In a society profoundly influenced by the allure of faith and spirituality, it is commonplace for individuals to become enchanted by the charisma and promises of religious leaders. However, such enchantment often blinds adherents to the lurking shadows that accompany these bright lights.
“Beyond the Pulpit: Shrouded in Secrecy – My 16 Years of Spiritual Slavery in TB Joshua’s Court” is a compelling and sobering narrative penned by Babatunde John, a figure widely recognized in spiritual circles as Akewi. This book endeavors to peel back the layers of intrigue and secrecy encasing one of contemporary religion’s most enigmatic personalities, the late T.B. Joshua, and the influential institution he founded, the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN).
Within the pages of this book, Akewi offers a richly woven tapestry of personal experiences, insights, and revelations that span a decade and a half spent entrenched in TB Joshua’s ministry. Drawing on his intimate knowledge gained as a close associate and participant in the church’s inner workings, he invites readers into a world where the line between genuine spirituality and manipulative control is frequently blurred. His candid reflections reveal the paradox of a congregational environment that thrived on the promise of miraculous healing, spiritual rebirth, and divine revelations—offering hope to thousands—while simultaneously entrapping its followers in a web of deception, spiritual enslavement and emotional manipulation.

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