told him to allow me to go in, and pack my stuff and leave finally. While we were on that argument, someone informed me that TB Joshua was at the marine mountain and he asked me to come with her. At the marine mountain, TB Joshua inquired why I disobeyed his orders not to visit my mother, I had no excuse for him, so he asked me what happened at my mother’s place, I knew he wanted to teleguide me, so I gave him a different story that my mother does not wish to see me again because of the past scenarios. Then, he asked Olamide big to escort me back to the main Synagogue and instructed other ‘disciples’ leaders who he had previously instigated against me to sheath their sword. ‘Disciples’ were not allowed to own a personal phone at the time, but I had secretly bought one for myself at the time I worked in ‘The Exclusive’ Newspaper on behalf of TB Joshua. I called my mother’s pastor the following morning and he prayed with me, after prayers, he asked me where I was calling from, I quickly told him not to worry that I only needed guidance about a step I wanted to take. What he said thereafter got me panicked. He said, “oh, I am very sorry for asking, but as we prayed, my eyes opened and I saw that you are in a kind of bondage where there were chains on your neck, both hands, waist and your two legs; I saw that you are tied up like a criminal.” In shock, I opened up to him that I was in the Synagogue, ‘church’ of all nations. The pastor asked gently, ‘what are you doing there? I told him that it was not a story I could relate to him at the time. “Ah! The way I saw it, you cannot leave the place,” he replied. I was confused, with a little irritation, I asked him, “I cannot leave? Why? Was I born here? Nobody owns me but God, and right now I am leaving, no one can stop me, not even those chains you said you saw.” The pastor shouted, “Please don’t try it, if you try it, your enemy can run mad or die because you are already under surveillance radar. If God open your eyes, you will see that there are some horrible looking beings that are manning the gate of where you are; it is not only you, they have the list of the names of those people living there with them.” Ha! as if it was a bad dream to me, I thought within me, is it this bad? I definitely knew some strange things are happening here, but not to this magnitude? I looked around I could not see any strange looking beings, no surveillance radar except security monitors which I know off. In a jiffy, my experience of 7 years backward flashed in my mind, when I left synagogue with strong head, and I ended up roaming the street of Lagos for 3days not knowing where I was heading to (another story). Therefore, I calmed down, almost crying and in a childlike voice, which I could not believe was mine I said, “Sir, am I going to die here? Can God help me? I want to go to heaven.” The pastor assured me that God is ready to help anyone who call on Him because He owns everywhere and everyone, but I must give my life to Christ genuinely, and walk with God. How, I asked him? He said, “we shall be praying together often for God’s direction, and anytime you finished service in the synagogue, it is paramount that you call me for prayers.” I thanked him and we bade each other goodbye.
Deception Of The Age is Unmasked in this Book-THE TB JOSHUA I KNOW
6 YEARS ON… When Will The SCOAN’ Victims Of Collapsed Building Gets Justice?
When I left the Synagogue, ‘church’ of all nations in the morning of Friday, 8th February, 2008, the gates of going to crusades in different countries were shut on TB Joshua until 6 years afterwards in 2014, the year of huge human sacrifice in the Synagogue, when TB Joshua collapsed one of his building on innocent people. If the victims had known that the journey they planned to embark on would become a journey of no return… only if they had known. They would have adhere to Jesus’ Message in John 4:21-24. Our Prayers and thoughts are still with the families of the victims.
It was exactly 3 month after Abdul-Fatai Balogun alias TB Joshua celebrated his infamous birthday on 12th, June, 2014, 6years ago today that over 115 vulnerable, gullible and naïve people from different nations headed to the Synagogue �?church’ of all nations, Ikotun-Egbe, Lagos, Nigeria in desperation for miracles. In need for succour, healing and encounter with God, but ended dying violently when a building suddenly collapsed completely to the ground on top of them.
Countless died painful death, others got life changing injuries, many can never use their legs to walk again after the gruesome experience and many can never use their arms to embrace their loved ones.
Though that incident was not new in the demonic Synagogue of TB Joshua, every insider in the Synagogue know how occasional incident like this occurs to take lives of people in gruesome manner, but that of 12th, September, 2014 could not be covered up like many others, and it has entered into the record of Wikipedia for generations unborn to read and be wiser. Never in the history of the Church of the living God has the children of God suffered such terror and calamities in the hands of a fraudster, and a satanic agent like T.B. Joshua, this is calling for returning to the Lord as the scripture says in Zechariah 1:3.
Many breadwinners are gone unprepared, leaving their protégés at the mercy of life, God is faithful always.
Jean Louis Kalambaie left families and friends in South Africaeronica Mathebula and her husband, Lybon in SCOAN the day before the collapse were among the unfortunate
Intelligent Nigerians knows how T.B. Joshua has become embarrassment to Nigeria as a country and to Nigerians. What more could prove this charlatan, con-artist is a dangerous false prophet than him not been able to see the collapse of his own building which killed over 116 gullible foreigners, and uncountable unaccounted-for Nigerians. But he is very quick to put out his over-edited videos and Photoshop pictures, purporting to have predicted many disasters happening around the world to make himself look relevant, but right in his own compound, under his watch, he could not predict those that add up to the number of people that perished in his own house. T.B. Joshua is a psychopath with zero empathy for the victims of tragedies as he releases fulfillment of false videos to corroborate lies.
Now, read this: This is neither allegation, nor speculation; I will speak and write as one who once lived inside the Synagogue for over a decade, and work in various departments in leadership capacity and closely to the direct source, I know some deeper truth about T.B. Joshua and the Synagogue. There are two major reasons pointing to the collapse of the Synagogue, I cannot be wrong in both ways, the first assertion is final:
T.B. Joshua used the people that died for spiritual lifting sacrifice as a stepping stone to gain more power in satanic realm. TB Joshua has been doing it for many years, we have witnessed how people mysteriously die inside the Synagogue, workers die inside the Synagogue, members suddenly collapse and died, I have coordinated foreign visitors that died inside the Synagogue, we witnessed many �?disciples’ of T.B. Joshua that died inside the �?disciples’ quarters inside the Synagogue, and their bodies were smuggled out to be buried secretly, but this particular one of 12th September 2014 was too huge for cover-up, T.B. Joshua couldn’t hide it. The sacrifice was one of the reason immediately the house collapsed, TB Joshua needed certain number of deaths, so the Synagogue quickly closed its gate on the good Samaritans that volunteered to help the victims to get number of deaths; and until it became undeniable and un-coverable, if not, the Synagogue ground would have been their graveyard. T.B. Joshua would have buried them all inside his shrine with corporation of his spiritual moron �?disciples’ and members that are under his spell. In usual manner, TB Joshua would let the �?disciples’ believe it is �?God’s’ work they are protecting.
Since I left the Synagogue in 2008, (for over 6years) to 2014, T.B. Joshua was not able to travel outside the shores of Nigeria to perform his usual scam crusades; but in the year 2014 before the collapse and shortly after the collapse, gateway was open for T.B. Joshua through the huge human sacrificing both locals and foreigners souls in one swing, and he went over to South Korea, Mexico, Paraguay, UK, Israel, Panama etc to display falsehood. Never in the history of the Church of the living God has the children of God suffered such terror and calamities in the hands of a fraudster, and a satanic agent like T.B. Joshua, this is calling for returning to the Lord on the part of genuine believer and followers of Christ Jesus as the scripture says in Zechariah 1:3. The more reason why people should know their Creator personally and serve Him devotedly wherever they may be, rather than running helter skelter to prayer arrangers, especially places like the Synagogue �?church’. The Synagogue is not a Church of Jesus Christ, T.B. Joshua is not a Christian, and I am warning everyone in the Synagogue to be at alert because you can never tell when T.B. Joshua’s demons intend to strike to unleash mayhem on the innocent people in the compound of the Synagogue. TB Joshua buried many demonic things and swords all around the Synagogue, which also is in the logo of the Synagogue.
The type of Swords TB Joshua buried under the Synagogue appears in his emblem. It symbolizes sacrifices and death.
To further confirmed what I enumerated above, Brother Nkechi, one of TB Joshua’ �?disciples’ said he was called into T.B. Joshua’ office to conduct some strange looking men round that particular collapsed building site, and he noticed how they walk round the building three times before they left, and the unimaginable happened a week after their visit. He said they return after the collapsed and did the same walking round at the same spot where the building collapsed.
One certain time, the Synagogue was expecting large number of visitors from South Africa, and few days later, unexpectedly, one Mr. Adebayo, a prophet from Japan call into the Synagogue to inform us that he would be leading 100 Japanese religious tourists to the Synagogue. Faced with problem of accommodation space; greedy T.B. Joshua does not want the expected visitors to stay in hotels outside of the Synagogue because he does not want to lose the money the Japanese visitors come with. So, T.B. Joshua instructed that they should put unplanned new layer of floor on top of a building within a short period of 2 weeks that will accommodate the expected guest. Masons/workers work day and night including their supervisors (�?disciples’); and building process was not duly followed. The very day the visitors arrived, while they and their luggage were delay at Murtala Muhammed International Airport, Lagos; wet plastered walls were being hurriedly painted in the Synagogue; and plumbers also were busy still fixing water faucets, and other convenient fittings. Everywhere smell fresh paint, putting the visitors and their coordinators at risk. This is the story of a greedy man called T.B. Joshua.
It is not surprising in July 2015, when the coroner released its report on the Synagogue’s collapsed building – proving that the collapse was inevitable due to a litany of serious structural failings, for example:
Inadequate beams of 750mm by 225mm, which should have been 900mm by 300mm.
Inadequately reinforced columns, which should have been reinforced with 12 x Y25 bars or 20 x Y20 bars, instead of 10 x Y20 bars as seen in the video released by SCOAN.
Inadequate bearing pressure for the central column due to the 2m x 2m x 0.9m foundations.
Failure to introduce rigid zones for bracing the structure and did not design the frames as an embraced structure
Failure to provide movement joints that could have absorbed any movement due to creep, contraction and expansion, and differential settlement, etcetera.
8 out 12 main beams of the structure failed because they were undersized, under-reinforced both in tension and shear, the tension bars were poorly anchored to the column supports and 8 x Y20 was used instead of 14 x Y20.
The ground floor columns were slender and readily gave in to buckling.
The coroner, Oyetade Komolafe ruled that SCOAN was criminally negligent, and should be investigated and prosecuted, “SCOAN was culpable because of criminal negligence resulting in the death of the victims.” (Source: BBC). This is on the net for everyone to see.
Paid Gullible youths, Journalists, and Nollywood Celebrities used by TB Joshua against the Judiciary. They protest with placards on October 24, 2014 outside the Ikeja High Court in Lagos during a hearing into the cause of the September 12 collapse at a guesthouse of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), which killed 115 people, including 84 South Africans. A coroner on October 24 ordered one of Nigeria’s most popular preachers to give evidence at the inquest. TB Joshua’s lawyer, Jude Nnadi, had argued at the hearing that his client would not be able to come in person “because he was not an eye-witness” to the tragedy. But coroner Oyetade Komolafe overruled him and summoned the popular televangelist, known to his followers as “The Prophet”, to appear on November 5 because his evidence was crucial. AFP PHOTO / PIUS UTOMI EKPEI (Photo credit should read PIUS UTOMI EKPEI/AFP via Getty Images)
Supporters that were hired by TB Joshua hold T-shirt shared to them during the ruling of the coroner’s inquest on the collapsed guesthouse of Joshua’s Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) at the Lagos High Court, on July 8, 2015. A coroner on July 8 said a megachurch run by popular Nigerian preacher TB Joshua should be prosecuted after a building collapse killed 116 people, most of them South Africans. AFP PHOTO / PIUS UTOMI EKPEI (Photo credit should read PIUS UTOMI EKPEI/AFP via Getty Images)
A South African official Funeka Ndungane (R) discusses Tee Mac who pimps Nollywood artists for TB Joshua. Omatshola Iseli in the Coroner’s courtroom at the Lagos High Court on October 13, 2014. A coroner’s inquest was opened and adjourned in Nigeria on October 13 into the deaths of scores of people who were killed at the TB Joshua’s Synagogue Church of All Nations. AFP PHOTO/PIUS UTOMI EKPEI (Photo credit should read PIUS UTOMI EKPEI/AFP via Getty Images)
“failure to obtain building approval contrary to Section 75 of the Urban and Regional Planning Law of Lagos State 2010.
Involuntary manslaughter causing death contrary to Section 222 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State 2011.”
In June 2016, the trial started, and T.B. Joshua criminally went behind to hire/rent some miscreants, scrupulous entities from Nollywood ranks and other places as agents to bring the government to its kneel, and to seduce the judiciary. People were seen in court premises carrying various placards with intention to intimidates the government through the inscriptions they bare, shouting war songs and with innuendo remarks, a repented insider amongst them later informed me that every person present in court was rewarded 200,000 naira each ($600) of blood money from T.B. Joshua; and the Synagogue provided transportation that conveyed them to and fro; only God knows the amount of money he pass through to the people on the bench because after couple of days all the shenanigans of the judiciary went silent without conclusion. SCOAN have not been cleared of the charges – where is the justice for the many families who lost their loved ones, bread winners, head of families, or those whose lives will never remain the same again due to their horrific injuries? We believe Lagos State Government can do better than what they are doing presently. We need to keep the families of the departed in our prayers to be strong, and continue to use this sad occurrence as warning to others who are in habits of looking for spiritual arrangers and false prophets. Stay in your homes and cry out to God, He promised to answer you whenever you call on Him JEREMIAH 33:3. The same God of the mountain is still God in the valley, He is the God everywhere; don’t act in unbelief by travelling up and down.
We apologize that our email earlier this week came as a shock to many. Since then, many have been asking why we made such a drastic decision after 10 years of total commitment to SCOAN. We pray that as you read, you will examine all we say in the light of God’s Word. Its so important to have independent minds – to go to God to seek for the truth. First of all we would like to sincerely apologize for misleading you. We have deceived you in that we kept silent about many of things that take place at SCOAN in Lagos. We have also misled you by justifying and making excuses for many inexcusable things that take place at SCOAN and on Emmanuel TV. No matter our good intentions, before God we are responsible for this, and therefore ask for your forgiveness. Over the last few years, Angie has suffered with depression and suicidal thoughts. She made sure she was strong for the team and in public, but it was a continual battle. In private, she would say things like, “I wish I was never born”, or “Its so difficult to continue with life, I’m praying for God to kill me”, or “If not for you and Loveth, I would kill myself.” I mentioned this to TB Joshua on the phone and he spoke to her and told her not to say things like that. I also mentioned it to him months later when I was in Lagos and he said he would speak to her. Last week, things became really bad and I sat her down in desperation to try and find out what was happening .On the outside her behaviour didn’t make sense. My parents paid for a nice flat for us, we had a beautiful child, a great team and a growing church. She eventually broke down and said that she feels extremely guilty. She explained that TB Joshua used to call her to his room, make her take her clothes off (although not her underwear), and basically either masturbate himself on her, or tell her to masturbate him. On one occasion he told her to remove her underwear and had sexual intercourse with her. TB Joshua told her that he was doing these things because he loved her, because she was his daughter, and to help her because of the problems that she had. These occasions took place between 2001 and 2005. She felt that talking about this would betray TB Joshua and God. But within her, she could not forgive herself and felt that God could not forgive her.
Angie has been living in condemnation about these acts for the last 10 years. She felt she couldn’t tell anyone because she didn’t want to betray TB Joshua. This may sound ridiculous, but as a former disciple of TB Joshua I fully understand. As disciples we are conditioned to basically consider TB Joshua as infallible (he even has a teaching about this). Disciples will say he has weaknesses, but no disciple will tell you a weakness that he has. We basically consider him above correction, above wrong. We justify everything he does. Anyone who speaks against him is labelled as a Blasphemer. Questioning him is said to be questioning the Holy Spirit. As a disciple you are taught to be loyal to TB Joshua in all things.
So on the one hand Angie thought that these acts were OK because it was the “man of God” that was involved, but on the other hand she had huge amounts of condemnation. This secret was destroying her but she felt that to speak about it would be betraying TB Joshua and therefore working against the Holy Spirit. It took 3 years of marriage for her to get to a place that she felt she could trust me enough to tell me. When Angie told me, it shocked me and caused some deep reflection. I believe her, for the following reasons:
1. There are 3 other foreign disciples (2 of them Pastors anointed by TB Joshua to pray for people) who have made similar allegations (not to mention the Nigerian allegations) 2. She has nothing to gain by making this up, in fact, her saying this is causing us to lose so much.
3. She doesn’t exhibit any signs of a lying spirit (and neither did the other disciples who made allegations previously, none of them went to the press or wrote articles on the Internet, or exhibited other negative behaviour)
4. In my years as a disciple I have seen female disciples lovingly stroking TB Joshua’s legs, and he has not done anything to stop it.
5. I have seen female disciples go to his bedroom alone at night on multiple occasions. I have been called to his room at night, to find him alone with a female disciple (I am not suggesting that something bad is happening on all those occasions, but just that it is unwise)
6. I have witnessed times that TB Joshua has instructed the disciples to put an unmarried couple in the same bedroom.
7. TB Joshua often refers to people as prostitutes and uses sexual language often and without shame (i.e. publicly talking about the male sexual organ), also referring to masturbation in strange ways. (e.g. telling the female disciples that when they are preaching on Emmanuel TV men will be masturbating as they look at them)
8. TB Joshua does not live with his wife. She has her apartment, and he has his apartment.
9. TB Joshua walked unannounced into the girls room in Johannesburg and one of the disciples was topless, he didn’t leave or apologize, and she didn’t cover up. In the few days after Angie told me, its like a veil was removed from my eyes. I realized that although I have seen wonderful miracles at SCOAN and received some great messages from TB Joshua, at the end of the day he is not perfect and is just a man. In what I am about to say now, I am not saying that I am perfect and above mistake, I do not want to judge TB Joshua, that is for God. I simply want to examine some of TB Joshua’s actions in the light of God’s Word.
TB Joshua fan club? (Its linked from official site)
TB Joshua’s face on all merchandise
TB Joshua’s picture sold in photo frames at the church, those who buy his picture are allowed to have anointed water.
Huge picture of TB Joshua in his office
TB Joshua’s picture hung next to other “God’s Generals”
People often kneel down when speaking to him (not just in service but in his office)
Anger? I have seen TB Joshua:
Slap disciples, men and women, incredibly hard in the face
Push disciples over
Whip disciples until they bleed and urinate on the floor
Make disciples walk around naked to disgrace them
Make disciples kneel for 3 days as a form of punishment on numerous occasions.
Drops the phone when he hears something he doesn’t want to.
Throw his plate on the floor because he didn’t like the food
Call cameramen / commentators / ushers abusive names in the live service,
Kick the cameramen if they don’t get the “right shot” during the live service
Call disciples together to verbally abuse a disciple he is not happy with.
Deception? Here are a few examples of many.
In many of the healing videos, the audio of TB Joshua saying, “in the name of Jesus” is added later, although he never said it at the time.
In TB Joshua’s personal testimony documentary, the photo of him in prison is blatantly photoshopped, yet it is claimed to be real.
The phone receivers in the office, lie often. TB Joshua instructs them to tell callers that he is either at the mountain or resting, when he is actually in the office.
Physically Challenged – In the live service many disciples told the world that they have made friends with the physically challenged and will phone them everyday. This didn’t happen.
Haiti – TB Joshua said we will be in Haiti forever and that whatever money we need to give the government for land, we should give it. 2 weeks later he said that we shouldn’t spend any money on the land, and that we should leave in 2 months if they don’t give us the land for free.
TB Joshua said to the media that we have adopted 500 orphans and that it is a 3million dollar project for Haiti. Even on Emmanuel TV they showed photos of children that it was claimed were orphans we were helping. They were not orphans, and when he spoke we hadn’t helped any orphans.
There is department in Lagos specially set up to make positive comments about TB Joshua using false identities. They are also instructed to make negative comments about other pastors.
Out of the 20 disciples who have been anointed as Pastors to pray for the sick, only 7 are still with the ministry and only 5 are still allowed to pray for people. One had an affair and left his wife of more than 20 years. Others left because they weren’t allowed to get married. Three left claiming sexual abuse, etc.
Disciples often lie and many exhibit generally bad behaviour.
Many disciples who have been there for 15 years plus and are now in their 30s and 40s are not even allowed to think about getting married.
Here are a few things out of many, which upon reflection caused me to be seriously concerned about aspects of the ministry. Angie and I went to Lagos to speak to TB Joshua about some of these things, but were unable to meet with him. Our car was held at gun point and we were stopped from leaving the church by the Nigerian police (acting under instruction from TB Joshua). We had to push past the police and get onto a motorbike to be able to leave the church premises. Our driver later called us to tell us that TB Joshua had sent a vehicle full of police to the airport to look for us. We have video evidence of this. So this is in a nutshell why we are leaving SCOAN. I know a lot of this will come as a big surprise to many of you. Especially as we were so positive about everything to do with Lagos. I can only say that I have been deceived for the past years. I said that we should examine everything in the light of God’s Word, but actually there were certain aspects of TB Joshua and his disciple’s lifestyles and actions that I didn’t examine in the light of God’s Word. I’ve ignored and made excuses for many of those things for many many years. For this I can only apologise.
Miracles or anointing are not a sign of infallibility or perfection. This is evident from the Bible and from church history. Matthew 7 and 1 Corinthians 13 are two chapters which we have spoken about at church that clearly make a distinction between the gifts on the outside and the character on the inside. Peter was the greatest apostle in the history of the church, yet he made some serious mistakes and had to be publicly corrected by Paul (Gal 2:11). Peter was not above mistake, and neither is TB Joshua. No-one is infallible. Even those who walked with Christ and received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost made some major mistakes. If you read the book “God’s Generals” you read about many people used mightily by God who made some very serious mistakes. Grace is grace, its unmerited favour. Either God uses imperfect people, or he doesn’t, who is to say which man is better than another. Romans 9:15 says God has mercy on whom He has mercy. I believe that by God’s grace, a lot of what we’ve been building at SCOAN UK has honestly been for the glory of God and has been built on God’s Word. The church is not the structure, the name or the Sunday meeting. It is the people. My prayer is that each of us will draw closer to God in this time and that in whichever way we all move forward, God’s glory would be reflected in each of us. I understand that this email my provoke more questions than it answers. Angie and I are happy to speak on the phone or communicate by email about any of these issues.
I am inspired by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. My research and personal experiences further put me ahead in world of writing from the fountain of deeper thoughts. So, I believe when you conquered a realm, authority will be given to you to lead others out to a higher realm as you share your experiences. Get a Copy and be Blessed!
People eyes are beginning to open, read the experiences of people across the world in – Reasons You Should Not Visit The Synagogue ‘church’ Of All Nations
Deception Of The Age is Unmasked in this Book-THE TB JOSHUA I KNOW
Whatever the trouble that may confront you, read-ON CHRIST THE ROCK