
Birthright Compromised – How Come Esau Become A Beggar & Jacob A Grabber?

I want to give God, the Most Exalted One All glory, honor, and Adoration. I want to appreciate Him for giving us another opportunity to minister His infallible Word deposited into us by the power of His Holy Spirit? Every day we are witnessing is opportunity to do it better than yesterday. We cannot continue doing the bad we’ve always done and want to live in the freedom of Salvation, it is not possible. For we to live in the freedom of salvation, old things must give way to new. Today I want to talk about birthright compromised. Why did Esau become a beggar in his father’ house; and his brother Jacob became a grabber. What a dysfunctional family! I believe the wisdom of God would come into us and lead us into this eternal message for the reader and the writer.
I remember a night vision I had sometime 2014/2015, this will also bring some meaning into this message: Let me create a scenario here that will bring understanding: I remember in that vision of the night, I was holding something in my hand, and every person around me in the dream were trying to wrestle it out of my hand what I was holding; then, I woke up. Though, they didn’t collect it from me, but it was a tug of war. The scripture that came to my mind when I woke up was in Revelation 3:11 that says, “11 I am coming soon. Hold fast what you have, so that no one may seize your crown” Revelation 3:11.
I thank the Holy Spirit for reminding me because it’s also necessary for the clarity of this message. In Revelation 3:11-13, Jesus was saying to all His followers that He would be coming soon, and we should hold all fast to what we have so that no one may seize our crown, the one who conquers all the blessings, and the promises are there.
Now, how come Esau become a beggar, and Jacob a grabber in their father’ house. This is a birthright war that led to a compromise. I want to set up a scenario here that will help with understanding before I go into the spiritual aspect of the message.
Citizenship anywhere can be acquired by any person automatically by the operation of the law, this takes place in situations: by virtue of the person’s birth within territory or because one or both of their parents is (or was) a citizen; or by marriage, or by application. Some Countries operates with Unrestricted Birthright Citizenship because they have nothing to offer, no papers, nothing. Anything comes and goes. Anybody can enter the country, you cannot do that in a country like the US, UK or Singapore. If anyone visited those countries without due visas, such person(s) would repatriate back to his original country and banned.
Also the Kingdom of God operates on protocol; there are members of that Kingdom who are citizens, but even though people were all invited freely, yet there is protocol. If we do not follow due protocol, there may be problem. We remember a man that didn’t follow the protocol, a man without the wedding garment that was thrown out, such fate may befall such person(s) (Matthew 22:11-13). But the moment we follow the protocol according to John 1:11-12 says, “He came to His own and His own rejected Him, but as many that receive and accepted Him, He gave them rights to become children of the Most High God.”
So, after we have fulfilled all righteousness and become a citizen of the Kingdom of God, we have rights and privileges to cry “Abba Father” (Romans 8:15). Rights to become children of the Most High God and if you have become His child, you can talk to Him and learn His ways. As you are all born into our individual physical family setup, you have such rights and privileges.
1. Right to habituate, because you are member of the family
2. Right to food.
3. Right to be educated
4. Right to water
5. Right to speak to your parents, no matter how high handed they are; you have rights to ask questions and to receive answer. That is what Jesus meant in Matthew 7:7, “Ask, and it shall be given unto you.” We have the right to call unto Him by ourselves as He promised to answer – Jeremiah 33:3; Mathew 7:7, we do not need anyone to help us. Many do not understand that the basis for answering answers to prayers is the revelation of God’ Fatherhood, which is the foundation to an effective prayer. If you don’t know Him as Father, you cannot confidently approach/engage Him for talk. It means you will be looking for a prayer contractor, and an intermediary. Jesus says in Luke 11:2 that we must approach God as Father. Father can do anything for their children. In one of David songs, it says, “As a father pity his children so the Lord pities them that fears (regards) Him. For He knows our frame: He remember that we are dust” Psalms 103:13-17.
6. Right to clothing, no sane parent has baby and leave the baby naked. When Adam sinned, God clothes him even-though Adam tried to clothe himself, the clothe he sown for himself didn’t fit, God had to come into the situation. So, as a child of God, if you mess up, go to God, do not run away from Him.
All we need to do is to return to him with all our heart (Zechariah 1:3). So, if you are born into a family, your needs are met by your parents. I don’t see a good parents that we have children and don’t care about them. If you are an owner of a property, it would be an abomination to be locked out of your property; you have rights to it. If you don’t know your rights is another thing; and if you don’t know your rights, you will be short-changed. People will deceive you to part with what you have. Jesus warned in Revelation 3:11, “Do not let anyone take what is yours.”
If you do not know your rights in your father’ house like Esau, to call on him whenever you have issues; your birthright would be placed on negotiation table of trading stock for bazaar, it would be wrestled from you, and you will be short-changed on what is due to you. There are some people that are streetwise targeting your rights, but you don’t need to be streetwise in the Kingdom of God, we must all be contented with whatever our portion is; you don’t need to grab another person’ destiny. Between birth and rights, some people only experience births without rights, and others enjoys both.
Now how do we get both birth and rights in one word? As I earlier mentioned if you are an owner of a property, it is an abomination for you to be locked out of your property, but it happens to some people; the preacher in his book of Eccl. 7:10 says he had seen another abomination on the earth, “While princess walk on the ground, slaves rides on the horses meant for the prince. It is an evil thing.” As a Prince, you should know that all that belong to your father belong to you, except you don’t know your rights. If you don’t know, that is when you begin to run to false prophets for help. And they will begin to trade on the rights that originally belongs to you, what happens afterwards is a compromise.
In the Kingdom of God, everyone that belogs there have equal rights, and that birthrights must not be traded, God forbid it, remember Revelation 3:11. Birthright must not be undervalued, God frowns at it, you must subject your birthright to be nothing of importance. Everyone has their place of strength and weakness, discover your own and maximize it. Birthrights must not be despised, God hated it. There is a purpose one is born into a family; birthright must not be devalued. You must not say. Oh, I cannot do it. You also have your strength. You need to You need to discover your strength. This is the reason God said Esau I hated because He had seen the end from the beginning. Esau despised his birthright because of instant gratification; what he ate and pass out in the toilet. He did not value his right, so he couldn’t stand present temptation. He could have confronted Jacob and say to him, “Even if I do not have money today, I have a positioning in this house. When our parents started to build family, why couldn’t you jump forward as the first born? That is my right, my birthright. That is my position. You can have all the money and build houses, hotels all around town; you are still the last born here. When we come to the family meeting, I have certain right you don’t have, and I am not going to trade it for peanut. If you go back to your home, you have all the rights to instruct your servants on what you desire; but here, in our father’ house, I will cherish my rights.
If you despise your birthright, where will you get another? When we begin to put things in this right perspective as children of God, life will take a greater turn, we will not take decision we would regret tomorrow. Many young women had traded their rights because of nothing, may the mercy of God speak for us all and that is the purpose we were talking this today. When challenges of life come, and we cannot call on God, something bad would happen because you will begin to listening to the voice of strangers. Jesus said My sheep would not listen to strangers (John 10:27-28). They hear My voice. That was the reason when Adam said “I am naked”. God ask him (Genesis 3:10-11), “Who told you that you are naked”. This was the same Adam that shine the glory of God to all creation, the same Adam that God brought all animals He made to; and asked him to name them and whatever Adam call them became their names (Genesis 2:19-20). What happen to Adam, he compromised his right by talking to a stranger and traded his birthright and lost his authority. You are now saying somebody told you that you are naked, a child of God is now saying he has family curse; who told you that? False prophet/teacher? Where were you when your grandfather, and father committed what they said they committed? What did the Word of God’ position on curses? You don’t know. They said if I don’t do this, you are under a curse, right?
Strange spirit told Esau that he would die if he didn’t eat, and he believed it and lost his right forever.
Talking about compromise. When we talk about compromise, compromise means changing the question to fit in the already made answer in your mind. I hope you understand that. You change the question. You don’t need to change the question to fit in the answer, you are only deceiving yourself by changing the question to fit the answer in your head. I remember a friend of mine who watch a broadcast on YouTube, and the much sweet, talked woman analyzed some life issues she had helped lots of people to find solution to. So, my friend needed an alibi, she asked me to watch the video and tell her my thought. Sincerely, I was disappointed in her because we have a stand on Christ and His Word, He said by their fruits you know them. The sight of the woman tells me a lot, so I didn’t bother to check on her and didn’t get back to my friend. After a month, my friend asked me to check on the video again, so I told her that Christ or nothing for me. It was 6months past that my friend confessed to me that she contacted the woman, because she had some issues, she said the woman began to tell her things that are not scriptural, that was when it dawns on her that Bisola was right. We must be careful, contacting some of these kinds of people can compromise our rights in Christ. It is an exchange for them, it is a transaction for them. Esther had just one direction she faced and it was a direction of no return, she said, “If I perish, I perish” (Esther 4:16). The 3 Hebrews boys do not reconsider the situation they were about to face, minds fixed on God (Daniel 3).
Our help should be from the Lord, not on our feelings. Esau bowed to his feelings and placed his birthright on negotiation table, he lost.
Let me give you a scenario to understand, let’s agree that Esau was hungry and came home to be fed, and Jacob his brother was not playing ball to give him food without taking something in return; why couldn’t Esau cry to his mother, if he knew his mother didn’t like him much, where is their father? I have listed the responsibilities of parents from the beginning of this message; they are the providers. Let’s say in a home where there is good relationship. Yeah, there was no cats and rats’ relationship. Where no one is planning to usurp another one’ rights and position. where there were plans that one is planning to become greater than the second. Just one mother and one father, the same birth. Let even say that your junior brother was a selfish type, of course many siblings are selfish, and Edom was hungry, and Jacob refused to give him food. Why couldn’t Esau had shouted to mother. Let’s take it another way, if mother was acting out because of the prophecy she received during their birth, why couldn’t Esau had called on Dad? Maybe Esau was not in good relationship with them because he was a lazy type that do not do his chores at home. Which parent would show open love to such stubborn child?
Now, let’s bring it into our relationship with God as followers of Christ, you don’t pray as you ought to (Luke 18:1; Matt. 7:7; Jer.33:3). You don’t read the Word (Joshua 1:7-9). You cannot live successfully outside of God, ask those people who lived outside the Garden of Eden. You will know what happened to them. It was in that place, outside of the Garden of Eden, outside of the presence of God, even-though they could be rich in terms of silver coin and promissory note, building houses and cities, bearing children like rat. These are unbelievers’ measurement of God’ blessings. Yet, the presence of God is missing in their lives. Every time they must be negotiating living with satan, and there is no way you can outsmart satan. satan has been in the business of cheating before you were born, before everybody came to this place, satan will outsmart you of your glory if you don’t know how to approach God. But with God we don’t negotiate, He is the loving Father, even if you sin, you can reach Him. Go and ask the prodigal son, the moment he showed up at the porch of his father house, his father knew that, for his son to have returned home, he had repented, and the father restored him to his original position in the family. He commanded clothes to be brought, family heirloom was placed on him, ring in his finger and party was thrown. Angels are happy in heaven when the children of the Kingdom return home. We don’t negotiate with satan. God is a good Father, and it is His good pleasure to give us whatever we need. It does not offend Him if we ask all that we desire to live for the purpose we are created for. The scripture says, “Silver and gold belongs to Him, even cattle on a thousand hills” (Haggai 2:8; Psalms 50:10-12).
There is no doubt, there is wisdom or lessons in this birthright saga between these two brothers. Now, it’s Jacob’ turn, and this wisdom will be against Jacob. We mustn’t be what God does not want us to be. After many years of Jacob outsmarting people, his brother, his father, his uncle Laban, I’ve never seen someone like Jacob before. The important question is: does those things he took from people made him to be who he eventually become? No, those things will only bring sorrow, unrest into his life. Peace left him, you can’t do all that and you have peace. Peace left him and he ran away from home, he couldn’t go to the market without looking over his shoulder because of fear, he knew those he had duped would come for him.
He was always on the run, there was no correlation between his mind and his brain. This is why many pastors today have bodyguards because they know that some people are coming for them. They have stolen people’ properties. I remember when we were in synagogue, there was one man who visited TB Joshua from US.

He came with one beautiful car; and TB Joshua instigated one man called Nkechi to convinced him to give TB Joshua the car in exchange for the miracle he sorts for. After some time, the man didn’t get anything as miracle, he saw that TB Joshua had swindled him, and the man who introduced him to TB Joshua advised him to get a lawyer to repossess his car because he himself has earlier lost 10million naira to TB Joshua. Do you think if TB Joshua didn’t restore on time, would they not have hunted him? Those men have guts to confront TB Joshua, there are many other persons that didn’t have mind to confront him. Why should you be doing the work of pastor and surround yourself with bodyguards; who want to kill you? Those people you took things wrongfully from, but you don’t need to steal from anybody in order for God’ promises to be fulfilled in your life.

 The things Jacob took from people didn’t add up to God’ promises for his life. It wasn’t those source that prospered Jacob, so, stop being wicked to others. Grabbing, grabbing, grabbing, grabbing, grabbing will not help anyone. The Word of the Lord says, it is only the blessing of the Lord that makes rich, it is not the corrupted blessings you have stolen. The blessing of the Lord attaches with no sorrow; but the blessings you stole will add sorrows. Jacob become what he became because of God’ plan and purpose for him, stop outsmarting people, Stop helping God, you cannot help God. Yes, someone had giving you vision, or prophecy have said you would become a millionaire in life; ok, now what should we do? Must you become a bandit to actualize the vision? That was what Jacob did. He became a desperado at every turn, duped his brother, conned his father, and duped his uncle. Stop out-smarting people. Stop helping God; God is not crippled. God does not need anyone’ help to fulfil His promises. It’s God’ show, not ours. For Jacob to fully understand God’ path, God had to take him back to the beginning of time. When he escaped his uncle’ place in a hurry, in the dead of the night because of what he had done; he was afraid at the back (Uncle), and afraid at the front (Brother). What kind of life is this? So, when he got to Peniel (Genesis 32:24-32); that was when God met him, as he was in meditation in the presence of God, thinking about his life and the Angel of the Lord appeared. The Angel of the Lord asked, “what is your name?” the name he had was a bad omen on him. Jacob was taken back to the beginning of himself so that he could start a new spiritual journey in life. And he said to Jacob, your name shall no longer be Jacob, Israel. Now that he became Israel, when Jacob, I mean Israel got to Shechem, something happened to his daughter, Dinah. If it were the old Jacob, he would have done something very bad in taking a revenge, but because he has become a new man. He said to his children to allow peace to reign as he released everything into the hands of God to judge.

 So many of us need to go back to the beginning. We cannot use street wisdom to work with God or to help Him to fulfill His promises in our lives. We must develop relationship with God, if you don’t have relationship with the Father to speak to Him if you are in need, that’s when you will begin to negotiate your needs with people that will exchange your birthright like Esau. So now concerning you Jacob in the Kingdom of God, you don’t need to grab people’ things because they are vulnerable. No, you should not; we are saved by the grace, not of our own, so that no one will boast (Ephesians 2:8). The psalmist says, “Not unto us, he repeated it, Not unto us, but unto God Be the glory unto Thy Name.” Ps. 115:1-8), We must realize that He is our help in time of need; we must stop taking advantage of people like Jacob, pastors should stop tying people’ destiny down to get relevancy in life. Many places of worship have become polluted to the point that anybody that enters there can no longer be normal. It is not fair, it is ungodly, it is unacceptable; it is abomination before God. You must stop living another man’s life, all that you accumulated will end one day; what would it be your profit to gain the world and lose your soul (Mark 8:36-37).

For your birthright to be compromised means you don’t know who you are in the family like Esau, or like Esau who was lazy to cook, a lazy Christians that can’t read their Bible, have no time to pray, and too gluttonous to fast. You are always looking for a prayer contractor, asking every dick and harry to pray for them. Can you pray for me? Can you pray for me? Crippled minded Christians would keep asking around till they get to destiny negotiator that will grab their birthrights. If you become a beggar like Esau, transaction would happen on your birthright; exchange will take place and your birthrights will be compromised.

Now, this is for Jacobs in the house of God, please stop grabbing people’ rights; you would be what you would be no matter how long it takes. When you grab, you think God need help, but the Word of God says, “He rules in the affairs of men.” He knows everything, He can do everything by Himself. With all the things that Jacob stole, when there was food shortage in the land of Canaan where he lived, Jacob sent his children to Egypt; why couldn’t the food he had last him a lifetime? What a lesson we learn here! God bless you. Thank you very much.


CHURCHES You Must Avoid Because They Are CULTS

Religion is said to be the “opium for the people” or “opiate of the masses.” I believe the contention behind this phrase is related to the prevalence of false information about God being circulated by wicked set of people who takes the advantage of feeble-minded people in our time. God is not interested in religion but in relationship with His creatures. So, falsehood deceptively gives people artificial, illusory happiness – like the opium does to drug addicted people. This goes further to say that false religion is for the weak-minded or the emotionally disturbed that need religion as crutches to get through life.

Religious cults are groups of people that organized themselves to control their followers’ minds and compels them to adhere to a strict belief system organize around a charismatic leader. Unlike a true church of Jesus Christ, a religious cult is destructive and uses fear and manipulation to command their membership. If you evaluate their doctrine, examine their practices, and take your time to look at the true church objectively, you can determine whether an organization is a legitimate church of Jesus Christ or a Cult.

CHURCHES You Must Avoid Because They Are CULTS:

  1. Churches that use and sell anointed (Holy) water and give out pastor’s pictures as protection.
  2. Churches that expects you to respect the Man of God over your parents and family
  3. Churches that only one single man that claims to be GO pray for the sick to claim relevance instead of allowing elders to pray according to the scripture.
  4. Churches that claim that the Pastor, apostle or prophet is always right and never wrong
  5. Churches that expect you to be in church 3-4 times a week and pray to the God of your man of God.
  6. Churches that don’t do altar call to pray for people’s Salvation.
  7. Churches that don’t preach about sinful lifestyle, Heaven and Hellfire.
  8. Churches that the Man of God always counsel and pray for women alone.
  9. Churches that force and manipulates you to give money for prayer, prophecy and conference.
  10. Churches that the Man of God is too important, exclusive and difficult to have a meeting with and kneel, stand or clap when he comes into church.
  11. Churches that the Man of God abuses his wife and doesn’t want to recognize his wife or be seen with her.
  12. Churches that members dream about their pastors/prophets praying or having sex with them.
  13. Churches that want you to allow your underaged female children to live with the pastor/prophet.
  14. Churches that use fear, to cage people’s minds.
  15. Churches that the leadership is a lying machine, using lies to cage people’s minds.
  16. Churches that turn their members to be morons/zombies.

Run, Run, Run for your life🏃🏃🏃🏃,

Let me read your comments and experiences if you have any at the comment section.

God bless!

Apostle Sule Backs Out To Prove His Fake Miracle Money

Nigeria and Nigerians are going through the worse in history. Crying and being killed daily for asking for their rights. Church Pastors, Politicians, Government officials gang up to destroy the citizens of this great Nation. In our episode tonight, we look into the activities of one Apostle Johnson Suleman, a charlatan, who is famous for deception, and performing fake miracle money. This Apostle Johnson Suleman at one time connive with another charlatan from Zimbabwe called Uebert Angel to organize another fake miracle money in Nigeria. They showed many actors and actresses they sponsored to displayed fake Bank alerts to deceive the public. Now, that Nigerians are suffering because of bad monetary policy of CBN and Banks, we are calling on these charlatans to come out of their hideout to help Nigerians out of this menace if truly they can perform miracle money. There is no better time opportunity has presented itself to these pulpit bandits, casino pastors to do their usual razzmatazz to alleviate the suffering of the common men who stupidly had in the past made these false pastors to be rich, famous and deviant in the society. Watch the below video and let me know what you think in the comment section below.

God Bless!

Get Your Copy!

Late TB Joshua Kept Me Under Duress As A Prisoner

Life in the Synagogue church of all Nations can be so deceptive to the outsider and traumatizing to the insider. The Emmanuel TV viewers sit at home watching lies, make belief, stage-managed miracles and a performer who called himself prophet, with his team of deluded actors and actresses called disciples. What A life! What a Shame!

Martina shared her story with me on “The Experience” Platform tonight and it was heartbreaking to hear what late TB Joshua did. Kindly like my videos, subscribe to my YouTube channel and feel free to share

Late TB Joshua – A Psychopath

The Dictionary explain the word PSYCHOPATH as




  1. a person affected by chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behaviour.SIMILAR:madman/madwomanmad personderanged personmaniac
    • INFORMALan unstable and aggressive person:

While in the Synagogue living with TB Joshua, we had series of experiences that bring us to this conclusion. Paul Agomoh is with me in the studio to share experiences.

In my Book, The TB Joshua I Know– “T.B. Joshua once raised an all-glass center-table up, and threw it at Jimoh, threatening to smash Mr. Jimoh’ head to the wall; thank God, Jimoh could run. Why? This happened because there was a man called Christian, who claimed to be a footballer, and needed T.B. Joshua’s help to travel overseas, he lived inside the Synagogue for some time. When Peter Rufai (Dodo Mayana), a top soccer goalkeeper visited the Synagogue, he faulted the guy as a footballer, but the calculations of the money which footballers usually earns had blinded T.B. Joshua to believe what Dodo Mayana said about the man. T.B. Joshua had already had his calculation that by the time he helped the guy to travel overseas to play International Club side, he would be sharing the money with him. When we reported to T.B. Joshua that they guy was a liar, T.B. Joshua became angry that we do not want him to enjoy the guy’s money, and so was it at last; the guy was busted. As T.B. Joshua deceives people, he is also being deceived. Most times, he would suddenly become highly irritated and wild, banging doors and pursuing people around in the ‘disciples’ quarters. Sometimes, he would refuse to go to the service, until the women in the service would sing, sing and sing in his name; or sometimes, he would suddenly become upset inside the service, and left all the people unattended. One day, he dressed like a mad man, he wore many clothes together inside out, and he pasted some things on his face, with a bowl over his head, and was dancing around ‘disciples’ quarters. Whenever these things happen to him, they would say, ‘Adaba’ is flying, meaning ‘Dove, interpretation that his holy spirit is not happy.’ Howbeit, the scripture testifies of Holy Spirit of God to be gentle and kind, not crazy like TB Joshua (GALATIANS 5:22-23; 1PETER 3:4). After some time, T.B. Joshua would calm down by himself after a while and starts to laugh; we lived with a sick man who is being tormented by devil. ‘Disciples’ were constantly under fear and panic, you cannot predict the next moment with T.B. Joshua. My work in the studio shielded me away from most of these attacks, except whenever he called for general meeting. T.B. Joshua cuts himself away from the people of his past; many of them surprisingly died mysteriously the moment they get in touch with him.”

The TB Joshua I Know
Deception Of The Age is Unmasked in this Book-THE TB JOSHUA I KNOW

No Hiding Place For satan – SO HELP ME GOD

Today, as one of those that God pulled back from the brink of hellfire through His Mercy. I will not hold my peace nor fold my hands seeing others going on opposite direction of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and are led by the vicars of darkness, to be slaughtered in the abattoir of bewitching dark world through doctrines of falsehood; and I will become unconcerned about their souls.
I shall be unrelenting in my unapologetically raising proclamations against such evil acts even if I am a last man standing, I will intensify in exposing their activities.
So, help me God!

The TB Joshua I Know
Deception Of The Age is Unmasked in this Book-THE TB JOSHUA I KNOW



Our Number One Need is Prayer

Jesus admonishes every believer in Him in Luke 18:1 that “men need to pray and not faint.” In the preceding verses, He further elaborate on the loving heart of our heavenly Father, Who is always ready to answer our prayers. One of the best ways you can help us reach the world with the Word of God is to join our WATCHMEN FOR BJF GROUP

. More specifically, please pray that:

  • Many individuals and families will be saved
  • More locations, communities, and countries allow the preaching of God’s Word
  • Members will travel safely and in no way be prevented from doing their work
  • There will be steady flow of funds to cover evangelism around the world.
  • Children of God will not backslide.

Join us as a Partner in Prayer and you’ll receive:


You can see how your prayers are making a difference as you read our eNews for the latest testimonies and stories from recent Scripture distributions


With this calendar, which is in and out of seasons, you will be joining hundreds of thousands of our Friends and members praying.


You will have the opportunity to meet our members and Friends in your community as we invite you to local events as our special guest.


God is interested in the People Living on Earth

Follow Christ



A Personal Journey

The Bible is the foundation for Christianity. It contains the answers to all of life’s vital questions and changes the very lens of the worldview through which we view reality. Most importantly, it teaches us how to have a true, meaningful relationship with God.

These verses illustrate the plan of salvation:


For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. – John 3:16

But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. – Romans 5:8


For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. – Romans 3:23

As it is written: “none is righteous, no, not one” – Romans 3:10


For the wages of sin is death; but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. – Romans 6:23

But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God. – John 1:12


Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I come in to him and eat with him, and he with me. – Revelation 3:20

For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” – Romans 10:13

But these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. – John 20:31


As a Christian, you can talk to God through prayer and share your heart with Him. No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, He is faithfully listening for you to call on Him. To begin your new life in faith, pray this simple prayer:

“God, I confess that I am a sinner and I am in need of salvation. I believe Jesus died on the cross for my sins and rose again to bring me new life. I ask to receive your forgiveness and grace and choose to follow You as my Lord and Savior. Amen.”


The church is the body of Christ, designed to bring Him glory through worship, to teach Biblical doctrine, and to equip its members for evangelism. After making your decision to receive Christ, we encourage you to prayerfully seek a healthy Christian community in your local church that will help you continue to grow in your walk.

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. 2 Peter 3:18


Assurance for the believer comes directly from God’s Word. The Gospel tells us that because Christ died for us, anyone who trusts in Him may know that their sins have been forgiven, once and for all; and they shall be empowered to be children of God (John 1:11-12).

Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. – Romans 10:9

Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment but has passed from death to life. – John 5:24


2023 Global Prophecy – Bisola Hephzi-bah Johnson



Congratulations it’s another Year!

Always remember that Yesterday is gone, Today is ours. Tomorrow is in the Able Hands of the Almighty God.

To live in peace with God…Repent of your sins (Mark 1:15).

To be delivered… Go personally to God through Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:12-14; Act 4:12). There’s nothing called deliverance ministries, Jesus did it all.

To enjoy good health… Exercise, eat balance diet, stop eating junks (3John 1:2; 1Tim. 4:8)

To live well… Go and work, stop waiting for destiny helpers in churches where you shout, “I receive, I receive.” You received nothing. I was once there (Deut. 28:12; 2Thess. 3:10) Be Merciful (Matt. 5:7; Ps. 18:24-26).

If you are in need… Pray to God (Jeremiah 33:3; Matthew (7:7).

To be spiritually intelligent and balanced… Always read and meditate on the Word of God (Jos. 1:8)

If we are sick in the body…Pray (Jeremiah 30:17; Exo. 15:26) AND GO TO THE HOSPITAL.

Challenges may come but we must rest in Him (John 16:33).

Always pray, read the Word of God and learn something new that will improve your life positively.

PLAN … God loves people who plans (Luke 14:31).

PLANT good seeds because you will benefit from it another time.

Love yourself, appreciate yourself, celebrate yourself, bless yourself, be happy with yourself always. You can’t give what you don’t have to others.

Be cautious… Don’t rush into things, carry God along.

STOP USING GOD AS RUBBER STAMP, we need His guidance.

We must stop living double-faced lifestyle of hypocrites because of money. Let us be sincere with one another. Be a blessing to people, don’t live for yourself alone.


First, you must know that we are all in this together.

So, No man knows tomorrow, I don’t know tomorrow, your pastors, and prophets don’t know tomorrow. You have seen how they failed in their predictions many times. No angels know tomorrow, No satan or demons knows. We follow God by faith (Heb. 11). If you know tomorrow, you don’t need God. Stay in your lane, and let God be God. We must rest in God’ Word. You do not need anyone to forecast what tomorrow holds for you, you actually don’t need it. The Lord Jesus Christ says, let Today’s issues be enough for us to deal with, if Tomorrow per adventure comes, the Lord who Rules in the affairs of men (Daniel 5:21) is still on the Throne of Mercy to see us through (Ps. 23:5).

Shun forecasters.

Shun casinos pastors and Jehovah sharp sharp peddlers

Snub SANGOMAS and Babalawos/ Mamalawos in the cloak of prophets/ prophetesses. Hand of Esau, voice of Jacob international ministries. Reject magicians in the cloak of pastors.

RUN away from star gazers in the name of prophets.

Ignore talk na do, falsehood peddlers.

Let these people go and prophesy to their families first.

Do not allowed yourself to be deceived and they make mockery of your life.

Christians should stop checking horoscope newspaper pages or waiting for what Papa’ prophecies would say to them to teleguide their lives. We have seen many of them divorced, died, and managed sicknesses, they are humans like everyone.

Man is inquisitive by nature, and he wants to know what tomorrow holds for him, this is why most people are so fascinated by those who claims to know the future or possessed the gift of prophecy. Nevertheless, if we realize that Jesus is in our future and our Future is safe in God’s Hand; we shall have peace and rest in God (1Cor. 2:9). He said in Jeremiah 29:11 that “I KNOW THE PLANS I HAVE FOR YOU.” Only God knows and only Him can bring us into it.

Though our beginning may be small, Yet, our latter end would increase abundantly (Job 8:7). Life is not a competition.

Happy New Year 2023 all lovers and followers of Truth.


For the Love of the Church of Jesus Christ.

NB: I didn’t go to any mountain, I only used it as caveat to gain your attention; but of course, Prayer and Fast are part of my living.

Bisola Hephzi-bah Johnson